Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
(ART)" Feathered Friend" Albus Dumbledore and Falkes. (not a pairing) 
19th July 2011 00:22
Title: Feathered Friend
Artist: tripperfunster
Media: Ink pens
Characters/Pairings: Albus Dumbldore
Rating: R
Kinks/Themes Chosen: erotographomania (fingering)
Artist's Notes: I gotta say, this place has the BEST mods ever. (except for that sexy bitch who runs Hump_day_smut! ;)

19th July 2011 06:00
He's enjoying himself so much! :D And so, obviously, is Fawkes. Also, nice legs there, Albus, for such an old geezer. Although the length of his fingernails makes me wince a little, considering where he's putting them.
19th July 2011 11:17
Whee, looks like he's having a good time! :-D
19th July 2011 15:21
Love both their expressions. :D He clearly knows how to take care of himself. ;) Awesome.
19th July 2011 22:41
oh my god, perviest looking fawkes ever : D
20th July 2011 10:09
My favorite of this must be Fawkes because of his expression, hee~ BUT Albus' fingers and beard just fascinate me so. I love Albus' expression, he looks so content. <3
20th July 2011 23:59
Oh my God, the look on Fawkes' face! *dying* Awesome as always. :)
25th July 2011 18:03

I will never be able to think of Fawkes in the same way again...
28th July 2011 20:37
Ahahaha! Win!
30th July 2011 20:45
I love the blissed out look on Albus' face, the beard and Fawkes, but you know what's cracking me up more than anything? How long Albus' fingernails are! Eeeek! *giggles*
9th August 2011 05:23
I know you said it's not a pairing but I'm getting the impression that Falkes would like to join in. Wow! Albus' nails are adding an element of danger to his pleasure. *goes back to staring at Albus' & Falkes' expressions* (°ε°)
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