Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Stoned Love (Bill/Tonks/Charlie, NC-17) 
30th October 2010 01:37
Title: Stoned Love
Author: [info]ragdoll
Characters/Pairings: Bill Weasley/Nymphadora Tonks/Charlie Weasley (in all combinations)
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Chosen: sex under the influence, oral sex, titwanking, wanking-wanking, pearl necklace, hand jobs, incest, threesome
Other Warnings: smoking of certain substances, consensual drug use
Word Count: ~5450
Summary/Description: When Bill and Charlie invite Tonks back to Bill's place to relax with them after an Order meeting, she has no idea it will lead to a night of uninhibited debauchery.
Author's Notes: I've been wanting to write this fic (or one like it) for forever. There's always been something about Bill that always screamed "STONER!" to me, even in canon, and so we can blame this all on him (and perhaps just a little bit on my decadent past.)

Thanks to [info]r_grayjoy and [info]ldymusyc for their constant cheerleading, encouragement and support, and [info]luvscharlie and [info]sdk for betaing and fangurling (Don't stop! Please don't stop!) I love you all.

The meeting had been unbelievably depressing. Not that Nymphadora Tonks hadn't already been as depressed as hell before she'd arrived at Number 12, Grimmauld Place for the weekly gathering of the Order of the Phoenix. Depression seemed to be her default setting these days — but the news tonight had been particularly grim. More members dead or missing, more mindless destruction, more wholesale devastation.

She'd taken a seat far away from anyone, sitting stony faced and silent, and hugging herself as Kingsley, Dumbledore and Moody droned on about the latest casualties and the Order's future plans. After a while, their words stopped registering at all, turning to a low buzz in the background as Tonks stared blankly into space. She hated being here at these interminable meetings in her late cousin's dark, oppressive and claustrophobic house, wishing fervently things could go back to normal again, yet knowing they never could.

A hand on her arm shook Tonks from her brooding thoughts. "Meeting's over. You're not going to sit there all night, are you? Stay in this place long enough and you'll go as mad as that poor demented house-elf."

Tonks looked up to see Bill Weasley looming over her, a look of concern on his freckled face. "What? Erm, no. S'pose not."

"Glad to hear it, especially since Charlie's back and he wants to see you." Bill pointed his thumb towards the other side of the room where his younger brother stood, leaning against the wall while his mother berated him about something. It didn't take much to make Molly Weasley go spare these days. Charlie flashed Tonks a grin over his mother's shoulder as Molly gesticulated at him wildly.

"Charlie?" Tonks said slowly. "When did he get here?"

"Blimey, Tonks, you were so engrossed in what Moody had to say that you missed my brother's arrival?" Bill shook his head in dismay, suppressing a grin. "Charlie-boy'll be gutted to hear that. You know he believes you worship the ground he walks upon."

Tonks felt herself blushing. "Don't tell him I didn't notice, yeah?"

Bill looked at her, apparently musing over her request. "All right, but only on one condition."


He leaned in closer and pressed his mouth to her ear, whispering, "You've got to come back to my flat with me and Charlie instead of buggering off home by yourself like you usually do."

"I have work—" she started to protest, hardly in the mood to go out and have fun.

"C'mon, Tonks, you can skive off for once."


He held a hand up, indicating he would brook no argument. "You need some time off, love. I hate to tell you this, but you look bloody awful. Even Charlie noticed it as soon as he laid eyes on you and he's hardly the most observant bloke in the world. Besides," he glanced over towards his brother again, "someone's got to save him from Mum. She's in a bit of a strop since he's staying with me and not with them at the Burrow. She refuses to believe a twenty-four year old bloke might not want to be with his mummy round the clock."

"All right, all right," Tonks replied with a sigh of resignation. If nothing else, she could appreciate the need to escape one's mother. "Molly's only like that 'cos she cares about you lot," she added. "This war's taken its toll already — reckon she just doesn't want to lose any of her own."

Bill answered with a nod. "I know losing Sirius and Amelia was very hard on you," he said quietly, then reached out and gave her shoulder a supportive squeeze.

