Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Art - NWS - Remus & Sirius 
5th May 2011 01:55
Title: Blindfold
Artist: [info]ericahpfa
Media: Pencil, Pen, References
Characters/Pairings: Sirius Black, Remus Lupin (trust me!)
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Chosen: Blindfold
Other Warnings: NWS
Artist's Notes: I played a little fast and loose with this theme but I am happy with the end result!
Art Preview

5th May 2011 05:16
Oh my!
*drools helplessly*
5th May 2011 05:23

Thank you!!!

I had a lot of fun with this one.
5th May 2011 05:22
Damn. *fans self*
5th May 2011 05:24
Thank you!!!
5th May 2011 06:16
very hot! and remus looks so pretty!
5th May 2011 13:32
(Sirius actually - I really need to work more in colour)

Thanks so much!!
5th May 2011 06:31
wow. that's so sexy and gorgeous at the same time.
5th May 2011 13:33
Thank you so much!
5th May 2011 09:54
Oh WOW! That is just GORGEOUS. Nnnggh! Very nicely done.
5th May 2011 13:33
Matching icon! *g*

Thank you!
5th May 2011 12:15
*whimpers weakly* SO HOT.
5th May 2011 13:33

Thank you so much!!
5th May 2011 13:25
I love the way Sirius is holding Remus's face, so hot and pretty. Gorgeous art!
5th May 2011 13:34
Thank you!
5th May 2011 13:48
Nice! I really like Remus' finger looped through Sirius' tie...
7th May 2011 22:29
I liked the idea of Remus wanting to see his eyes at the end. Seemed like something he would do!

And thank you!
5th May 2011 13:51
OMG The look on his face! Ungh! That's just... *drools*
7th May 2011 22:29
Thank you!!!

5th May 2011 14:19
Beautiful and quite amazing!
7th May 2011 22:30
Thank you so much. :)
5th May 2011 15:09
I'm viewing this at work, which is quite dangerous, but I can't help myself. XD
5th May 2011 20:13
My sister was sitting right behind me (but turned the other way) so I had a quick look and waited til she was gone to REALLY look. ;)
7th May 2011 22:30
NWS!!! Silly.

But thank you!
5th May 2011 21:55
Wow! So hot!
7th May 2011 22:31
Thank you so much.
5th May 2011 22:33
So hot and so very gorgeous. I love the way Remus's finger is hooked in Sirius's tie, and Sirius's expression is just lollipop!wonderful.
7th May 2011 22:32
I was ticked by the idea that Remus would pull down the blindfold at the end so he could see Sirius' eyes. And I've used their ties for bondage and cockrings before so why not use it again for a blindfold!

Thank you!
7th May 2011 12:17
Your art continues to blow me away. So, so beautiful.
7th May 2011 22:34

Thank you!!!
8th May 2011 02:40
So many things I love in here - finger in the tie, the eyes, the cock. Oddly enough the thing I noticed and loved first is Remus's tongue - something about it's position looks so very real.
8th May 2011 04:49
Oh my. So gorgeous. I love the adoring look that Sirius is giving Remus. Ack, and mmm, the finger crooked in the tie. *thud*
3rd June 2011 10:28
wow. this is so hot! I really loooooove the tie
4th July 2011 01:02
UM, I don't know HOW I missed this, but I'm so glad I caught it now! Amazing job as always!!!
4th July 2011 02:26
Oh, god, this is GORGEOUS. So, so, so beautiful.
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