Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Kinky Kristmas Art: To the Victor (Draco/Ginny) 
15th December 2010 01:00
Kristmas Wish Fulfilled for: [info]luvscharlie
From: [info]ericahpfa

Title: To the Victor
Characters/Pairings: Draco Malfoy, Ginny Weasley
Rating: R
Kinks/Themes Included: Public Sex
Other Warnings/Content: NWS
Artist's Notes: I like to imagine this is Ginny's way of rewarding Draco for beating the Ravenclaws or having an amazing practice or somesuch. The request included the locker room but having them both coming in from a game seemed impossible so here she is a fan and not a player. I also had to dirty him up a bit - Quidditch is a rough sport. :) Happy Holidays all!

15th December 2010 19:12

That about sums up what I did when I opened this up. Oh. Em. Gee. This is absolutely gorgeous. "Mystery Artist" you are amazing. Thank you so very, very much. Dirty Draco is delicioand Ginny is so very yummy.
15th December 2010 23:55
Back to look again-- her mouth and his fingers and the skirt and her freckles. I could really do this all day.

Jeez, I just love this.
15th December 2010 19:26
I can see why is so happy. This is NICE! Well done, "mystery artist".
15th December 2010 19:26
why luvscharlie* is so happy about this. :P
15th December 2010 19:44
Here via luvscharlie and holy wow, that's hot! Ginny's expression is amazing and I love how you drew her hair, such pretty lines. And the shading on their clothes is awesome, really gorgeous. And Draco's mouth... *melts* Yes, please, exactly this!
15th December 2010 21:41
MMMM one of my favorite het pairings! Mmm so hot Draco gripping Ginny's bra like that and his mouth. Very nice.
15th December 2010 22:43
Gah! This is absolutely gorgeous!
15th December 2010 22:49
This is gorgeous.... as usual "mysterious artist" :)
I love Ginny's face, especially her mouth.
15th December 2010 22:50
Wow! So gorgeous! So hot! I LOVE IT. :D
15th December 2010 23:07
Wow, this is simply stunning, and so very sexy! I can't stop staring at it.
15th December 2010 23:32
Oh that's lovely, mmm. Her face is great, lips slightly parted, eyes closed. Nice!
16th December 2010 00:11
Beautiful, as always!
16th December 2010 01:22
*whimper* This is so hot, oh not-so-mystery artist!! I love her freckles and the look of pleasure on her face, and Draco looks wonderfully intent on his task. Delicious.
16th December 2010 01:52
Ahhh, you really captured Ginny's breathlessness. I love the texture of this, esp their hair, and the way Ginny's torso is twisted. Very very hot!
16th December 2010 02:18
Deliciously hot, and so gorgeous!!! ♥!!!
16th December 2010 02:59
OH, so amazing! I love this pairing. Her freckles! His hair!!! Always awesome to see new art from you! ♥ !
16th December 2010 03:03
Sweet lord.....

luvscharlie, girl.... you're one lucky biotch to get this 'not-quite-as-mysterious-as-she'd-like-to-be' artist ;o)


As for the artist, honey, you just dirrrrrrty up that man all you like. Yessuh!
16th December 2010 03:39
Absolutely stunning, Mystery Artist!
16th December 2010 03:46
Damn! Sizzling and gorgeous, as is all your work, mystery artist! Guh!
16th December 2010 04:39
Yay for hot teens, dirty Draco and breathless Ginny! I adore the way her head is thrown back and that she's wearing her bra but he's pulling it back. So yummy!
16th December 2010 06:00
Those shoulder freckles really get me going. Seriously.
16th December 2010 14:58
17th December 2010 00:50
Lovely lines and design!
17th December 2010 19:09
Adore Ginny's expression. Guh!
19th December 2010 03:50
Simply gorgeous! Ginny is really enjoying herself, love the expression on her face. Love the touch of shmutz on Draco. Very nice touch!
19th December 2010 14:21
Gorgeous. Nice texture, like the hint of background and Ginny's expression is fantastic.

I just love Draco's hand. Well done.
21st December 2010 23:41
Oh, how gorgeous! Her face!!
27th December 2010 20:08
So hot and sexy and gorgeous. The looks on their faces, their bodies. Just dynamite.
4th January 2011 12:25
Oooh, lovely! Ginny's expression is perfect. Seems as if Draco knows what he's doing. :D
6th January 2011 16:59
Wow, this is smoking! I love that he can't even get her clothes off properly, that he's just pulling them down for easiest access. :D
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