Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Kinky Kristmas Fic: Tonight We're Gonna Party (Like It's 1999) (Bill/Charlie/Fred/George/Ginny) 
22nd December 2010 12:00
Kristmas Wish Fulfilled for: [info]eeyore9990
From: [info]ragdoll

Title: Tonight We're Gonna Party (Like It's 1999)
Characters/Pairings: Bill/Charlie/Fred/George/Ginny in assorted combinations
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Included: Moresomes/group sex, incest, blowjobs, wanking, mutual masturbation, anal sex, bisexuality, Bill bukkake (sort of)
Other Warnings/Content: Incest, incest, incest, did I mention incest? Mention of previous consensual but underage sexual activities. Very little plot.
Word Count: ~6775
Summary/Description: When Ginny attempts to solve the mystery of her older brothers' annual disappearance, she finds the answer is more than she bargained for.
Author's Notes: My mystery recipient asked for a Weasleycest orgy, and so lo, I give unto you a Weasleycest orgy! The deal breaker was less than four people and since the twins refused to be separated, here's five, five, five fabulous ginger hotties going at it for you. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

As per the request, Ginny is 17 here and definitely of age. Any opinions of Ron and Percy belong solely to their siblings and not to me.

Love on the usual suspects for support, suggestions and betaing. Happy Holidays, you Deviants!

It happened again just as it did every year. One minute Bill and Charlie, and Fred and George were at the Weasley family's annual New Year's party, talking, laughing, drinking, and joking. And the next minute, they were all gone, vanished without a trace.

These strange circumstances had been occurring for as far back as Ginny could remember, since she'd been a little girl. At first it had just been Bill and Charlie on their own — she had been all of six, and the twins around nine. Bill had gone to open the back door at the first stroke of midnight to release the old year along with any bad luck accumulated by the family over the past twelve months, and then he'd disappeared. Given that Bill was seventeen, everyone assumed he'd Apparated off somewhere, perhaps to a friend's party, but footprints in the snow leading away from the house indicated otherwise. Fifteen year old Charlie had offered to go searching for their older brother on the Burrow's grounds. And it had taken several hours before he and Bill returned, reeking of cigarettes and Firewhisky.

Surprisingly, their parents had been less than concerned. Perhaps it was the late hour and the liberal imbibing of spirits, but their father had taken a nonchalant "boys will be boys" stance, and their mother, while not particularly pleased by her sons' absence, seemed to accept it was just a case of New Year's Eve hi-jinks and, therefore, nothing to panic about.

After that, it had become a annual tradition. Several years later, fifteen year old Fred and George had set out into the dark and snowy back garden, determined to discover just what Bill and Charlie were up to. Along with Bill and Charlie, the twins had returned to the house in the wee hours of the morning, smug and whispering to one another, unwilling to share any further information with anyone else. Of course, Percy had feigned disinterest, while Ron had got his nose out of joint over being excluded from whatever the older boys were doing. Ginny, on the other hand, had given her big brothers a thoughtful look, making the decision then and there to bide her time.

Over the next few years, she and Ron had ventured out to investigate where their four errant brothers had gone, but to no avail. The pair of them always seemed to wind up back at the Burrow, cold, wet and confused, with no sign of their four missing brothers to be found. Ron quickly gave up the hunt, deciding it wasn't worth the effort, but Ginny wasn't so easily swayed. At some point, she would ferret out where they were going and what they were doing when they got there. They certainly weren't going to divulge their secrets, so she would just have to be patient in order to find the answers.

It was now New Year's Eve 1998, closing in on the end of the century and on the brink of a new millennium. At seventeen, and finally of age, Ginny's patience was wearing thin. She was no longer a child and she refused to be treated like one. Percy and Ron might have become apathetic as to what their four other brothers did every year, but Ginny refused to be left out any longer. This year would be the year she got to the bottom of the mystery. This year would be the year she found out what they were doing without her.

At the stroke of midnight, Bill set his glass of Firewhisky aside, got up out of his chair and slowly made his way to the back door. Charlie thumbed idly through the latest issue of Dragon Devotee magazine, while Fred and George amused themselves by randomly shooting paper streamers and explosions of confetti at targets around the room. Percy had long since left — he had never been one for late nights or family parties, and even though he had returned to the proverbial fold, he was still a stick in the mud as far as Ginny was concerned.

Ron was not home this year, having gone out to celebrate with Harry and Hermione. Ginny was mildly miffed that she had not been invited to join in their festivities, but given her recent breakup with Harry, she supposed it would have been somewhat awkward to tag along. Meanwhile, her parents had dozed off together on the sofa, curled up in each other's arms, a combination of too much good food, heavy drinking and advancing age.

Charlie waited a few minutes before excusing himself, all but throwing his magazine down on the floor before dashing out of the room. Ginny kept her eyes fixed on his retreating back until he'd disappeared entirely. Fred and George exchanged pointed looks, then aimed their respective wands at Ginny, covering her in a shower of metallic confetti and harmless fireworks.

"What are you looking at, nosy?" asked Fred.

Ginny shrugged. "Just wondering where Charlie's gone."

George readjusted the paper crown covering up his missing ear and shrugged. "You saw the way he drank tonight. Probably had a desperate need for the karzy."

