Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Kinky Kristmas Fic: Presents (Bill/Charlie/Harry) 
24th December 2010 12:00
Kristmas Wish Fulfilled for: [info]emzlovesharry
From: A Wicked Watcher: [info]alafaye

Title: Presents
Characters/Pairings: Bill/Charlie/Harry
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Included: exhibitionism, voyeurism, three-some
Other Warnings/Content: incest
Word Count: 1219
Summary/Description: Bill and Charlie have a present for Harry.
Author's Notes: Many thanks to the mods for their patience.

Harry gulped as he watched Bill and Charlie duel each other, letting off some energy. Everyone had a lot of it from being on guard from the war, and the Weasleys let it out by dueling each other. It sent Mrs. Weasley into fits, wishing her children would stop fighting, but as Mr. Weasley pointed out, it was better than letting the energy build up.

Harry remembered the stories in the Prophet about a few people who had.

Watching Bill and Charlie duel was entertaining for everyone--they used curses and hexes that didn't actually hurt anyone. They used what the twins had used when they played jokes on the students and teachers. Only, Harry was sure there were a few that not even the twins had used, like this one that made the other person do back flips until someone cast a Finite Incatatum.

The best part for Harry, though, was seeing them duel while only wearing their trousers. Even though it was winter, Remus and Mr. Weasley had created a space in the Weasley's backyard that would remain warm enough for the duelists to not freeze. And when Bill and Charlie really started dueling each other, Harry was riveted.

He'd only recently admitted to himself that he was bi and that he really did prefer redheads over anyone else. Specifically, he preferred Bill and Charlie. And watching them duel gave him more than enough wank material. They were both muscled--Charlie a bit more than Bill--and could duel better than most of the people Harry had seen.

As the family clapped when Bill and Charlie were done, Harry slipped into the house to the bathroom to have a good wank.


Charlie grinned at Bill and nodded toward the house. Bill's eyes sparkled and followed Harry.


Harry was grinning as he opened the bathroom door only to loose it when he saw Bill outside, waiting. "Bill, hey. I'm done now. Go ahead."

He started out into the hallway and was stopped when Bill boxed him back into the bathroom. "Bill--"

"Rather rude, don't you think, to not tell someone you fancy them?" Bill asked.

Harry felt a blush creep up his neck. "W-what?"

Bill grinned. "Charlie and I know you've been watching us, Harry. Why didn't you say something?"

Harry blinked. "Say what? That I fancy seeing the two of you--" He froze up, not wanting to admit that.

"Charlie and I have a present for you, Harry," Bill said. "A private present. Mum's asleep always by midnight so come by our room at one and we'll give it to you."

Harry felt the blush creep higher. Bill chuckled and leaned down. "One, Harry. You'll really like it." He kissed Harry, softly and quickly.


"Fuck, Bill," Charlie moaned.

Harry reached into his pants as he watched Bill suck Charlie's cock. He'd never had a blow job, but looking at Charlie's face, he thought that he might have to ask Bill to give him one. Charlie was flushed and sweaty, back arched and thrusting his hips. Bill's head was bobbing quickly, cheeks hallowed out.

When Charlie came, Harry followed shortly.

Bill opened the door more and let Harry in the room. "Should have come in sooner, Harry. Charlie gets off on people watching."

Charlie grinned. "Nah, knew he was there. Hard to miss, a bloke watching you come." The wink he gave Harry made Harry flush a bright red.

Bill produced a gift from the wardrobe and handed it to Harry. "For you. From us both."

Charlie sat up against the headboard and patted the bed in front of him. "Come here. I want to see you open it."

Harry bit his lip and sat gingerly, aware that both Bill and Charlie were naked while he was still fully clothed. He unwrapped the gift and gulped when he pulled out a bottle of Slip and Slide--the latest product from George's shop. It was a lube that would provide enough lubrication with only a few drops. It was also supposed to feel like someone was giving you a blow job.

"Can you imagine Mum's face if we gave you this on Christmas morning?" Charlie said.

Harry nodded. "Yeah."

Bill put his hand on Harry's thigh. "Want to try it out?"

"It's the other part of your present," Charlie said, leaning close. "Bill will fuck you and you can fuck me."

Harry shivered when Charlie's breath caressed his ear. He gulped and looked between the brothers. "But you're...uh..."

"We know we're brothers, Harry," Charlie said. He smirked. "Who do you think the twins learned it from?"

Harry felt his face flush completely, imagining the twins... "Oh." He twisted his hips a little as his cock stirred in with the image.

Bill waved his wand and Harry gasped when he was suddenly as naked as they were. "Is this your first time, Harry?" He turned Harry so they were face to face.

"W-with men, yeah," Harry said as his eyes wandered across Bill's shoulders and then up to the strong chin.

"We'll go slow, promise," Bill said. He kissed Harry, deep and forceful.

