Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Art: Following the Pattern 
7th March 2011 13:16
Title: Following the Pattern
Artist: [info]didodikali
Based On/Inspired By: Carefully Plaited by [info]purplefluffycat
Media: pencil.
Characters/Pairings: Firenze, Hagrid
Rating: Do horse bollocks require some kind of rating? This is not nearly ponyporny enough. Next time, I swear!
Notes: PS. PurpleFluffyCat, I <3 you!

7th March 2011 00:48
This is fabulous! I just adore your artwork! :D
7th March 2011 01:25
Love this and love the fic it's inspired by/based on ;o) Double win
7th March 2011 02:01
Oh! That's just lovely; it has a great out-of-a-fairy-tale-ish quality to it!
7th March 2011 03:14
Mmm, gorgeous illustration of a lyrical story.
NIce job! :)
7th March 2011 03:35
Gorgeous. I keep staring at this. And I love how Firenze's hair is like a horses' mane.
7th March 2011 08:23
This is beautiful! I love the hooves, and the intricate plait in Firenze's tail, and his ear, Hagrid's expression and hands and feet - all of it, in fact! The word 'lyrical' comes in mind for both the art and the fic that inspired it.
7th March 2011 23:20
This art fits the fic so well -- delicate and so clearly part of a different world. Love Firenze's "mane-hair" and the centaur hanky code.
9th March 2011 01:36
Ooooh! *Squeeee* *bounce bounce!* I'm so excited that someone chose to illustrate my fic, and even more excited that that someone was you! :-)

Really, it's such a beautiful drawing; as [info]kelly_chambliss said, you capture the other-worldly sense wonderfully here. I adore Firenze's plaited tail, his long, flowing mane and his pointy ears. Hagrid, too, is marvellous - such an intense expression, and I love the fact that he has joined in with the braiding and flowers too. Truly super :-)

Thanks once more for drawing this :-)

PurpleFluffyCat x
10th March 2011 12:17
That is adorable on so many levels. They look so happy!
16th March 2011 04:22
This is so sweet :)
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