Fred nodded and added, "C'mon, Ginny, you know Charlie's got a bladder the size of a thimble..."

Ginny knew that was an outright lie. Charlie had often likened himself to a camel in terms of his ability to retain his water. "Of course," she replied. "I suppose that Bill's gone off to do the very same thing, then?"

"Yeah," said George. "That's why he went outside. He loves to write his name in the snow."

"It's a great treat for him," Fred said with a smirk. "You can't do that in the deserts of Egypt, now can you?"

"Well, you could," George countered, "but it would evaporate far too quickly for anyone else to see."

"Not to mention it wouldn't be nearly as colourful."

"You know, Fred." A thoughtful look crossed George's face. "We ought to develop a product to enhance that. A potion to turn your pee different colours to make it stand out in the snow. Or, well, anywhere. Just think of it —- wee every possible shade of the rainbow!"

Ginny pulled a face. "Ugh! Who in their right mind would buy anything like that?" The twins beamed at her with identical smug expressions. "Oh, never mind!"

"We really need to get working on developing that now," Fred said hastily. "Before we forget all about it."

A shifty look passed between the two before George announced, "Oh, yeah. Wouldn't want to miss out on such a cracking opportunity, now would we, Fred?"

"Of course not, George! He who hesitates is lost!"

"It's after midnight, surely it can wait till—" Ginny began, but Fred cut her off.

"No, no," he argued. "Time and tide wait for no man."

"Especially when it's a tide of urine," George added with a laugh.

"Ew." Ginny wrinkled her nose in disgust.

"I think a bit of fresh air might do us some good, eh, George? Stimulate the brain cells and all that." Fred headed towards the cloak rack, pulled down a pair of matching wool cloaks and threw one at his twin. "Don't wait up for us, Gin. We might be a while."

George wrapped himself in his cloak and nodded in agreement. "See ya."

"Well, happy fucking New Year to you too," Ginny muttered, fuming as they made a beeline towards the still-open back door.

She was not going to let them get away with it this time. Eleven years was long enough for her brothers to have their fun without her, but this year was going to be different. Ginny stomped over to the cloak rack, grabbed her own cloak and boots, and stormed out of the house in hot pursuit.

Four sets of boot tracks led away from the back door in the general direction of the broom shed. So much for subterfuge, Ginny thought. She rolled her eyes at her brothers' lack of finesse — she would have at least used an Obscuring Spell to brush away her footprints or any other evidence for that matter. If Ginny hadn't known better, she'd have assumed those four wanted to be caught at whatever it was they were doing.

Finally she reached the broom shed, suppressing a shiver as her heart suddenly began to pound, threatening to burst out of her chest. Meanwhile, her hands were trembling, and not just from the cold. Ginny felt an immediate compulsion to turn around and go straight back to the house where it was warm and dry and safe, rather than explore the obviously terrifying horrors that waited behind the broom shed door.

Terrifying horrors? Ginny blinked. What sort of horrors could the broom shed possibly hold? Unless Charlie was hiding a dragon in there, she couldn't imagine anything that terrible could be lurking within.

She shook off the feelings of foreboding threatening to overwhelm her, concluding her reaction was due to a Warding Spell or four, and reached for the door handle.

It was locked.

Another wave of dread washed over her, the hairs on the back of her neck standing on end, as she attempted an Alohamora followed by several other unlocking charms. None of them worked. Undaunted, Ginny took a step back, considering her options. There had to be a way in. She refused to believe her brothers were clever enough to keep her out entirely. Of course, there was a first time for everything....

Prowling around the perimeter of the building, Ginny searched for an alternate means to enter. One of the several filth-covered windows provided the answer. It was too small for most people to fit through which was why, Ginny assumed, whoever had done the security spells had overlooked it. Of course, when it came to size, Ginny was not 'most people'; she would be able to squeeze herself through the opening without any trouble at all. The window was covered with a standard array of wards including an Imperturbable, but with a few charms of her own, it opened quite easily. Grinning with triumph, Ginny hoisted herself up to the sill and then wriggled through the tight space, lowering herself down to land silently onto the dusty floor of the shed.

The interior of the shed was unbearably warm, like one of Professor Sprout's hot houses, and the only light came from a few low-burning lanterns. Assorted items of clothing, shoes and empty bottles were strewn about the floor, and Ginny almost tripped as she tried to make her way forward. She detected motion ahead of her, and heard the sound of heavy breathing mixed with soft sighs and moans, but it took a few minutes to adjust to the half-light of the shed before she could make anything out at all. Two identical red heads were pressed together, two pale, freckled bodies writhing against one another in a heated frenzy. Ginny forgot how to breathe as she realised just who and what she was seeing...

Fred and George were completely naked, locked together in an intimate embrace, kissing passionately. They both sported large, thick erections, Fred's fist wrapped around the shafts, holding them together firmly as he moved his hand in long, slow strokes. George's hands were caressing his brother's bare and freckled arse.

