Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Kinky Kristmas Art: Christmas Eve (Viktor/Ron) 
4th December 2010 12:00
Kristmas Wish Fulfilled for: [info]entrenous88
From: A Wicked Watcher: [info]vividzephyr

Title: Christmas Eve
Characters/Pairings: Viktor Krum/Ron Weasley
Rating: R
Kinks/Themes Included: Very fit men.
Other Warnings/Content: NWS (full nudity)
Artist's Notes: Thanks to yumyum for Beta-ing this artwork.

4th December 2010 17:48
Oh wow, that's gorgeous! Bit big for my wee laptop screen, so I opened just the image and left it shrunk just so I could see all the fantastic details in the background. Love the saucy Santa suit, the frost on the windows, the gorgeous texture of their skin... and boy, those muscles! This is really stunning (and of course Viktor has a big cock, nom) Brb, brain melting from how buff Ron is... that hip, ;lkajs;df.
4th December 2010 18:29
OMG, this is fantastic! Absolutely gorgeous. Very fit men indeed! *stares* Ron's thigh and Viktor's cock and... and everything. Every little detail, on the characters or the background. *stares more, and then some more* GUH. Amazing. Wow!
4th December 2010 18:39
Very nice! Viktor looks wonderfully Eastern-European, and his Santa outfit...wow. Ron is so perfectly Ron. Love the shading and yeah, the fitness (not to mention the delightful red bow).
4th December 2010 18:43
4th December 2010 18:50
Oh, that's really fabulous. Ron especially is looking mighty fit. 0_o I really love the COCKS OMG!!!! coloring and the shading.
4th December 2010 18:55
Oh, this is just fantastic! The pose and the anatomy and the colours/shading, as well as their teasing expressions. I adore it!
4th December 2010 18:56
Oh wow! That's delicious. Love the Santa suit, ribbon, sprig of mistletoe, and two GLORIOUS specimens of manhood. :D Great job!
4th December 2010 19:06
beautiful! what an original pairing - i quite like the idea of ron with viktor!
4th December 2010 19:36
Nghhhhhhh!! Oh my. That is just gorgeous and oh so hot. Mrow! The santa suit, the ribbon...the way the boys are staring at each other and yes VERY FIT SPECIMENS OF MANHOOD INDEED! This is fantastic.
4th December 2010 19:54
Gah! That's gorgeous! I have an entire new appreciation for Victor and Ron!
4th December 2010 20:17
Simply delicious and SO HOT.
Oh yes, those are some fit cocks men all right. YUM!
4th December 2010 20:31
Holy crap. That's the most amazing thing maybe ever. *stares*
4th December 2010 21:40
That's fantastically delicious!!
4th December 2010 21:45
Whew, hot, fit men indeed! Lovely work!
4th December 2010 23:41
Incredibly sexy! Hmm, obviously Ron's been working out. Love the pose, the coloring and the cute red ribbon on Viktor's cock, yum!
5th December 2010 00:01
Holy mother of COCK, this is hot!! *flails, drools, makes a general fool of herself*
5th December 2010 01:34
This pairing is full of WIN. And yum, M.A. Just beautiful work here!
5th December 2010 02:39
Oh. Sweet merciful hasdfjhadks;fabsndmv!!!

They're so fit! And that red ribbon around Viktor's cock. And Ron! That thigh and stomach!

5th December 2010 03:06
that is hot hot hot!
5th December 2010 03:10
Wow, I never imagined Ron was that buff! Wonderful!
5th December 2010 03:47

I want to know who drew this. Your Ron and your Viktor is one of the best interpretation of them I've seen in AGES.

Their position, their cocks, their expressions, Ron's nipples . . . GUHHHHH.
5th December 2010 04:37
The ribbon, the Santa outfit, the muscles!

5th December 2010 05:41

*fans self*

*melts into a puddle anyway*
5th December 2010 06:53
Unbelievably hot. Drooling all over. I'll settle down and stare at this all day.
5th December 2010 06:55
Oh, wow!! Very inspiring!!
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