"I'm not the only one." Tonks shrugged, biting her lower lip to keep her emotions in check. "It's been hard on us all," she said finally, a slight quaver in her voice.

"Which is precisely why you need to get away from it all and spend some time with me and my baby brother. Brooding on your own is never a good idea." Bill smiled at her, then offered her a hand and helped her to her feet.


They took the Floo from Grimmauld Place to Bill's flat, although Tonks would have preferred to Apparate if given a choice. However, Bill had taken great pleasure in winding up his brother about his Apparation skills, declaring he wasn't about to take Charlie side-along when there was a pretty girl to go with instead, and if left to his own devices, he was certain Charlie would wind up in the middle of the English Channel rather than a few grates away in Bloomsbury.

Tonks had never been to Bill's flat before, and was immediately impressed by it. It was larger and better decorated than her own, every nook and cranny filled with antique books and scrolls, Egyptian artefacts and what she assumed was Middle-Eastern decor. Bill ushered her and Charlie into his sitting room— to Tonks' surprise, there were no chairs or sofa to sit upon, just a large amount of cushions piled carelessly upon the carpeted floor, surrounding a low wooden table. If she hadn't known better, she'd have thought she'd stumbled into a sheik's tent in the middle of the desert rather than a flat in the centre of London.

"Make yourself at home," Bill told them. He switched on the wireless and tuned it to a preferred station. Soft, melodic music began to play. Then, with a wave of his wand, Bill Summoned a bottle of mead along with three glasses, and set them down neatly on the table.

Charlie immediately toed off his shoes and settled onto the floor cross-legged. It took Tonks a few minutes to unlace her boots, yank them off and arrange the cushions in a satisfactory configuration before she could get comfortable. She expected Bill to join them on the carpet, but instead, he exited the room without a word, leaving her alone with his brother.

There was an awkward silence. It had been months since Tonks had last seen Charlie Weasley. Once upon a time they'd been nearly inseparable friends and occasional lovers, but that had all changed once Charlie had gone to Romania and she'd started Auror training. The war had made things even more difficult. It was becoming increasingly harder for Charlie to get back to England, especially when he'd been busy trying to recruit foreign wizards to the Order's side.

Charlie reached for the mead and poured drinks for all of them, then slid a glass towards Tonks. "Here ya go. Maybe this'll loosen up your tongue a bit — you're far too quiet tonight. Usually a bloke can't get a word in edgeways around you."

"Cheers." She sighed, then pulled the drink closer to herself. "Not an awful lot to say, really."

"That's not like the Tonks I know," he said with a frown, "You don't even look like yourself anymore...what's happened to your hair?" He leaned over and tugged at a stray lock. "Mousy brown doesn't suit you at all, love. Where's the pink and perky girl I know?"

"I haven't been able to change it since Sirius died," Tonks replied, batting Charlie's hand away in annoyance. "Thought you knew about that — it's been the talk of the Order for ages. They gossip like a bunch of old hags when given the chance, don't they?" She pulled a face, then picked up her drink, savouring the sweet tang of the mead as it went down. Charlie raised his glass in salute and took a long quaff.

Tonks wiped her mouth on the back of her hand before continuing."I'm surprised Bill didn't tell you. Or perhaps he's too busy with Fifi to—"

"Fifi?" Bill interjected as he entered the room. He was barefoot and carried an assortment of unusual items: a cut glass tumbler, an ornately decorated wooden box, and a small, flat square of polished wood. "And just who is this Fifi when she's at home?"

"I think she's referring to Fleur, big brother," Charlie answered with a smirk.

"Ah. If I didn't know any better," Bill said coolly, "I'd say you were jealous, Nymphadora."

Tonks had the grace to blush. She'd always fancied Bill, but they'd only ever been friends."N-no. Of course not."

"Well, for the record, we're just dating, it's not exclusive. So there's plenty of me to go around." Bill waggled his eyebrows at her. "Assuming you wanted some."

"Fifi's a good name," Charlie mused. "Far more preferable than calling her 'Phlegm', if you ask me."

Bill flushed, casting a dark look at Charlie. "Given the fact that you're shagging someone named Norberta, I don't think you ought to talk, mate."

