Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Art: Foolish Wand Waving (Severus/Solo)NC-17 
13th February 2011 00:01
Title: Foolish Wand Waving
Artist: [info]akatnamedeaster
Media: Colored pencil/toned paper
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Chosen:altered state orgasms
Other Warnings: explicit nudity, masturbation, half dressed jerking, desktop wanking, jizzlobbing, and practicing improper charms on one's dangly bits
Summary/Description: Not all of the Half-Blood Prince's creative spells ended up in the margins of his Advanced Potion Making test. Sucks to be you, Harry.
Artist's Notes: I had a hard time both picking a prompt and making the one I chose work, as a result the drawing this month kind of suffered. I'm still not sure if it fits the bill for the prompt but I hope it's enjoyable anyway. Please forgive the weird looking bit on the left side by his knee that comes courtesy of the dumb placement of the paper company's sticker. Grrr.

I guess Professor Snape does allow some foolish wand waving in his classroom.

13th February 2011 07:11
First of all, I love the idea of Severus not wearing trousers (or pants, for that matter) under his robes. Secondly, Harry & the rest of the male wizarding populace would pay a princely sum to have that spell at their beck & call! lol Severus' wand handling is extraordinary. I like that the ink is spilling at the same time Severus is. You've certainly captured the look of sweet agony on Severus' orgasmic face. And last, but not least, the silvery-blue magic winding around Severus' dusky pink fleshy wand makes a rather unforgettable focal point!
13th February 2011 20:41
Thanks so much! I would bet Harry & Co. would be shocked (and quite possibly appalled) that Severus actually came up with such a thing! lol!

I had a hard time with the prompt so I'm glad you enjoyed what I managed with it.
13th February 2011 17:17
13th February 2011 20:41
Thank you!
13th February 2011 18:56
Your Severus always has the most interesting O-faces ever. I love the swirl of magic and the spilling of the ink just as he's, well, spilling.
13th February 2011 20:42
Hehe, coming up with his O-faces is quite a lot of fun! Thanks!
13th February 2011 22:02
aslkdjasf THIS IS GENIUS
25th February 2011 00:02
*g* Thanks!
13th February 2011 23:34
Lovely. I love the magic swirling while he and the ink are spilling, his expression as well as those gorgeous knees. ;) Nice job!
14th February 2011 03:30
Thanks. *g* Glad you like Snape's bony knees. ;)
14th February 2011 00:43
Oh, LOVELY. Absolutely love Snape's face and the harsh angles of his legs. Brilliant!
14th February 2011 03:31
Thanks very much! :)
14th February 2011 05:28
Snape's gasp and the coil of magic, and the flex of his fingers are ALL AMAZING. And the faintest blush on his glans and balls is TO DIE FOR.
14th February 2011 16:29
*g* Thank you! Apparently giving out bad grades makes Severus go to go! ;)
14th February 2011 10:36
Sexy and hot!
14th February 2011 16:29
Thank you!
14th February 2011 11:15
Your lines and the subtle tones you've achieved are beautiful.
As is Severus.
14th February 2011 16:32
Thanks so much, glad you like it!
14th February 2011 23:57
"Jizzlobbing"?? LOL!
15th February 2011 04:23
It sure does paint a picture, don't it?
15th February 2011 05:54
If he stands close enough to the canvas, yes.
15th February 2011 19:09
It's like they made a website just for me!
17th February 2011 09:37
Severus made certain the doors were barred as well as magically-sealed. He'd chased the portraits from the room with the stench of turpentine. It was a Hogsmeade Weekend. It was perfect for what he needed to do.

The spell rolled around his mouth and across his tongue, stirring his loins and his blood as the vowels tripped past his snaggled teeth and over his red, red lips. His cock answered with a bob and a weave and poked majestically through his unbuttoned robes, the rosy mushroom head winking at him as the spell sank into his skin.

He leaned one hip against his desk with a grimacing smirk and waving his wand like he was directing an orchestra. He bit his lip, hips pumping in time with the singing in his veins, as the spell--that oh-so-gloriously perverse spell--literally pulled the jism from him, a white trail of stars made spunk that swirled around him like the blue of the spell's magic.

As the opalescent stream flowed, Severus' hips bucks and he groaned out his secret to the potions laboratory air. As the spell clutched at him once more, he spilled ink across the desk's edge, a bloody contrast to his jism. Severus moaned out his completion and sank back onto the desk's edge, fingers fluttering over the spilled ink.

"Best way to wave a wand, whatever Filius says," he sighed.
22nd February 2011 03:13
Hehe, thank you for the great ficlet! If you're going to do some foolish wand waving, may as well get something out of it for yourself. ;)
22nd February 2011 07:22
Inspired by you! I couldn't help myself and that just came out. Yep, pun intended! *grin*

Are you going to participate in the Snupin Big Bang: Bigger, Longer and Uncut 2, Art Focus? Updated Deadline: March 13 for art and writer sign-ups

There's a lot of room for artists, if you know anyone who wants some fic to go with their art.
24th February 2011 04:30
I've been thinking about signing up and all that's stopping me is having to get a couple of things done first. I think I'll be able to but I don't want to commit just yet before I have some other obligations in the can.
25th February 2011 01:19
I have faith you'll get things done.
19th February 2011 00:53
And how did I miss this one? *smacks self*
Of COURSE giving bad grades turns him on. I bet berating the students does, too. ;)
Fabulous, hon!
22nd February 2011 03:15
Hey, you're usually busy writing away so it's easy to miss things! Thanks and yes, pulling out that red implement is very exciting for him! I don't know if sarcasm and withering critiques tents his robes, but I wouldn't doubt it. ;)
20th February 2011 10:22
OMG, look at what I almost missed by not being around! This is wonderful and hot and I love everything about it. Snape's expression and pose, the whole idea of this. His right knee. The swirl of magic around his nicely flushed cock and the bits of come flying in the air - clearly a successful spell. ;) The mess on the desk behind him. And god, HIS RIGHT HAND. THOSE ARE SOME VERY SEXY FINGERS. Also, the way his narrow sleeves flare out around his hands. Yes, I love this kind of details. ;)
22nd February 2011 03:16
Thank you! I love drawing all the little details so I love that you noticed and enjoyed them. :)
20th February 2011 13:13 - Foolish Wand Waving
Now I see why Snape didn't want any wand waving in his class. Absolutely gorgeous. I love the graded paper on the desk - lol fantastic addition.

Can't stop staring at him though. Truly magnificent.
22nd February 2011 03:17 - Re: Foolish Wand Waving
*g* Thanks, I'm glad I managed to make the situation sexy even if it is a bit silly.
23rd February 2011 11:23
Gah, this is just--ARGH, SO HOT. \o/
24th February 2011 04:30
Thanks! :)
25th February 2011 16:01
omg this is the most amazing thing you've ever done!!
so much love in the details of magic, cum and cock, not to mention pose and expression.
7th March 2011 16:23
*g* Thank you. :) This one was a lot of fun to draw, glad you like it!
4th March 2011 22:55
Ahaha, the idea of this as one of the spells Harry didn't learn, so hilarious. And hot, Snape with his magical stimulation magic! Love his enraptured look!
7th March 2011 16:24
Thank you and yeah, poor Harry, he missed out on the best spells! Too bad he didn't find the half-blood prince's dog eared porno mags instead. ;)
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