Ginny's hand flew to her mouth to muffle any noise, her eyes as round as saucers. Her gut clenched and she felt a little sick, but she couldn't tear her gaze from the sight. A wet sound caused her to look away — it was then that she noticed Charlie propped up against a pile of boxes, stretched out as his head lolled back. His eyes were squeezed shut and he bit at his lower lip, his expression one of pure ecstasy. His jeans were pulled down, bunched around his ankles, and between his bare legs Bill, naked from the waist up, knelt, his hands gripping Charlie's hips. Bill's head bobbed up and down, his ponytail swaying against his back as he sucked on Charlie's cock with great enthusiasm.

Ginny knew she should not be there, that she should not be watching the scene unfolding before her. These were her brothers for Merlin's sake, and yet, she could not turn away. Being privy to their most intimate acts made her feel utterly filthy, but it was also unbelievably thrilling. Her knickers were soaking wet, her heart pounding in her chest, as she continued to watch in rapt fascination, transfixed by their actions.

Groaning, Charlie arched up towards Bill, while the twins sighed and moaned, completely engrossed in one another. The entire scene made Ginny's pulse race, and an involuntary cry escaped from her lips.

Eyes fluttering open, Charlie stopped cold. He stared directly at her, his mouth hanging open in shock. "Merlin's pants!"

"Charlie, what—" Bill jerked away from his brother, then turned to follow Charlie's gaze. He blanched as he too caught sight of Ginny. "Shit!"

Fred and George broke apart, panting, clearly startled by Bill's outburst.

"Fuck me—" started Fred.

"Ginny?" gasped George.

"How the hell did you get in here?" Bill demanded, rising to his full height. The extent of Bill's anger was considerably lessened by the erection tenting the front of his tight trousers.

Standing her ground, Ginny pointed to the open window behind her. "That way."

Frowning, Bill turned on George. "I thought you took care of things."

"I did!" George insisted. "I did them all: Salvio Hexia, Protego Totalum, Cave Inimicum, Repello Parentis, Repello Parvula—"

"Well, there you go," scoffed Ginny, bristling at George's oversight. "I'm seventeen, in case you hadn't noticed. Hardly a child anymore."

"George, you plank!" Fred smacked his twin on the back of his head. "You clearly lost a bit of brain along with that ear."

"She's here now, isn't she? So, what are we going to do about her?" Charlie shifted slightly, covering his now flaccid cock with one arm. Ginny wasn't quite sure why he was bothering with modesty now. The twins certainly weren't — they seemed completely unfazed by their nudity.

She gripped her wand tighter, shifting into a more defensive stance. "Don't even think about trying to make me leave or Obliviating me. I'll Bat Bogey your pervy arses all the way to Wales and back."

"Ginny, calm down." Bill held his hands up in a gesture of peace. "No one's going to hurt you or Obliviate you. I promise. Are we, boys?" He looked around the room, daring any of the others to speak up.

"We're not?" There was a tinge of disappointment in Fred's voice.

"No," Bill replied sternly. "We're not. Ginny's of age. She's got a right to know if she wants to. She's older than you lot were when you sussed out what we were up to."

"So this is your secret annual New Year's tradition?"

"Well, yeah," Charlie conceded.

"At first it was just Charlie and me. You know, something special between us." Bill's voice sounded unusually tender as he explained. "But then these two idiots found us out."

"And there's nothing like some creative blackmail between brothers to bring a family closer," Fred said proudly.

"Besides, we wanted to have some fun too," added George.

"As if the pair of you weren't up to the same thing for years anyway," Charlie said with a roll of his eyes. "You hardly needed our encouragement."

"So, why not Percy? Why not Ron? Why not—?" Ginny looked at Bill, unable to disguise her hurt at being left out.

"Percy?" Fred echoed. "You've got to be joking!"

Charlie nodded. "He was barely speaking to any of us for three years and you know he'd never approve."

"He's got a poker lodged so far up his arse that we'd never be able to remove it to put anything else up there!" George snorted derisively.

"Ron just didn't seem the sort who'd be interested," Bill said with a shrug. "And you, well, that's obvious, isn't it?"

"No," Ginny argued, "It's not. Maybe I'd like to watch, or," she flashed them a sly grin, "participate."

"But you can't!" Charlie blurted. "You're—"

"What? A girl?"

"No!" Fred exclaimed. "We like girls!"

George nodded his head in vigorous agreement. "Yeah, we love girls!"

Ginny snorted. "Could have fooled me."

"Oi!" Charlie exclaimed, his face growing red. "That's not fair."

"Well, I don't see any girls here, now do I?" Ginny rolled her eyes. "Well, other than me, of course. Or had you forgotten about that?"

"I meant any other girls," Fred said huffily.

"Yeah, this is kind of special. A family tradition if you like," explained George. "And we haven't got any sisters but you, have we?"

"So, " Ginny said, "let me get this straight. You've started a secret family tradition of hot New Year's sex? That's what all this has been about?"

"Yes!" All four of them responded in unison.

"Now that you're in on it," Fred continued, giving her a suspicious look, "How do we know you won't go running to Mum and Dad first chance you get?"

"I wouldn't!" Ginny glared at him. "Have I ever squealed on any of you over anything?"

"Well, there's always a first time," countered George.

