Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
FIC: "Logos" (Rita Skeeter/Dolores Umbridge) 
15th August 2011 23:50
Title: Logos
Author: [info]kelly_chambliss
Pairings: Rita Skeeter/Dolores Umbridge
Rating: R-ish
Kinks/Themes Chosen: body writing
Other Warnings: blood play
Word Count: 1400
Summary: For Rita Skeeter, "word" and "sex" and "blood" are synonyms.
Author's Notes: Dolores Umbridge and her blood quills seemed like a natural for this prompt. And if anyone's going to be a match for her, it's going to be Rita. So I put the two of them and some Dark quills and parchment into a room, and this fic is the result.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Potter. . .

. . .is mad. . ."

The words form in bold, angular script on the inside of Rita Skeeter's left forearm, and she hisses in pain and satisfaction. At first the letters are pale, mere white scratches against her skin, but as she watches, the outlines fill with the bright red of her own blood.

With the blood comes heat, heat that travels from her arm to her cunt and straight out to the quill resting in her right hand.

"Dot it," orders a breathy voice.

Rita spares the speaker a glance, taking in the disheveled greying curls, the flushed face, the open and panting mouth. Dolores Umbridge, her pink hair bow slipping sideways over one ear, her pink-upholstered bosom heaving, is plucking at her pink tweed skirt, rucking it up over her knees. When she makes a little kittenish mewling sound, Rita grins.

Dolores is getting desperate, and that's just the way Rita wants her.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

She'd been surprised, years ago, to find that she wanted Dolores at all, as anything, let alone as a bed-mate. When they'd first met, early in their careers, Rita had considered Dolores a sort of grotesque joke. She'd been an assistant to an assistant to an under-under-secretary to an under-secretary or something, while Rita had been the rising star reporter at The Daily Prophet.

Yet soon Rita had realised that she did want Dolores -- as an inside source for stories, one of the many Ministry snitches and snouts that any good reporter needs. They'd established an informational quid pro quo, with Dolores feeding Rita what Ministry tidbits she could in return for tip-offs about any upcoming journalistic exposés that might reflect badly on Dolores's bosses.

It hadn't taken Rita long to recognise Dolores as a kindred spirit, a woman admirably ruthless and dedicated primarily to her own advancement. They hadn't trusted one another, of course, but that was all to the good, Rita felt; it kept them from any foolish temptations to friendship or similar weakness.

Sex, when it happened, had been just another layer of their professional relationship. They'd come together after a clandestine meeting in a smoky Muggle pub. The summer evening had been hot, and by the end of it, Dolores had reeked -- of sweat, of ambition. . .and of desire.

It was a heady musk, the same one that pulsed from her now, and Rita had sensed an opportunity -- a sexually-compromised Dolores would be even more useful as a source: she'd owe Rita information in exchange for having her sexual secrets kept.

As for compromising herself, well, Rita wouldn't be. So what if it got around that she was willing to sleep with someone to get a story? Stories could be purchased in all sorts of currencies, and sex was as good a coin as any.

So, after considering the risks and deciding they were few, Rita had leant over and slid her tongue into Dolores's pink mouth. It was a little repulsive, but it was also business.

Dolores, after a moment of stillness, had reciprocated by biting Rita's lip hard enough to draw blood.

Ah. So it was going to be business mixed with pleasure.

That was fine with Rita, because as far as she was concerned, the two were the same. Good story, good orgasm, no difference: both of them gave her the same feeling of fire in her blood and sweetness on the back of her tongue, both of them gave her the same giddy, gasping, clenching sense of total fucking triumph.

When Rita came, when Rita wrote, she was in charge. With the slash of her quill, on parchment, on flesh, she could make the world bleed.

She'd dug her lacquered nails into Dolores's neck and bit back.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Dot it!!" Dolores demands, more urgently. "And add an underline!"

This time, Rita laughs aloud.

"Not so fast, dearie," she says, lightly touching the "P" on her arm and feeling again the welcome burn. "I'm not the only human parchment in the room. I've shown you mine; now it's time for you to show me yours."

Dolores tries to act as if her deepening flush comes from girlish embarrassment rather than arousal, a pretension that gives Rita a little surge of pleasure. Silly pink cow. She can't see that her little affectations are a weakness, and Rita isn't about to enlighten her.

"Now, now," Rita says, tapping Dolores's knees with her quill. "Don't be shy, Headmistress. Let me see that front-page smile."

Dolores isn't actually the Headmistress of Hogwarts yet, but she's soon going to be, Rita would bet on it -- and she's determined that Dolores will be her own ticket back to success. No more unemployment for Rita Skeeter -- that Granger bitch and her blackmail schemes be damned.

Rita feels her gorge rise at the thought of Hermione Granger, but she forces herself toward calmness. She needs a scoop, and Dolores needs good press, and together they can do for each other.

Quid pro quo.

Dolores giggles and hitches her skirt a little higher, then higher still, revealing her thick white thighs. They are fleshy and puckered, but otherwise are gloriously unmarked. . .so far.

So far.

But the night is young, and the blood quills are fresh and sharp, and Rita is -- first, foremost, and always -- a writer.

