Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Kinky Kristmas Art: "Wish I could've been there" (George/Angelina/Fred) 
19th December 2010 12:00
Kristmas Wish Fulfilled for: [info]florahart
From: [info]emzlovesharry

Title: "Wish I could've been there"
Characters/Pairings: George/Angelina/Ghost!Fred
Rating: NC-17 for peen
Kinks/Themes Included: um... ghost!sex? threesome, first time
Other Warnings/Content: Weasleycest... of a kind. [Post-canon; all characters represented are of age.]
Artist's Notes: Hope this is okay, dear recipient and many others... it's the best I could whip up! :)

19th December 2010 17:03
19th December 2010 17:05
19th December 2010 17:18
That is a beautiful piece! I don't know why, but I'm mad about the details, like the pearls in Angelina's hair and the mark after a glass or cup on the bedside table.
19th December 2010 17:37
Mmm, very nice! I like Angelina's braids, and how ghost!Fred is involved with both of them at once.
19th December 2010 17:59

Seriously this is breathtaking.
19th December 2010 18:44
Eee, this is fantastic! I love threesomes with the twins and I love Angelina and here she's bloody gorgeous. Shoulder, breast, back, buttocks - so, so sexy omg! I love how the twins are around her and how they're touching each other, too. Or, well, Fred tries to. Which makes this very hot scene rather poignant as well. Also, I think I may be in love with the back of Fred's head for some reason. Something about the angle. :)

Love love love this!
19th December 2010 19:04
Woohoo! I love Fred's transparent body that still is all freckles, the angle of him, Angelina's braids and eyelashes, the watermark and wands on the table... *\o/* Oh, and the way it's impossible to tell whether Fred is the only one who knows he's there. :( at the possibility, but :D at the work. Heh.
19th December 2010 19:29
Ah, god, that's so beautiful.
19th December 2010 20:25
I love the idea, and the execution of it's perfect!
19th December 2010 21:32
Oh that's excellent. Love the contrast between them. Fred's semi-transparent form, his and George's hands 'touching'. TBH I bet they feel Fred's presence even if they don't know he's there. Gorgeous.
20th December 2010 01:47
Really gorgeous! It makes me a bit sad, but it's really lovely and touching at the same time. Love the skin tones and the freckles and Fred and George's hands touching over Angelina's hip. Really nice.
20th December 2010 04:27
marvelous and sweet. Of course he'd be there!
20th December 2010 12:45
I love the way he really looks ghostly - but this is very definitely a threeesome, with Fred's hand on Groege's and his eyes on Angelina. Super.
20th December 2010 20:43
I'm surprised that this feels so touching rather than voyeurish or creepy. It's all down to your skill in showing a beautiful and happy moment with Fred "sharing" it.
21st December 2010 01:52
Oh, very cool!
23rd December 2010 21:36
I agree with the other commenters - it's clever, tender, and beautifully done. George/Angelina makes more sense to me after seeing this, so there's a whole implied story. Great work :-)
24th December 2010 09:28
Lovely and just a bit sad. Nice work.
25th December 2010 20:18
OMG! That is AWESOME!!
27th December 2010 16:25
Sad and beautiful.
6th January 2011 17:00
Absolutely fantastic. I love the ghostly!Fred participation, and Angelina looks so gorgeous.
30th January 2011 18:43 - "Wish I could've been there" (George/Angelina/Fred)
Sad, but gorgeous. Texture, shading and background are excellently done.

4th February 2011 05:31
Here via Crack_broom, and this is beautiful! Very poignant.
8th February 2011 18:39
This is gorgeous!!
8th February 2011 19:00
This is stunning! I love it!
9th February 2011 04:55
I <3, think I will print and hang it on the ceiling above my bed, does it come in poster size mmmmmmmmm
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