Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Kinky Kristmas Fic: A Debt to Be Paid (Lupin/Snape) 
24th December 2010 12:00
Kristmas Wish Fulfilled for: [info]karasu_hime
From: A Wondrous Watcher: [info]nimrod_9

Title: A Debt To Be Paid
Characters/Pairings: Lupin/Snape
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Included: wall sex
Word Count: 1,678
Summary/Description: Virgin!Severus survives the wars, de-ages himself and Remus, then demands satisfaction.
Author's Notes: Many thanks to b for the super-speedy beta and thanks to the mods for the fabulous fest!

"I'm surprised to see you here, Severus!" Remus shouted over the din.

"Why? Potter and I have come to terms," Severus replied.

"A birthday party just seems so frivolous for you. A wedding I would understand."

"Lupin. I am anti-social, not a recluse!" Severus yelled over the music and the commotion.

Remus sputtered a little of his drink. "Merlin, Severus, you have a warped sense of humour."

Severus' raised an eyebrow. "Perhaps we should move to the library and you can partake in some more of it."

Remus grinned broadly before shouting, "Perfect!"

"I’ll get us another drink and meet you there," Severus called as he headed towards the makeshift bar.

The library was quieter, but by no stretch of the imagination, silent. Remus breathed a sigh of relief as Severus appeared with their drinks a moment later.

"Thank you, Severus. How is the research going?" Remus asked as he took a sip.

"Quite well actually. We will be introducing several new potions in the next few months. And you are working at the Ministry, I believe."

"Yes, I am, in the library. They’ve discovered that dark creatures have a knack for handling many of the tomes, so finally I have a full-time position."

"I am certain that it is quite interesting."

Remus squeaked and looked around wildly. His clothes were getting loose and his hair was lengthening; he could feel his belt sag and his hair curled around his ears and under his collar. Severus' clothes bagged as well, while the lines erased from his face.

"Severus!" Remus gasped in alarm. "Someone dosed us with a de-aging potion. We need to warn Harry!"

"No need, Lupin. I dosed us."

"Well, you might have asked first before you experimented on me!" Remus huffed.

"I might have, but I did not." Severus stepped closer to Remus.

"Is this one of your new potions?" Remus' brow furrowed.

"No, this one is on the market and has had considerable testing done already."

"Then why?"

"We are now teenagers. Nature will simply take its course," Severus replied cryptically.

"You want to go back in the other room and dance, drink, sick up, and pretend we’re not about to go deaf?" Remus asked as his youthful brow furrowed more deeply.

Severus rolled his eyes and stepped even closer to Remus and gave him a peck on the lips.

Remus reared back and drew his wand in a flash. "Who are you and what have you done with Severus?" he demanded.

"Lupin, put that away!"

"How did you find out I was a werewolf?" Remus demanded.

"I worked it out on my own. I was, however, naïve enough to not realise your friends would try to use you to kill me. So I followed them to the Whomping Willow and then to the Shrieking Shack."

"What the hell, Severus?"

Severus dove in to kiss Remus again.

Remus' grasp on Severus' shoulders was bone-breaking as he pushed him back.

"Let nature take its course? Kissing? What’s going on here?" Remus demanded.

Severus slid from the tight grasp and nipped the werewolf's neck. Remus groaned. The now dark-haired youth repeated the action.

"Severus! STOP! What is this all about?"

Severus plastered his body against Remus.

"I don't want to, but I will hex you!" Remus reached for his wand again.

Severus backed up slowly. His outer robe slithered silently to the ground. He flicked his wand and all of his buttons were undone. Remus' mouth gaped as the frockcoat and long waistcoat slipped from the teenager's shoulders. Pale skin peeped out from the open white shirt.

"Severus, I believe we should call for help — Poppy or perhaps a healer at St. Mungo's."

"I don’t need a healer or help for that matter. I know exactly what I’m doing!" Severus shed his shirt as he spoke.

Remus gasped at the sight and his cock twitched. To be honest, he was well past the twitching stage and on his way to the ‘rock-hard I’m ready’ stage. Severus ran his hands over his chest and down to his trousers which were close to falling off, Remus’ eyes never leaving those wicked hands.

"Severus…this has to stop," Remus said urgently.

Severus shook his head and shimmied out of his trousers. He pulled his pants taut to showcase his erection and wiggled his hips. Remus bit his lip as he groaned and pressed one hand to his own hard prick.

"Severus, you don't want to do this. We can't. Just give me the antidote and we'll forget about it." Remus shrugged his shoulders. "We can just say it was hormones, randy, teenaged hormones."

Severus ran a hand over his nearly hairless chest and then continued it down until he could stroke his cock. He did so with great gusto as he made a show of it.

"Severus…" Remus pleaded.

"You owe me, Lupin, you and your friends. You owe me a first time. I was days from getting some." He panted. "I was this close…" He spread his thumb and forefinger an inch apart. "I was so close, I could feel it, taste it. You will pay your debt and you will not get the antidote until I get have what I am due. Be the honourable Gryffindor, Lupin." Severus' hand continued to play with his cock and nipples.