"I say we make her take an Unbreakable Vow—"

"No." Bill cut Fred off immediately, frowning. "There'll be none of that. Either we trust Ginny, or we don't. And I trust her implicitly." He flashed Ginny a smile that made her melt; Bill had always been her favourite brother.

"So do I," Charlie said, nodding in agreement.

"I still say we need to do something to ensure she keeps quiet," Fred argued.

"Like what?" Ginny snapped.

"You said you'd like to participate..." Fred's words trailed off as he smirked at her.

"I did, didn't I?" She grinned, then glanced around the room — all her brothers were looking at her expectantly. "Which one of you deserves my favours the most?"

"You could just do 'eeny meeny miny mo'," George suggested.

"I could do. But that would mean I like you all equally, and who says I do?" Ginny cocked an eyebrow at Fred. "People who suggest that I need an Unbreakable Vow or blackmail to keep me from telling Mum and Dad are certainly much lower on my good list."

"Oi, I was only larking about!" Fred moaned. "I know you'd never—"

"Desperate are we, Fred?" sniggered Charlie. "Actually, I reckon I deserve it the most. Given that you interrupted Bill in the middle of things, you ought to finish off what he started."

Ginny blinked at him in surprise. "Oh, you do, do you?"

"Now who's desperate?" muttered George.

Charlie's expression changed to one of a desperate, lost puppy. "Aw, c'mon, Ginny. You wouldn't want me to die from a case of blue balls, now would you?"

Ginny rolled her eyes at Charlie. "I'll have you know Bill warned me about that excuse years ago. You'll have to try harder than that."

"You don't have to do anything you don't want to," said Bill, putting a reassuring hand on her shoulder. Even now, he was ever the concerned oldest brother.

"I didn't say I didn't want to." She turned her attention back to Charlie. "Let's say I do give you a blowjob. What happens after that? I play the gooseberry while the four of you go on your merry way and go back to doing whatever it is you were doing together?"

"Hardly. We said we liked girls, didn't we?" Charlie reminded her. "You're more than welcome to join in, love. In fact, it would be a welcome change — definitely a bit more variety."

"Yeah, you can have all of us or one of us." Fred hesitated for a minute. "Well, except for me and George, of course. We come as a pair."

"Literally," George chimed in.

"I'm not really sure I needed to know that," Ginny replied.

Fred smirked at her. "Well, if you're going to play with us, you most certainly do."

Ginny eyed Charlie, suppressing a triumphant smile. It didn't hurt to humble him a little bit and make him beg. "Do you really want me to suck you off?"

"I'm a bloke. Do you even have to ask?" He looked far more pleased than she'd expected, and his cock immediately sprang to life. It was longer and thicker than either of the twins', and still wet from Bill's mouth. For some reason, that thought both comforted and aroused Ginny. She supposed Charlie was right — she'd never met a boy who hadn't liked it when she gave him head. She'd found that the act also served as a good deterrent when trying to hang on to her virginity. At least, when she'd still had it to hang onto.

"Silly me, I really ought to know better by now. That's all you lot ever want." Ginny took a step closer to Charlie. Charlie grinned, then kicked off his remaining clothing. If she hadn't known better, she'd have thought he was posing for her. While he was the shortest of her siblings, he was still taller than she by a good half-a-foot, his body heavily muscled and taut without an ounce of fat on it. He was tanner than the twins, his skin covered with burns and scars and several well rendered tattoos. She'd really never noticed what a good looking man her brother was until now.

Ginny drew in a deep breath, then placed a palm on his chest, feeling the warm, smooth skin beneath. She knew she ought to feel nervous about doing this, especially with her brother and three other brothers watching, but somehow the thought only made her feel bolder. Besides, Charlie seemed to want this as much as she did — if not more so. Bill, Fred and George did too, so how could it possibly be wrong? Ginny decided she was not going to think about any answers to that question.

Charlie's breath hitched as Ginny slid her fingers over his pecs to circle around his already-hard, flat nipples. He closed his eyes, breathing in deeply as she continued her exploration, gliding her hands down his rib-cage and the firm muscles of his stomach to his hips, and then finally down further to his cock. She brushed her hand up the underside of his shaft, then down again, cupping his balls in her palm. Charlie moaned softly, his eyes fluttering open.

"What? No foreplay?" he teased, then put his arms around her. Their noses bumped and Ginny laughed, not protesting as Charlie pulled her in for a long, lingering kiss.

Eyes closed, Ginny wound one arm around Charlie's neck, keeping the other one down between his legs, touching him lightly as they kissed. He tasted like beer and Firewhisky and faintly of cigarettes, and his chin was rough with stubble as it brushed against her cheek. His kisses were urgent, fierce, and like nothing she'd ever experienced. All the boys she'd been with before had been tentative, always treated her with kid gloves, as if she'd break if they pushed her too hard.

Charlie was not like that at all.

She felt someone come up behind her, sussing out that it was Bill when he bent down to press his lips against her neck, and his long hair fell over her shoulder. Bill's hands cupped her breasts, caressing her through the thin material of her jumper. He pressed himself against her, his erection hard along the small of her back, trapping her between himself and Charlie. This time it was Ginny's turn to moan as waves of arousal rushed through her; she'd never felt so turned on in her life.

