Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Art: T&A, (Harry/Scorpius, NC-17) 
28th February 2011 19:37
Title: T&A
Artist: [info]ships_harry
Media: PS, tablet
Characters/Pairings: Harry/Scorpius
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Chosen: Breast enhancement
Other Warnings: Can't think of any.
Artist's Notes: So, I had this theory that Scorpius will do anything to get close to Harry, including growing a pair of epic tits, wearing lippy and putting up with never having his dick touched, because Harry is not so much into cock. So - tits and arse, tralala :).
Art Preview:

28th February 2011 17:14
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES YES YES YES YES.

I love that this Harry is still kind of canon, in that he's totes not into Scorpius' prick at all and just wants a woman. Nng, that Scorpius will do anything (even this) for him is even hotter. I imagine this could get very, very messy if Scorpius gets in over his head. BEAUTIFUL work!
2nd March 2011 07:03
I like to think that Scorpius will bring Harry round to the notion :). It may take a while (and the breasts may gradually shrink), but he'll get there. Though I have to admit I would enjoy some angst along the way!
1st March 2011 01:16
He's so pretty with his mussed up lippy. :oD
2nd March 2011 07:04
aw, ta :). Totally not a pity comment after my email whining :D :D. Appreciated nonetheless!
2nd March 2011 17:32
Shut up, I just hadn't seen it yet. My flist is at skip 180 or something.

And it's not as if you don't know perfectly well that I have a thing about boys in makeup/skirts/lacy undies.
2nd March 2011 17:54
180, yeowch!

I have been finding that I'm enjoying drawing crossdressing and gender-queering a lot. I don't care about crossdressing, specifically, from a kink perspective, but it affords such possibility for gorgeousness.
3rd March 2011 17:52

So much potential for pretty. Yay.
1st March 2011 02:59
Ahaha, your Notes, awesome. And title win! As if Harry isn't into cock. He will be Scorp. You just keep showing up and doing what you do best. :D
2nd March 2011 07:05
Hee, your icon :D.

And yes. Scorpius will absolutely win him over. There'll be a point where Harry's sense of fair play will show up, and then he'll be all, oh, actually, this is pretty awesome, and will proceed straight to the cocksucking, do not pass go, yup.
3rd March 2011 04:25
GUH. Love the story behind it too.
6th March 2011 04:03
ee, thanks so much!
4th March 2011 15:19
This is fantastic, with the in-the-moment passionate faces they're both making -- yet only Scorpius is 100% in the moment, isn't he, if Harry is pretending he hasn't got a cock to go along with those fine tits? LOL! And god, your note has just GRABBED MY BRAIN and EATEN IT. This is such a shiver-inducing scenario, with great possibilities for total angst or a situation in which Harry comes around to Scorpius's cock (because let's face it, it's a very nice cock, Harry). Well done!
6th March 2011 04:06
I would read the fuck out of this story :). It needs a good whack of angst along the way and then maybe an open sort of ending with Harry willing to try a bit more because there's something more than the fucking to it after all.

yet only Scorpius is 100% in the moment, isn't he, if Harry is pretending

asdflj, yes. I honestly don't know if I'd prefer to read it from Scorpius or Harry's POV. Scorpius seems the obvious choice to see how conflicted he might be, to see how it starts and why he continues, but Harry could be going on an interesting sort of journey with it too.
7th March 2011 19:26

OMFG. I love this so hard.

16th March 2011 19:33
Thank you so much! Sorry for the late response. Plus, thank you for the other lovely comments you left on things - they arrived while I was at work and couldn't go reply, and, er, now I can't find the comment notification links anymore. But thank you!
17th March 2011 16:23
Eh eh, you're most welcome. Your art is always so intense! * v *
16th March 2011 05:22
Mm, delicious. *Needs a cold shower* I love that even with those incredible breasts, and smudged lippy, Scorpius is still very clearly a man.
16th March 2011 19:37
Thank you! Yeah, I wanted to play with secondary sexual characteristics in isolation rather than have an any kind of shift of Scorpius toward a body that would read as one more expected for someone female; the idea was to keep him very much male.
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