Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Art: Bad Girl (Remus/Severus/Sirius) 
12th January 2011 18:50
Title: Bad Girl
Artist: [info]akatnamedeaster
Media: Colored pencil/toned paper
Characters/Pairings: Remus/Severus/Sirius
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Chosen: humiliation
Other Warnings: explicit nudity, threesome, anal sex, oral sex, cross dressing, bondage, implied spanking, dub-con
Summary/Description: Remus and Sirius have their wicked way with Severus. This could be dub-con or role-play, that's up to the viewer.
Artist's Notes: Inspired by this fic. Many thanks to the mods for allowing me to post on what's an off month and day for me!

13th January 2011 00:08
OMG ART FOR THAT FIC! HOLY SHIT NNNGH! This is such a perfect illustration! Severus' ass is just... wow. And the stockings and knickers and, sweet lord, the skirt. *happy sigh* Gah, the boys! The boys are so gorgeous here! I LOVE THIS!!
13th January 2011 00:28
Thanks! I just couldn't help myself, that fic was full of scenes just wanting to be drawn!
13th January 2011 00:29
What Eey said!

*fans self* so wonderfully hot and sexy and daisy knickers win!
13th January 2011 03:01
daisy knickers win!

Thanks, Snape deserves cute knickers, would be a shame to put him in granny panties. :)
13th January 2011 11:35
Oh Lord! Torn daisy knickers. That redness on Severus' arse. And those stockings! I think I am dead.
13th January 2011 23:11
*l* Thank you :)
13th January 2011 12:42
13th January 2011 23:12
Many thanks for the keyboard mash!
13th January 2011 13:00
wonderful! so hot! the kickers, the skirt! and his stockings are so lovely! and that little drop connecting snape's mouth with lupin! oh!

13th January 2011 23:12
Thanks, hon. :)
13th January 2011 13:10
Oh, Sev's red bum, the look of bliss on Sirius's face, that lovely connection between Severus and Remus--heh--the stockings and knickers. Gorgeous work.
13th January 2011 23:12
Thanks very much!
14th January 2011 18:58
good god, how did I miss this!!
15th January 2011 03:10
*g* Thanks, glad you dig it!
14th January 2011 19:00
This is awesome. The details leave me speechless. I want to tell you that it was my pleasure to rec this over at the crack_broom
15th January 2011 03:11
Thank you so much for the rec and your thoughtful comment in it. It's gratifying that you enjoyed it even though the characters and subject matter aren't to your taste.
14th January 2011 22:41
Holy hell, this is scorching hot!
15th January 2011 03:12
Thank you, it was almost an exercise in seeing how many kinks/sex acts I could fit into one pic.
15th January 2011 02:55
Wow. Hot doesn't even begin to describe this! Guh.
The SKIRT! Mmmmmm, gotta love skirtporn. ;)
YUM! Great job, hon!
15th January 2011 03:13
Thanks and yes I love skirtporn; I don't draw nearly enough cross dressing!
30th January 2011 18:34 - Bad Girl (Remus/Severus/Sirius)
Brilliantly hot. Love Snapes red arse, and the line from his lips to Remus' cock.

Remus is a true blond too :)

Their expressions are incredibly hot. Well done!
11th February 2011 19:08 - Re: Bad Girl (Remus/Severus/Sirius)
Thank you! :)
31st January 2011 18:21
I'm so glad you posted this round up because it finally reminded me that I hadn't commented on this FANTASTIC piece of art! All I can say is WOW! You must have some bizarre link to what's going on in my head when I write this stuff because this is exactly how I imagined it!

No, wait, that's not quite right: it's BETTER! You detailed the positioning much better than I did and oh man, the flowers on his knickers? YESSSSSSSSS! SO much better than plain white ones. XD

Thank you so much for getting inspired, hon. If I had known you were going to draw something like this, I'd have finished the fic a lot sooner. XDDD Beautiful, gorgeous, droolingly good work.
11th February 2011 19:09
I'm so glad you approve of my fanart for your story. I had an inkling it was yours when I first read it but it was so smoking hot I was going to draw that no matter who wrote it!
20th February 2011 08:56
How did I miss this the first go-round?!

Their expressions are so evocative...truly a picture is worth a thousand words, and each face speaks volumes! That hint of red on Severus' bottom, those stockings, the knickers...GAH!

What dreams this will make!
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