Bill's teeth grazed the crook of her neck as he pinched and pulled at her nipples through her clothes while Charlie's kisses grew fiercer, one of his hands stroking down the length of Ginny's spine and then fondling her arse. Ginny squeaked and giggled against Charlie's lips, tightening her fingers around his shaft in response, pulling his foreskin back.

As she concentrated on Charlie, her clothes were suddenly Vanished, leaving her in just her bra and knickers. One of the twins cackled with glee at his handiwork behind Charlie, the other chiming in almost instantaneously. Bill pulled away slightly, unhooking her bra with ease, his fingers immediately closing around her now-bare breasts.

Ginny shivered with delight. Bill's hands were hot against her skin; they felt incredibly good.

"I'll warm you up soon enough, sweetheart," he rasped in her ear, bucking his hips against her back.

This wasn't the time to point out that it was nearly stifling in the shed. Instead, she pushed back in assent.

"That's it," Bill growled in her ear. "Good girl."

Ginny moaned again, writhing between her brothers. She felt Charlie's hand on her shoulder, urging her downward. She sunk to her knees, Bill following behind her, and managed to shrug out of her bra before turning her attention back to Charlie. He gazed down at her eagerly as Ginny grinned up at him, licking her lips in anticipation.

The head of Charlie's cock was already glistening with pre-come. Ginny leant down and slid it into her mouth, swirling her tongue against it experimentally.

Charlie grunted, reaching down to grasp her by the hair, pulling hard. He jerked his hips forward in an urgent thrust, attempting to shove himself farther into her mouth, but Ginny wasn't ready for that yet. If this is what he wanted, she was going to make it last. Keeping a firm hold on the base of his shaft, she shifted back, licking and nibbling up the underside.

"Blimey, you do that well," Bill continued, then bit down on her earlobe as he gave her nipple a hard tweak. "You look so beautiful sucking Charlie's cock."

Ginny gasped, and wriggled frantically, trying to keep her concentration on Charlie. Bill wasn't making it easy at all. Neither were George and Fred. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw them watching her hungrily, each twin's hand stroking the other's erection.

"Let him come in your mouth." Bill rubbed himself harder against her arse, his trousers rough, even through her knickers. "I want to taste him on you."

She gave a quick nod, letting Charlie finally have his way, taking him into her mouth as deeply as she could.

Groaning, Charlie began to move in short, sharp thrusts, his fingers wound tightly in her hair. "Merlin, I love fucking your hot, sweet little mouth," he forced out, rocking his hips even harder. "I could do this all fucking night."

"He could, too," Bill murmured in Ginny's ear, one hand moving down from her breast to dip between her legs, touching her through the damp crotch of her knickers.

Ginny squirmed, her cries stifled by Charlie's cock filling her mouth. He hissed in approval, his breathing coming out in ragged bursts as he tensed, then start to shake. With a violent tremor, he came, the hot, salty rush of his release filling Ginny's mouth.

She swallowed greedily, still stroking Charlie until his shudders began to subside and he relaxed his hold on her. George and Fred put their arms around their older brother, pulling him backward to kiss him in turn. Charlie didn't object in the least, yielding to their demands with a contented sigh.

Bill immediately turned Ginny around to face him, claiming her mouth with his. His kisses were softer than Charlie's, and more tender, but still just as urgent. He finally came up for air, the hint of a smile playing on his lips. "I want to fuck you," he said solemnly, his eyes locked firmly on hers.

"Oi!" George exclaimed, breaking away from Charlie. "Why you and not one of us?"

Bill cocked an eyebrow at his younger brother, fixing him with a baleful stare. "Because I'm the oldest. In Egypt, the Pharaoh always got to marry his sister."

George just shrugged in response.

"Hate to break it to you, mate, but," Charlie said, "we're not in Egypt, you're not the bloody Pharaoh, and I hope that you're not equating shagging with marriage. Otherwise you and me have been married—"

"About seven hundred times," Fred interjected.

"Since when do you keep count?" demanded Charlie with a scowl. "I reckon that no matter how many times Bill and I have done anything, you lot have done it a hundred times more, pervy bastards that you are."

Fred stuck his tongue out at Charlie. "It's not our fault we were born with all the libido in the family—"

"Not to mention all the brains," George added. "And the creativity to keep it from getting boring. Unlike the pair of you."

"Libido or not, I'm the one shagging Ginny," Bill said quietly, then winked at her.

Ginny couldn't help but giggle. "Even if we're not Egyptians?"

"The pillock only says that to justify what he's doing," Charlie told her. "It makes him feel better about exploiting his ickle baby brothers."

"Right now, I'm all about exploiting my baby sister instead." Bill took Ginny's hand and placed it on the waistband of his trousers. "Or her exploiting me."

"Oh, that's how you like it, is it?" Ginny smirked, already struggling to get the top button opened.

"I like it any way I can get it, sweetheart." Bill leered at her, his hands going to her breasts as she got his flies undone and his trousers pulled down around his hips.

"Here, let us help!" Fred circled behind Bill, already tugging at Bill's trousers and pants, while George slipped behind Ginny, his hands delving beneath the elastic band of her knickers, caressing her arse, before peeling them off. Charlie stood to the side, observing the proceedings with half-lidded eyes.

