Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Off-label Frog Use 
6th January 2011 23:48
Title: Off-label Frog Use.
Artist: [info]didodikali
Media: pencil.
Characters: Poppy, Severus.
Rating: NC-17
Themes/kinks chosen: food smut, desk sex.

Step One: Add water to Woundheal Potion to create Stickum Potion.
Step Two: Lick frogs to activate, dip in potion, then strategically stick Chocolate Frogs to your friend.
Step Three: Eat Frogs.
6th January 2011 12:27
Aww... this is so charming and cute! I *love* that wide-eyed look on the chocolate frog's face. :D The posing is delightful, too. Very, very nice!
6th January 2011 12:27
Your style is always such a delight to see! :) I love all the details here and especially their shoes (!!!) and Poppy's hair and the frogs (the one sitting on Snape's chest! hee). Snape's big robes spreading all around look awesome. Such a fun, lively picture! :)
6th January 2011 12:31
Oh that's lovely. Your style is just marvelous. This has just a perfect pinch of naughtiness. Very nicely done.
6th January 2011 15:02
Wonderfully fun drawing - thank you! :-)

PurpleFluffyCat x
6th January 2011 15:18
Just delightful. I love their shoes and the cauldron pillow and how sexy they both look. And isn't Poppy clever, to know about the healing uses of choccy frogs?
6th January 2011 21:25
This is wonderful. I love all the little details you include, and their expressions are great as they eat the chocolate! Your pieces are always so clever! :D
6th January 2011 21:29
very charming and sweetly drawn as well as sexy. i love severus's face, and their shoes, and his coat, and ... all of it, really. :D
6th January 2011 23:39
LMAO! Absolutely adorable (as usual). And is it wrong that I have to wonder just what a wriggly chocolate frog would feel like stuck to one's skin?
7th January 2011 01:12
Oh, this is gorgeous, sweet and hot at the same time. I adore the details - the chocolate smear around Severus' mouth and the frog on his chest looking rather dubious about the whole situation, his pants half off. Poppy's breasts are lovely, too, and she has adorable shoes. love her blush, too, and the ribbon and the escaping curls of hair. Absolutely gorgeous.
7th January 2011 01:20
rofl! This is wonderful. :D
7th January 2011 01:55
Gorgeous and yummy!
7th January 2011 03:34
LOL. I love that chocolate smear. This is just so much fun.
7th January 2011 15:27
Awesome! All these delicious details, and both so spot-on and well characterised... ♥
10th January 2011 12:27
Lovely. I love the pairing and Poppy's lush body. Just gorgeous.
10th January 2011 15:05
Haha, what a great prescription for sexy fun! I like the ribbon in Pomona's hair, and the frog's bug-eyed stare at the mischief!
10th January 2011 16:33
I love this. Poppy looks so wickedly pleased with herself - and why wouldn't she be?!
30th January 2011 19:00 - Off-label Frog Use
Oh, my you've created a beautiful piece. They are both fantastic.

Love the discarded candy wrappers.
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