It's time to make some words.

"Harry Potter is mad, is he?" Rita asks, using the feather tip of her quill to trace delicate whorls on Dolores's skin, fluttering the plume higher and higher on the pristine inner thighs. Dolores wears no knickers, and the scent of her arousal fills the room. "You know that's not enough, Dolores."

"It's not?" Dolores whispers, her little-girl voice sweetly disingenuous.

"No, it's not," Rita replies. She deftly catches a drop of blood from her arm and draws her reddened finger lightly along Dolores's clit. The kittenish giggle changes abruptly to a gasp; Rita hides a smirk as the plump legs open a little wider.

"You see," Rita continues, moving her quill back to the sheet of parchment in front of her. The words "Potter is mad" have already darkened from crimson to burgundy. "I need. . ."

Her quill strokes, loops, and slashes; the word "Proof" appears in glistening red lines on the page.

And on the pale soft skin of Dolores Umbridge's inner thigh.

The gasp becomes a little shriek, and Dolores begins slowly to rock her hips. Rita retraces the word on her parchment, deepening the lines on Dolores's leg until the blood gathers thickly, in gleaming red beads. If blood could be Transfigured into gems, Rita thinks -- rather poetically, if she does say so herself -- the drops would be carnelians. Or garnets.

But blood can't be Transfigured. It's one of Gamp's exceptions, and it pleases Rita to think that she can succeed where magic fails. Magic can't turn blood into jewels, but Rita can write words into life. Hasn't she just turned Dolores's very body into a command? Power visible.

Dolores is breathing heavily. "You want proof?" she asks. "Write it, then."

Rita moves the quill back to the parchment and waits.

"Delusions," Dolores says, her voice ragged with need. "The Potter boy has delusions of grandeur, thinks he's some sort of avenger. He's trying to raise an army. I have witnesses. Write it!" she barks. "Delusions."

"D," Rita writes, etching each stroke with excruciating slowness. She feels her skin part, sees the lines form on her arm, feels her rage at Granger drain out of her along with her own blood. She's almost at peace.

She starts the "e," and her cunt throbs deliciously.

Dolores is practically sobbing as she watches; there is spittle in the corner of her mouth. But she says nothing until the entire word has taken crimson shape.


"Yes, delusions," Dolores whispers at last, lying back on her bed, her legs spread. "He has delusions. There are witnesses; I'll give you their names. Now fuck me."

Rita has been feeling herself grow more powerful with every movement of her pen, so she doesn't even bother to use her wand as she Transfigures her blood quill into a thick, anatomically-correct dildo.

Quill into cock; what could be more appropriate?

The Word made flesh.

Rita rubs the head of the cock across the new, bright word on her arm.

Then she steps between Dolores's legs and thrusts.

16th August 2011 14:46
Ooooooooooh, your Rita is delicious. She's always been one of my favorites of the "villain" sorts, and this is a great addition to why. *Applause!*
16th August 2011 21:46
Thank you! It was such an odd pairing, I wasn't sure anyone would read /g/. So glad you enjoyed it.
16th August 2011 19:15
Your characterizations are delicious! Those two are a match made in hell, and you show this in a most fascinating way. Love the idea with the blood quill. Dark and powerful!

Dolores tries to act as if her deepening flush comes from girlish embarrassment rather than arousal, a pretension that gives Rita a little surge of pleasure. Silly pink cow. She can't see that her little affectations are a weakness, and Rita isn't about to enlighten her.


Quill into cock; what could be more appropriate?

The Word made flesh.

16th August 2011 21:47
Thanks for the detailed feedback. I had a blast writing this pairing, and I'm glad you enjoyed them.
16th August 2011 19:42
Oh, just gorgeously wrong and right together.
16th August 2011 21:47
Thanks for reading!
16th August 2011 20:50
You are amazing and so is this fic. *shivers in delight*
16th August 2011 21:48
Awww, you're too kind! Thank you; glad you enjoyed it.
17th August 2011 14:24
The way this is written is so clever. It's such an obvious pairing and kink (Rita and Dolores and their quills) that I'm astonished I've not come across it before (am kicking myself for not thinking of it too).

And the whole final part is so sensual I want to quote it all. Deviantly delicious.
18th August 2011 05:06
Thanks! They did seem like a natural fit, once I thought of them. I've long been wanting to write an Umbridge fic (and in fact have 8000 abandoned words of of a failed one languishing on the hard-drive). So I welcomed this chance.

Glad you enjoyed it.
18th August 2011 02:27
This is a pairing I never thought I'd read, but damn if this wasn't hot. Using Blood Quills this way is an absolutely yummy and devious idea, and like someone else said, it fits perfectly for these two. I really liked the way you wrote Rita, too.
18th August 2011 05:09
Thank you! Rita is rapidly becoming one of my favorite characters to write; lots of complex potential.
18th August 2011 03:51
What a great choice of pairing, and a fascinating treatment of both these characters! Wow, the heady rush of ambition and fierceness is making me swoon a bit!
18th August 2011 05:11
Thanks for reading! (and for the Quibbler rec.) Ambition and sex just seem to go together. . .
18th August 2011 09:17

Oh my god. Oh. My. Fucking. God.