"Norberta?" Tonks turned to Charlie in confusion, forcing down an irrational pang of jealousy. "I didn't know you were seeing anyone back in Romania. Why didn't you—?"

"I'm not shagging Norberta!"

"He's head over heels in love with her," Bill teased. He placed the box on the table, carefully putting the glass and wooden square down next to it before dropping to the floor by Tonks' side, opposite from his brother. "She's the perfect girl for our Charlie—"

"Oh, shut it, Billywig!"

"What's the matter, Charlie Chipmunk, too embarrassed to tell Tonks about your girlfriend?"

Charlie buried his face in his hands and groaned. "It's really not what you think, Tonks."

"Yeah, it is," Bill said, sniggering.

"Oh, for fuck's sake, leave off, you pillock. She's not my girlfriend, she's a bloody dragon!" Charlie shouted, his ears now a vivid scarlet.

"See, the woman of your dreams!" Bill burst into peals of laughter. He draped a companionable arm around Tonks' shoulders and said, "Reckon you were already well aware that my brother's a dirty great pervy dragon shagger."

The ghost of a smile formed on Tonks' lips. She glanced over at the irate Charlie, then back at Bill. "We-ell, I did suspect. I was considering buying him a copy of Men Who Love Dragons Too Much for his next birthday."

Charlie snorted while Bill's grin grew broader. "Clever girl. See, she knows you too well, Charlie."

"Sod off, pillock." Charlie gave his older brother a quick, two-fingered salute. "Too right she knows me so well, whereas the only one who knows you that intimately is your right hand." He jerked his fist to punctuate the insult.

"That can be remedied," Bill replied smoothly, tightening his arm around Tonks ever-so-slightly, his fingers brushing lightly against her shoulder.

Tonks felt her cheeks heating up from the unexpected attention. Unable to think of a suitable retort, she turned her focus onto the things Bill had brought in earlier. "So, what's all this, then?" she asked curiously.


"Bless you, mate," Charlie muttered.

"Shisa?" Tonks cocked an eyebrow. "You mean like kabobs?"

"Actually," Bill said reaching for the box with his free arm, "it's Arabic for 'hashish under glass'." He flipped the lid up, revealing a small brown lump of grainy resin. "In this case, the very best."

"Oooh, you naughty boy," Tonks breathed, wagging her finger at Bill. "However did you manage to get any of that?"

"Brought it back with me from Egypt when I moved home," he admitted. "Nearly impossible to get in England now what with the war and all, so it's rather dear. But I reckoned the company was worth it. Even him." Bill jutted his chin in Charlie's direction.

"As if he and I haven't done this a million times in the past," Charlie interjected. "This stuff," he pointed at the box, "is especially brilliant. Guaranteed to put a smile on your face, and you are in definite need of that, love."

"I'm not—" Tonks started, her words cut off as Bill shook his head at her.

"Yeah, you are. I've seen how unhappy you've been lately, even when you've done your best to hide it. Cursebreakers have got exceptional powers of observation."

Charlie snorted. "And they're humble too. Stop patting yourself on the back, Bill, and get this sorted, yeah?"

"Have some patience, little brother."

Tonks watched curiously as Bill took something out of the box. It looked like a thin metal stick, which he fit into the wooden square so that it stood up at a right angle from the base. After he'd put that back on the table, Bill pinched off a small piece of hashish with a quick twist of his wrist, then stuck that on the end of the metal protrusion. He touched the tip of his wand to the hashish — there was a bright flare as Bill lit it, then clapped the tumbler over the smouldering lump. Dark smoke curled inside the glass, filling it completely.

He slid the entire apparatus in Tonks' direction. "Ladies first."

"I, erm," she said sheepishly, "I have no bloody idea what to do." She pushed it back towards Bill. "Come on, show us then."

"Watch and learn."

Bill lowered his head to the table's edge, pressing his mouth against the glass, his chin resting on the wooden base. He raised the glass slightly, then began to suck out the pungent smoke before it could escape.

Tonks felt an unexpected jolt of arousal as she watched him — there was something surprisingly erotic in what he was doing.