Remus closed his eyes and tried desperately not to come in his pants. Severus was a virgin, the damned stubborn bastard, beautiful, sexy and untouched. Remus had wanted that one time more than anything, and he wanted it now even more. His teenage body overrode his mind. He cast a quick divesto charm and bit his lip as Severus' gaze raked over him. After a moment he took a deep breath. "Turn around. Hands against that wall, Severus."

Severus' eyes grew wide, yet he obeyed quickly. Remus drew his hands down the long, cream-coloured back until he reached the slightly rounded arse. He squeezed the cheeks in his hands. Someone moaned.

Remus conjured a handful of thick, slippery lubricant and ran his hand down Severus’ crease. He sawed his hand up and down and Severus wriggled back against it. One hand came off the wall and headed toward a straining prick.

"Hands back on the wall, Severus. You don't want to miss the main event."

"Lupin…" was the strangled response as the other man complied.

Remus slid on finger against Severus' pucker. The tight orifice barely budged. "Relax, Severus. Just relax." He could feel the long, slow breaths forced from the body in front of him and eased his finger in and out. "I'm going to add another." He withdrew his finger and pressed his forefinger and middle finger tightly together as he pushed in again. The longer finger probed farther.

"Gaaahh! Got to….fuck…" Severus sputtered.

Remus withdrew his fingers slightly. "I won't touch there again for a moment. Let me just add a third finger."

"Get on with it, Lupin, forget the fingers."

"Er…Severus I'm a little large. Just a few more minutes and one more finger. You’ll thank me. I promise." Remus conjured some more lube and slicked his throbbing prick and coated his fingers again. With a quick twist all three were inside Severus, prodding and stretching. Remus was panting and the nails on his free hand dug into Severus' butt cheek as he attempted to keep his hand from his aching prick. Finally, he couldn’t stand it anymore and Severus was ready enough. He pulled his fingers free.

Remus pressed the head of his cock to the slightly stretched pucker. "Push back against me." The head of his cock slipped in and he stopped; his began counting backwards from five thousand, in Latin. Slowly, inch by inch, he pushed in, until at last he was completely inside. Severus bent further forward and shifted around.

"Move!" Severus demanded. "And find that spot!" He lowered one hand from the wall.

"Put it back, Severus. This is my job." Remus reached around and closed his slick hand over the other man's straining cock. He rocked his own hips slowly, changing the angle, wanting to get it right. Severus gasped and his prick thickened and Remus grinned to himself. He began thrusting in earnest and gripping Severus’ prick tightly instead of stroking it.

"Lupin…" Severus whinged. "Lupin, please…"

Remus couldn't wait any longer either, and he angled his thrusts for Severus' sweet spot on every stroke. His hand worked a frantic rhythm on Severus’ rock-hard prick. It was over for Severus in a heartbeat as his prick pulsed in a creamy explosion across the Black library wall. His clenching arse milked Remus' cock of its warm essence. They shuddered and shook for several long minutes as Remus' arms held Severus tightly to him until his cock softened and slid free. They straightened and stepped away from each other.

"It was just so…fast," Severus muttered. "I hadn’t anticipated that." As he rummaged through a pocket of the antidote, he didn’t look at Remus.

"Severus, these are seventeen-year-old bodies, what did you expect? They have no control. Don't you remember wanking at this age? It only took a few minutes or even just a score of seconds and it’s all over. Of course, you were ready to go again in about twenty minutes, so it didn't matter."

Severus looked down at himself. "Apparently, it won’t even be twenty," he stated ruefully as he handed Remus the antidote.

Remus chuckled softly as he looked down at himself as well. "Apparently not." He raised his vial. "Bottom’s up."

Severus tipped his own back. "That was not even worthy of a response."

The party continued at an unthinkable level in the rooms beyond, but the library remained quiet except for the rustle of clothing as they dressed.

Remus tightened his tie and smoothed down his waistcoat. "If you’d like to try slow sometime, Severus, owl me. It could be interesting." Remus planted a gentle kiss on Severus’ parted thin lips and winked.

The silky dark voices floated after him. "I imagine I will. You still owe me."
24th December 2010 21:11
Hee! This was a lot of fun and very hot!
26th December 2010 15:30
this was very lovely! i loved deaged!severus being so demanding and so seductive! and i loved horrified, noble remus!
26th December 2010 17:01
Man, what I wouldn't give for a bit if that de-aging potion. There are a few wrongs I'd like to correct myself! This was really fun!
27th December 2010 01:51
Hee, very fun and hot!
27th December 2010 06:54
Brilliant!! Severus not only gets what he wants, but he gets an invitation to more! Yee haw!!
27th December 2010 07:48
I love how determined Severus is here! Very nicely done, Santa! <3

love, lore
27th December 2010 09:55
Clever Severus. Very enjoyable.
27th December 2010 22:47
Love the de-aging potion so Severus can get his satisfaction. Very hot.
31st December 2010 08:05
I always love determined Severus especially when paired with honorable Remus! Much love! :D
6th January 2011 19:23
Sneaky Severus! But he did get what he wanted, as did Remus. They really need to practice a bit more though, perhaps as adults.
9th January 2011 02:56
Hahaha, the lengths to which Severus will go -- lots of fun and so hot!
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