Harry gasped and felt Bill's tongue slip into his mouth. He groaned as he sucked on it and leaned back into Charlie who wrapped his arms around Harry's chest. One hand tweaked his nipple as the other one slid down to his cock. Harry arched his back, pumping his hips into Charlie's fist. "Eager, isn't he?" Charlie said.

Bill broke the kiss and sucked on Harry's neck, making Harry groan. "Very responsive, too.” He locked eyes with Harry. “Ever had anything in your arse, Harry?"

Harry's head spun, fantasies he hadn't ever thought through make him itch for exactly that. "N-no. Fuck, Charlie, faster."

"Patience, Harry," Charlie said, kissing Harry's neck.

Bill opened the tube and poured a few drops onto his fingers. "Remember: relax. It'll hurt otherwise."

Harry nodded. "Kiss me?"

Bill grinned and let Harry have his kiss as he pushed a finger inside Harry's arse. Harry gasped and pushed down against it. Bill moaned and thrust his finger for a few moments before adding another. Harry groaned and shifted between them, unsure of whether he should move into Charlie's fist or onto Bill's fingers.

He wanted, needed more. He ached for Bill to hurry, wanting to find out if it really felt as good as it was supposed, but wondering how all three of them were going to do this. He nipped at Bill's tongue, getting eager.

"Fuck, he's ready," Bill said, breaking the kiss.

Harry nodded. "Yes! Please!"

"Charlie first, love," Bill said.

Harry blinked and Charlie grinned. "Have to get me ready if you want to fuck me."

Harry's cock twitched and let Bill turn him again, this time facing Charlie. Harry gulped as Bill poured a few drops of the lube on Harry's fingers and moved them to Charlie's arse. "Like I did to you. One at a time. Let him relax."

Harry nodded and followed the instructions, a look of wonder on his face. "Wow." Charlie was relaxed and moaning, pushing back against the fingers.

As Harry put a third finger in, Charlie groaned. "Now, Bill!"

Harry eagerly took the lube from Bill and lined his cock up with Charlie's hole. "Wait for me," Bill said. "When I push into you, push into him."

"Hurry," Harry said, wondering how he was going to last.

Bill nipped his ear. "Patience." He slicked up his cock and slowly pushed into Harry who in turn pushed into Charlie. "Fuck."

Charlie licked his lips. "Y-yeah."

"Can we move now?" Harry asked, beyond waiting.

Charlie lifted his arms to the headboard and pushed against Harry who moaned. Bill pushed forward, crushing Harry to Charlie. Harry reached back and grabbed Bill's arse. "Faster, Bill."

"Like my cock in you?" Bill asked.

Harry whimpered and pushed back. Bill leaned back a bit and thrust into Harry harder and Charlie gasped when Harry pushed deeper into him. Harry moved back a bit and thrust forward again. "Fuck."

"Yeah, that's the idea."

Bill set the pace, urging Harry faster and deeper. Charlie reached down and started stroking his cock. "I'm going--"

"Do it, love," Bill said.

Charlie arched his back and yelled as ropes of come squirted out of his cock. Harry leaned back against Bill as he followed and Bill grunted as he came, too.


When they'd caught their breath, Harry asked, "So, when are we doing that again?"

Bill looked over Harry's head at Charlie and they shared a smile. "Soon, pet."

24th December 2010 18:43
Not soon enough!

This was lovely.
12th January 2011 14:16
thank you :)
24th December 2010 18:49
I think I'm dead from the hotness of this. Bill/Harry/Charlie sammich! Love it!
12th January 2011 14:17
thanks :D
24th December 2010 19:34
Soon - Like now?
12th January 2011 14:17
hee hee :D
24th December 2010 21:15
Mmm, nice hot trio. Just exactly how soon is soon?
12th January 2011 14:17
we'll see..
24th December 2010 23:08
YAY! Fic for meeeee! This was steaming hot! The image of the boys duelling shirtless and harry being such a voyeur and and and YUMMEH! And you managed to get so many of my prompts & kinks in! Well done, Mystery Author, and thank you! :)
12th January 2011 14:17
i'm glad you liked it!
26th December 2010 17:10
Yum! Very hot!
12th January 2011 14:17
thanks :D
27th December 2010 01:48
Gah, lucky Harry! Very sexy, anon. :-)
12th January 2011 14:18
thanks :D
27th December 2010 09:53
Not a bad present... :D
12th January 2011 14:18
27th December 2010 23:17
That was a yummy sammich. Nice job.
12th January 2011 14:18
thanks :D
28th December 2010 16:26
Oh, UNF. Fabulous threesome! Love Harry's inexperience next to the dashing Weasley brothers. ♥ !
12th January 2011 14:18
9th January 2011 02:55
Such a great combination, these three together!
12th January 2011 14:18
thanks :D
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