Ginny tried not to stare as Bill stood naked before her. She'd always imagined he'd be dead sexy, and he was; lean and long, his skin paler than Charlie's, and dappled with freckles, the red thatch of wiry hairs drawing attention to his long cock jutting out proudly in front of him. He was definitely more well-endowed than the other three. He always had been Ginny's favourite brother...

The slow burn of blushing crept up her cheeks as she realised she was now completely naked too — and that all four of her brothers were looking at her as intently as she'd been ogling Bill. The expressions on their collective faces were all of undisguised lust and hunger, making Ginny's blush and her arousal grow deeper.

Charlie was the first to finally do something, snatching a pile of discarded cloaks off a dusty box and spreading them out on the floor.

Grabbing Bill's ponytail, Ginny lowered his head to hers, and kissed him soundly. With a bit of effort, she managed to drag him down on top of the cloaks, pushing him back so that she lay on top of him, their chests pressed together, their hips flush. Bill slid his hands down her back to cup her arse, his fingers brushing along the cleft of her buttocks. He shifted so that the curve of his cock was nestled between the slick lips of her cunt, and arched up against her.

Ginny mewled, wriggling in Bill's embrace, and began to slide back and forth along his length. Bill bucked impatiently beneath her. Meanwhile, Charlie settled himself behind her, between Bill's splayed knees, and nuzzled the nape of Ginny's neck. Her eyes flicked down to Bill, smiling. His expression was beatific, filling her with a mixture of elation and anxiety. Ginny was no virgin, but she'd only been with callow boys before, and at twenty-eight, Bill was anything but that. She knew he'd been with lots of women — and judging by the vigour with which he'd been sucking Charlie's cock, plenty of men too — and she didn't want to disappoint him. Still, Charlie had seemed more than pleased with her techniques, and Bill had always encouraged her in everything she'd wanted to do. It was time to show him his faith in her had not been misguided.

Biting her lip, Ginny raised herself up on her knees, then, with Charlie helping to steady her, positioned herself over Bill's cock. In one slow, smooth slide, she sank down again, taking Bill fully inside her. It felt good.

"Fan-fucking-tastic..." Bill breathed, his words breaking off into a loud moan as Ginny tightened herself around him.

"It takes so little to please him." Charlie sniggered, then planted more kisses on Ginny's neck.

"Is that why he was letting you give him head when I walked in here?" She twisted around just far enough to kiss him before he could give her an answer.

"Oi, you're not leaving us out," Fred insisted, dropping down to Ginny's side, while George did the same on the other.

"Yeah. We're here too." George grabbed a loose strand of Ginny's hair and tugged it playfully, just as he had when they were small.

Ginny leaned over and kissed George full on the mouth, feeling Charlie's arms tighten around her waist and Bill starting to pump beneath her. Quickly, she turned to kiss Fred, before returning to his twin again. The press of four warm, solid male bodies against her and four sets of hands touching and caressing her was a heady sensation, her whole body infused with a delicious ache. It grew even stronger as Charlie wormed his hand between them and worked a wet fingertip against the pucker of her arsehole, moving in slow, concentric circles.

Gasping, Ginny tensed, constricting around Bill at the same time. He groaned and began to pump harder.

"Relax." She tried to do as Charlie said, letting him push his finger in up to the first joint. It was extremely difficult to concentrate on what he was doing when she was also trying to move with Bill and kiss both the twins.

Fred and George each had one hand on her breasts, and one hand on the other's cock, stroking and pulling one another with gusto. Ginny could only be impressed by their staying power — they'd been at it for the entire time she'd been in the shed.

Meanwhile, Charlie had picked up the smooth rhythm of Bill's thrusts, moving his finger in and out of her arse at the same pace. Ginny closed her eyes, no longer wanting to think about who was doing what to whom — it was making her head spin. Instead, she concentrated on Bill's cock filling her cunt, Charlie's finger filling her arse, and the twins' tongues alternatively filling her mouth, relishing the sensation of each and every lick, touch and stroke.

When Charlie's other hand glided down her belly and between her legs to flick against her clit, Ginny cried out, thrashing wildly. Her cries were answered by the combined guttural moans of Bill, Fred and George while Charlie hissed out a non-stop barrage of filthy suggestions in her ear, telling her all the things he and Bill had wanted to do to her over the years. The twins were both panting hard and moaning harder, their hands moving frantically over their cocks.

"Oh, fuck me!" Fred cried out, then convulsed against Ginny and his twin. With a strangled groan, George did the same. Hot, thick gouts of spunk splattered all over the twins' hands, Charlie's arm and Bill's belly, and dripped down the length of Ginny's front.

Charlie's fingers were working Ginny furiously in both front and back while Bill's thrusts were coming at a frenzied tempo. She moved along with him, breasts bouncing, riding him hard, her hair flying and her control slipping away. She knew she couldn't last much longer, and from the way Bill was gasping and moaning beneath her, she suspected he wouldn't either.

"Come for us," Charlie growled in her ear. "Come nice and loud, sweetheart."