Holding his breath, Bill dropped the glass down again. His nostrils flared as he kept the smoke in his lungs for a few more seconds, then slowly began to exhale through his mouth. Grinning, he pointed to the device. "Your turn."

Nervously, Tonks waited for the glass to fill up with smoke again before making an attempt. Her hands trembled as she dipped her head down.

"Here. Let me help." Charlie moved closer, putting one hand over hers, and helped her to tip it back.

Tonks wrapped her lips around the gap between glass and base, inhaling quickly, her mouth immediately filling with smoke. It hit the back of her throat and burned, setting her into a fit of violent coughing, and her eyes watering.

Charlie patted her on the back gently, then offered her a glass of mead. She took a gulp, the sweet liquid starting to numb her throat as soon as she swallowed. "Sorry," she said, flushing with embarrassment.

"Next time, take it more slowly and try to hold it in longer to get the full effect," Bill explained with a reassuring smile.

"Watch me," said Charlie.

Tonks kept her eyes glued on him as he took his turn, his actions mimicking those of his older brother's.

Raising his head, his mouth and lungs filled with smoke, Charlie flashed her a cheeky grin. His face began to turn red as he continued to hold his breath, wisps of smoke occasionally escaping from the corner of his mouth. Finally he exhaled, starting to laugh.

"Now let's see you do it," Bill urged as Tonks moved the device closer to her.

This time it went slightly better; she managed to inhale a large amount to smoke before it affected her. It still burned her throat and triggered another round of coughing, but it was starting to cause a more positive reaction as well.

They passed the hashish around several more times, and with every try, inhaling and holding the smoke became easier, until it was almost second nature. It was clearly hitting her, and hitting hard. Tonks felt as if a warm, comforting haze had settled over her, leaving her limbless and giddy. She couldn't stop smiling or giggling, and she'd never realised just how funny Bill and Charlie were until tonight. The last time she'd felt anything remotely like this had been when Mad-Eye put her under the Imperius as part of his lesson on the Unforgiveable Curses during Aurors' Training. However now, unlike then, she had no intention of fighting it off.

Charlie offered her the hashish again, but she refused with a wave of her hand. "You lot go on without me," she giggled. "I don't think I can take any more tonight."

"Wimp. More for us then," Charlie replied with a chuckle, then helped himself to another lungful of smoke.

Bill laughed. "You did really well for your first time. I'm impressed." He leaned in, tucking a stray tendril of her hair behind her ear. "Seems to have done you a world of good too. You've gone all pink again."

"Have I?" Tonks blinked in confusion. "I didn't try to change anything."

Nodding, Bill continued stroking her hair softly, his touch sending shivers down her spine. "It's very nice." His voice had taken on a husky quality and the way he was looking at her made her squirm in her seat. In all the years she'd known him, Bill Weasley had never looked at her like that before.

There was a choking noise from Charlie as he roared with laughter, expelling smoke from his nose and mouth like a fire-breathing dragon. "I'd almost forgotten how pathetic you were when it comes to attempting a pull, Billywig."

"Ah, Charlie, you've got loads to learn," Bill said with a smirk. "That wasn't even remotely an attempt at a pull. That was me being complimentary. However," he gave Tonks a side-long glance, the smirk growing wider, "this is me attempting a pull—" With that, he leaned over and kissed Tonks full on the mouth.

She gave an initial squeak of surprise, but then yielded to him. Bill was a good kisser and he tasted good too, his lips and tongue smoky from the hashish mingled with a hint of sticky sweet mead. Tonks wound her arms around his neck, her fingers threading in the soft strands of his long hair, kissing him back with growing enthusiasm.

"So, you'll share your drugs with me, but not your girl?" Charlie broke in, his voice rough from smoking.

To Tonks' dismay, Bill pulled away slightly, cracking one eye open to peer at his brother. "Pardon?"

"Reckon you shouldn't be the only one allowed to snog Dora tonight," Charlie commented. "Even if she has turned violet." He reached over and tugged at her hair. Tonks looked down to see her hair was now falling in long, shiny purple curls. "I suppose she had to do something to keep herself occupied before you bored her to tears."

"I didn't, it wasn't—" Tonks insisted to Bill, smacking Charlie's hand away. "That's never happened before. I swear that I was not bored."