This is. Just. Gah.

I have a serious weakness for ink/quill kink, and powerplay, and bloodplay, and this is just. God. Wow.

Your Dolores is so wonderfully, beautifully ugly. And your Rita takes my breath away.

So many lines I love:

It hadn't taken Rita long to recognise Dolores as a kindred spirit, a woman admirably ruthless and dedicated primarily to her own advancement. - omg yes

Good story, good orgasm, no difference - THIS. So perfect. I love the comparison of stories to sex in Rita's mind, and you show us so beautifully here the ruthless way she approaches both.

With the slash of her quill, on parchment, on flesh, she could make the world bleed. - Gorgeous.

Magic can't turn blood into jewels, but Rita can write words into life. Hasn't she just turned Dolores's very body into a command? Power visible.

Quill into cock; what could be more appropriate?

The Word made flesh.

ahsgjsgshgdfwjedfajwtfedwqytfdwyqtfwgdw. That is all. You have reduced me to keyboard mash.

(And you need to write Rita more often. I loved her before, in Truth Beyond, and she slays me just as much here. I want to eat her with a spoon. The end.)
18th August 2011 09:37 - and since i am so inarticulate, have a small selection of appropriate gifs
Image Source,Photobucket Uploader Firefox Extension

Image Source,Photobucket Uploader Firefox Extension

Image Source,Photobucket Uploader Firefox Extension

Image Source,Photobucket Uploader Firefox Extension
20th August 2011 03:57 - Re: and since i am so inarticulate, have a small selection of appropriate gifs
These gifs are great! I laughed aloud; thank you.
18th August 2011 10:54 - Oh oh oh and

The thoughts on Hermione are wonderful, too -- lovely little sting in the tail/tale, there, given that Hermione's demands on Rita and her article for the Quibbler will bring all of her plans to use Dolores as a step back up crumbling down.
20th August 2011 03:56
I'm so glad you liked it! If I have the Feather-Rita seal of approval, I know it's good /g/

I was a bit afraid that I was borrowing too many ideas from "Truth Beyond," but I really do see Rita as someone for whom writing is a sexual and power thrill. So that part of her character will probably always be there in any fic I write for her.

Thank you for this lovely feedback.
18th August 2011 12:17
I love how you start this with the kind of thing children write on walls: Potter is mad. And then the rest of that section. One of the very rare times when someone uses the c-word in a situation where it actually works and fits the character.

When they'd first met, early in their careers, Rita had considered Dolores a sort of grotesque joke. and canon-Dolores is very much that. Until you reach the levels of evil underneath the bows, the kitteny pinkness, the toadyness.

a sexually-compromised Dolores would be even more useful as a source Absolutely. And reeked is a brilliant choice of words. All the canon ugliness without quirks.

Ah. So it was going to be business mixed with pleasure. Wow!

When Rita came, when Rita wrote, she was in charge. Great insight.

But the night is young, and the blood quills are fresh and sharp, and Rita is -- first, foremost, and always -- a writer. Another great one. It's the whole point of what she gets from it - other than the business usefulness, of course.

poetically, if she does say so herself love how Rita keeps assessing her own words.

And may I join the chorus and say that The Word made flesh. is brilliant?
20th August 2011 03:58
Thank you for the detailed, thoughtful comment. I'm glad you like the writing/sex connection; it basically defines Rita for me.
18th August 2011 14:11
Oh my badness!
feels her rage at Granger drain out of her along with her own blood

You really are inside her head, and a wholly believeable Umbridge with all of her charm intact. Even for you this one is amazing. I love the "blood into gems" as well.

20th August 2011 03:59
You really are inside her head
This should be a scary thought, but actually, it's kind of fun.

Thanks for reading, Lash.
19th August 2011 18:19
When Rita came, when Rita wrote, she was in charge. With the slash of her quill, on parchment, on flesh, she could make the world bleed.

*shivers, in a good way*

I'm normally a bit wimpish when it comes to bloodplay, but this was brilliant -- I love how unpleasant both characters are, and how this makes them a perfect match for each other. Also, my favourite kinkfics are those where the kink is used as a means of exploring the psychology of the people involved and/or their relationships, and this is a prime example of just that. Bravo!
20th August 2011 04:00
, my favourite kinkfics are those where the kink is used as a means of exploring the psychology of the people involved and/or their relationships

Thank you for this! It's what I always strive for, no matter how kinky or PWP a story may be. I'm so pleased you think character comes through here.
22nd August 2011 05:09
This was creepy and brilliant and deliciously, twistedly hot.
1st September 2011 01:22
Thanks! I found it surprisingly fun to write Dolores.
23rd August 2011 04:58
Wow. This is intense. From beginning to end. I love the way you've drawn Rita. I am impressed beyond words that you have Dolores' pink bow askew -- I'm impressed with other things, like the smooth, vivid writing for example, but that detail struck me. I could almost feel the power trip Rita is on and seeing her more than a match for Dolores was gratifying. Very well done.
23rd August 2011 21:22
Thanks! I've been wanting to write Dolores for a long time, and this prompt seems perfect. And of course Rita is always fun.
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