Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Art: Little Wyvern (Draco/Charlie) 
13th August 2011 09:32
Title: Little Wyvern
Artist: [info]akatnamedeaster
Media: Colored pencil/toned paper
Characters/Pairings: Charlie/Draco
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Chosen: Alernate pairing
Other Warnings: explicit nudity, cross dressing
Summary/Description: Charlie's handled much bigger dragons than this one before, although few were as much fun as this one promises to be.
Artist's Notes: This one was an exercise in frustration since I could not get either the characters or pose right to save my life. I've only drawn Charlie a few times and this is my first time drawing Draco in addition to coming off an art hiatus.

I do, however, love the idea of a big, burly Charlie taking an effeminate Draco in hand and giving him the ride of his life. I'm probably going to explore this idea further on my IJ since it has a lot of entertaining possibilities. ;)

13th August 2011 13:49
I do, however, love the idea of a big, burly Charlie taking an effeminate Draco in hand and giving him the ride of his life.

So do I, which is one reason I adore this pairing. ;-)

Yummy! Looking forward to seeing more of this theme.
13th August 2011 13:58
Thanks and yes, there will be at least one more in this vein. :)

I'm not much of a Draco fan to be honest but the idea of dressing him up in girly clothing and letting him be man-handled is very appealing. *evil grin*
13th August 2011 16:17
Even if he's not in girly clothing, the man-handling bit..... oh yessssss
13th August 2011 18:26
Hehe, seriously, Draco is made to be man-handled, could be my chance to work out my negative feelings toward the character. ;)
13th August 2011 15:10
very yummy. :D
13th August 2011 18:27
Thank you!
13th August 2011 15:19
Mmmm...have to say, I'm loving the attention these two are getting this month. :D I'd say for coming off a hiatus, this is gorgeous.
13th August 2011 18:27
Thanks very much! I really want to take another whack at these two since I do find the pairing interesting, especially the chance to play with differences in body types. :)
13th August 2011 15:57
I heartily approve of you exploring this pairing more, darling. Damn! Love Charlie's tat (and his cock *g*) and Draco's...blissful expression. Very nicely done.
13th August 2011 18:28
Thanks! Yeah, I think I'll have to have another go at them then, after all, this picture hasn't even gotten to the fun bits yet!
13th August 2011 16:18
LOVE the way he's pulling down Draco's underwear, and ... mmmm is that a little bead of somethin' shiny on the end of that cock?... oh yeah..
13th August 2011 18:31
mmmm is that a little bead of somethin' shiny on the end of that cock?... oh yeah..

*evil smile* Thanks!
13th August 2011 16:29
I'm not a big Draco fan either, but I like what you're Charlie's doing to him...
13th August 2011 18:32
Thanks! You know, I'm warming to him just a tiny bit...very tiny, but still. ;)
13th August 2011 18:02
Mmm, that is really hot and is hitting so many of my kinks. Guh!
I do love a cross-dressing Draco. *licks*
They both look so blissed out, Charlie is NICELY built, omg, and Draco looks so very pleased to be where he is. (Who can blame him?)
13th August 2011 18:34
He is, and he may as well since I don't think Charlie's letting him squirm away. :)

I'm huge cross-dressing fan and Draco is a natural for it.
13th August 2011 23:58
This is fabulous and hot!!!!

I love Draco's expression and Charlie's cock! Delicious. :D
14th August 2011 01:16
Mmmmm, YES YES !! Draco being manhandled, oh yes, and especially by a big man like Charlie. Wooo! Love it!
14th August 2011 04:15
Mmm, I love both of their expressions and the pose. Hot as hell and fabulous!
14th August 2011 06:21
I've written my first Charlie/Draco fic for the [info]bbtp_challenge and while it was a stretch for me, I can see them together.

I do have a "Guh! Man! Big, brawny, hunky man!" for your Charlie, and a few "Huzzah! Huzzah! Ho, mama!" yells for Draco.
14th August 2011 13:13
Oh god, your Charlie is so hot! Love the tattoos. And Draco looks so pretty and eager. ;)
15th August 2011 02:50
Damn but that is hot.
18th August 2011 07:57
I can't keep my eyes off Charlie's cock. *cough* Their musculature is delish!!!
17th December 2012 23:14 - peanuts_mum
gah that's so hot, what a beautiful cock Charlie has and a lovely pearly drop of pre-come
5th March 2014 13:42 - Little Wyvern
Okay... where is it? I don't know if you've moved it or the server is down, but I've searched AO3 and your IJ, too, for this piece with no success.
5th March 2014 13:44 - Re: Little Wyvern
Hmm, weird since my server is up and this wasn't one I removed. I'll have to go into my back-up and restore it. Thanks for the heads up!
5th March 2014 13:52 - Re: Little Wyvern
No problem and thank you, darling!
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