Ginny looked down at Bill, catching his eye. He grinned up at her, giving her an almost imperceptible nod. With a deep breath, she bore down and constricted around Bill one last time. That sent him spiralling over the edge, clutching at her and roaring her name as he started to thrash. As Bill spilled inside her and Charlie continued to urge her, Ginny let go completely, letting herself come, and come hard.

She slipped forward, coming to rest against Bill's prone, gasping form, Charlie's weight, solid and comforting, on top of her. The twins snuggled on either side of Bill, not objecting as he put his arms around them, his fingers buried in their damp hair. Ginny kissed Bill, then Fred and George, wriggling happily as Charlie pressed his lips to the back of her neck. It was the nicest feeling in the world to be nestled in the arms of her four big brothers, sated and relaxed, even if she was a little bit sore.

The five of them rested, warm and content in each other's arms for what seemed like an eternity before Bill moved again. Somehow, he managed to find his wand — Ginny did not want to know where it had been —, and Summoned a bottle of Ogden's Old over to them. Craning his neck, he pulled the cork out with his teeth, then took a messy swig before offering it up to his sister, holding the bottle to her lips.

"Ta," Ginny rasped, helping herself to a swift swallow of the Firewhisky. It burned her mouth and her throat, then trailed a line of fire all the way down to her belly.

"Give us a taste," Charlie rasped, wrestling the bottle from Bill's outstretched hand. He took a long quaff, then handed it over to George who drank deeply before passing it to Fred.

"Mmmm." Bill kissed Ginny softly, then allowed the twins to plant sloppy kisses on his mouth before they did the same with Charlie. "I guess you are all grown up now, Ginny."

"So nice of you to have sussed that out." She giggled, then took the Firewhisky from Fred, helping herself to more.

"Think we all noticed," Charlie said, giving her arse an affectionate pat. "Bit hard not to, truth be told."

George traced along the curve of her breast with his fingertip. "Of course, it's a lot more obvious when you've got no clothes on."

"Which we think should happen much more often," added Fred with a leer. "We definitely like naked girls around here."

"I'll only get naked if you lot do," Ginny countered. "What's fair is fair. Besides, I happen to have a penchant for naked blokes. Particularly ginger ones."

"I'm glad you liked what you saw." The corner of Bill's mouth curled up into a self-satisfied smirk. "Seems like we Weasleys all think alike."

"I did," she replied. "So nice that we all have the same tastes, isn't it then?"

"Well, those of us who have good taste to begin with." Fred chuckled.

George laughed too. "Which is why Percy won't ever get to join in with us."

"You never know," Ginny said with a shrug, "he might be kinkier than he looks. I reckon Ron's a lost cause though."

"Does it matter? The four of us aren't enough for you, greedy guts?" Charlie teased, nipping softly on her shoulder.

Ginny let out a squeak. "Well, variety is the spice of life."

"Which just happens to be ginger-flavoured. And ginger is hot." Bill kissed her again, letting his lips linger on hers. "And sweet."

"I think you need to give me and Fred a try before you start worrying about Percy and Ron," said George.

"Yeah, of course those two," Fred pointed at Bill and Charlie, "aren't very satisfying. They're like the hor d'oeurves while we're more of a proper meal."

"A nice aperitif," George continued, "but we're far more substantial."

"Is that so?" Charlie gave Fred a sharp smack on the back of his head.

"Ow! Let Ginny try us and see."

Ginny laughed, then looked up to see the pale glow of dawn filtering in through the grimy shed windows. "It's starting to get light out. Won't Mum and Dad be up soon?"

"Hmm." Bill pondered the question. "Yeah, most likely. We probably ought to go back to the house soon. We definitely don't want to get caught. Especially now."

Ginny nodded reluctantly while Fred and George let out simultaneous wails of dismay.

"Don't worry, lads. It's not like this is the last time we're going to do this," Charlie reassured them.

"Hardly," added Bill, winking at Ginny. It made her toes curl.

Charlie grinned, his eyes lighting up with mischief. "After all, it's only five days till Twelfth Night."
22nd December 2010 18:42
This was really hot. I like how Ginny is interested and quickly finds herself enjoying the attentions of her brothers. Really nicely done. :)
23rd January 2011 09:11
Thanks so much. I had a lot of fun writing it -- Ginny is one lucky girl in my mind. :)
22nd December 2010 22:50
guh -- this story is so very hot - lovely!
23rd January 2011 09:11
thanks! :)
23rd December 2010 01:16
Om nom nom nom -- the Weasleys look delicious in a big old pile! This was really fun and hot. :-D
23rd January 2011 09:11
Hee -- yeah, Weasleycest is best! Thanks! :)
23rd December 2010 02:23
Now this is the kind of One Big Happy Weasley Family that I like! :D
23rd January 2011 09:11
LOL That's the only way it should be! :) So glad you liked it.
23rd December 2010 06:32
Placeholder comment! I've read this and LOVED IT, and want to leave a comment fitting the awesomeness of the fic, so... you'll have to wait until the Nyquil is out of my system. :P

But for now: OMG THANK YOU!! I LOVE IT!!
25th December 2010 01:57
I'm so sorry! I've been visiting family all week and my internet time has been sporadic at best, but I am back to leave the comment I wanted to leave the other night.

This is absolutely fantastic! As the youngest girl in a family of boys, I can certify that your Ginny is the perfect combination of curious and competitive. She's spunky and stands up for herself and I absolutely love how you've written her.

As for your Weasley boys, omg! Bill is everything I love about him here. Cognizant of his place as oldest brother, a touch too protective and bossy, gentle and sweet. Charlie is yummy and brash, with the need to push boundaries and see how far he can go before he gets burned. The twins are just adorably THEM. Everyone was so awesome here in their respective roles and I don't care a bit that neither Ron nor Percy were included. It's one of those rites of passage that demand persistence and they just didn't have it here, lol.

The sex was smoking hot. How much did I love how you wrote it? OMG, panty-wringing. Seriously! Ginny going down on Charlie and then riding Bill while Charlie fingered her? Guuuuuh. And then the twin facials at the end (though is it really a facial when it's all over her? an image that will follow me forever, I think!!). This was seriously SMOKING hot!

I can only say again what I said the other day. I LOVE THIS! It was perfectly written in every way and just what I always love in Weasleycest! Thank you so much, mystery author!

23rd January 2011 09:15
*smooches* Your comments made my day, darling. I'm so glad you liked Ginny here -- I was trying very hard to make her as canon as possible not just a dumb slut getting shagged by her brothers. So hooray, it worked!

I can't tell you how happy I am that this worked for you and that each boy's personality came through properly. I couldn't see Ron or Percy being in the middle of something like that either, at least not willingly, which is why they are Sirs Not Appearing In This Fic.

♥ It was a joy to write this - I've written some Weasleycest before, but never in such big numbers, so it was a fun challenge. Even better that it was for YOU!
23rd December 2010 10:34
Ah, those Weasleys! They do make such wonderful pictures together.
23rd January 2011 09:15
So glad you liked it. Thanks. :)
23rd December 2010 15:46
Mmmm, yummy, yummy Weasleycest! I loved this particular combination of Weasleys and that Bill was Ginny's favourite brother. :)
23rd January 2011 09:15
Aw, thanks, hon. And I am impressed that you guessed this was mine! :)
23rd January 2011 15:38
Heh, well, can't take credit for guessing this one, actually. It was only your SC and YB stories, but still, two isn't a bad number. :P
24th January 2011 20:24
I thought you'd guessed this one too. Oops! Well, yeah, given you were one of the few people who did bother to guess and you were 100% right on both, you're still amazing in my book. :)
23rd December 2010 17:54
Weasleys in abundance is never anything but awesome-- this was even more so because it was just so smoking.

Oh, the banter!
25th December 2010 00:20
banter = love!!!
23rd January 2011 09:16
♥ Weasleycest is best. I'm so glad you liked it!
24th December 2010 12:14
What a deliciously hot story! I love how Bill is Ginny's favorite. They're amazing when they all get together like that. *loves*
23rd January 2011 09:16
Thanks so much -- I'm so glad you liked this. I have to say Bill is my favourite too. Ginny is so lucky!
24th December 2010 21:50
Lovely work. Really enjoyed it!
23rd January 2011 09:17
Thanks so much! :)
25th December 2010 00:20
Oh, you naughty, naughty anonymouse!

This was yummy. Incest (and Ginny in general) has to be done tastefully for me to enjoy it, but Gushdfladusfhojwsf


I've been speaking to you on IM. You know the bits I loved.

*replaces Ginny with self*
23rd January 2011 09:17
Heh heh not so anonymouse, but I'm glad you liked it anyway. ♥
26th December 2010 16:11
So wrong but so very, very right! Absolutely, painfully hot!
23rd January 2011 09:17
Thanks, doll. So glad you liked it! (And your icon is perfect)
27th December 2010 21:51
Mmm, my favorite pairing-Ginny/her brothers! Love that she managed to infiltrate. So so hot! Great job.
23rd January 2011 09:18
Thanks so much -- I'm thrilled you liked it. It was a blast to write. :)
28th December 2010 16:42
oh, THUD. No coherent words, but BLESS YOU, mystery author! that was fabulous. :D
23rd January 2011 09:18
Thanks so much, my dear. I'm thrilled that you liked it. :)
29th December 2010 06:57
Oh, so very, very hot!
23rd January 2011 09:18
Thanks so much! :)
4th January 2011 05:05
Wow, so much Weasley sexiness! *combusts*
23rd January 2011 09:19
Thanks so much -- so glad you liked it. :)
9th January 2011 20:50
Definitely makes the holidays more interesting, this. :D

"Ginny knew she should not be there, that she should not be watching the scene unfolding before her" Oh, but good that she did, because what happened was hot as hell and very nice to imagine. The sex was extremely well-written, and the tenderness between all the Weasleys was believeable and sweet. Understandable that they keep it in the family.
23rd January 2011 09:19
I wish I had New Years Eves like this, let me tell you.

So glad you liked it, dearest. Thank you! :)
22nd February 2014 13:05 - VERY HOT!
The best review that I can possibly give you is this:

I just masturbated to an awesome orgasm while reading this! I've got a major Weasley-Cest kink; nothing like incest and freckled redheads to turn me on!

So glad I found it! You get a cookie! Well done!

*hands you cookie*...and yes, I washed my hands... ;)
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