"Didn't appear you were bored to me, love," said Bill. He bent down and kissed her quickly. "Charlie's just being a berk because getting high always makes him ridiculously horny."

"Cauldron, kettle, black," Charlie muttered.

"You're not jealous, are you, Charlie Weasley?" Tonks asked. She couldn't help but be flattered at being the unexpected centre of attraction.

"Of course not. Just think you'd have much more fun kissing someone who wasn't a pillock is all."

Bill rolled his eyes at that. "Which is exactly what she was doing until you so rudely interrupted, mate."

"Well, somebody needs to snog me," Tonks announced, looking at Charlie and then Bill expectantly. "Now, which one of you is it going to be then?"

Charlie moved first; that was all Tonks needed to see. She grabbed him by the shirt collar, yanking him toward her, and fused her mouth against his. He let out a chortle of muffled triumph before beginning to kiss her in earnest.

She had kissed him so many times before — Charlie had been the first boy she'd kissed at school, and they'd never really stopped. But this time, it was very different. Perhaps it was because of the influence of the drugs, perhaps it was because his brother was there observing, but Charlie's mouth felt harder, his kisses more urgent and more intense. She definitely liked the change in him.

Undaunted by his brother's involvement, Bill snaked one arm around Tonks' waist and nestled up behind her, his lips and teeth grazing the nape of her neck. Tonks moaned against Charlie's lips, the combined attention from both Weasley boys overwhelming her.

Bill nuzzled the crook of her neck, nibbling his way to her earlobe while Charlie continued to kiss her greedily. Tonks sucked on his tongue, clutching at him as she wriggled back to press herself against Bill.

She felt a hand burrowing under the hem of her shirt, strong fingers brushing against her stomach as they moved up to cup her breast. It had to be Bill's — the touch was too soft and uncalloused to be Charlie's, and his hands were in her hair, holding her fast. To her disappointment, Bill suddenly withdrew his hand, shifting away from her. She broke away from Charlie to see what had happened.

"What—?" she started. Bill was on his knees, shoving the table away from them, presumably to give them all more space on the floor.

"Never mind him," Charlie rasped, catching her up in another kiss. Without Bill to bolster her, Tonks felt off-balance and unsteady. One minute she was upright, kissing Charlie greedily, the next she was toppling over, dragging Charlie down with her. He landed squarely on top of her as they both collapsed onto a pile of soft cushions, giggling madly.

"Never seen you as a blonde before," Charlie murmured in her ear. "You're dead sexy that way."

Before Tonks could respond, Charlie was rudely shoved aside by Bill as he slid down to land by her side. "Gerroff, dickhead."

Bill was now naked from the waist up — at some point, he must have removed his shirt. Probably when she'd been distracted by Charlie. Tonks definitely liked what she saw. While Bill wasn't as muscle-bound or buff as Charlie, he was certainly fit, his skin smooth and pale and covered with freckles.

Tonks pulled Bill into another kiss, grabbing one of Bill's hands and placing it on her breast. It came as no surprise when Charlie wrapped himself around her other side, his face buried in the side of her neck, his fingers closing around her free breast as if it were a errant Snitch. As Charlie rubbed against her, she could feel his erection through the thick fabric of his jeans, nudging against her hip.

She lay back, laughing and moaning at the combined touch of both Weasley brothers, kissing each of them in turn. The sensation of two pairs of lips covering her with kisses, two pairs of hands caressing her, two warm bodies pressing against her, was heady stuff, even without the added effects of the hashish.

Bill worked on pulling her t-shirt over her head while Charlie unfastened her jeans and dragged them down over her legs. Tonks suddenly felt a pang of regret that she was wearing an old bra and worn knickers rather than nice lingerie, but when she'd woken this morning, she hadn't expected to need anything else. It wasn't as if she was required to dress up at work or for an Order meeting, and her evenings rarely — if ever — culminated in this kind of debauchery. She would have to remember for next time....

Neither Bill nor Charlie seemed to notice her underwear, other than as an impediment given the speed with which they were removing it. Charlie unhooked her bra and threw it in the general direction of her other clothes while Bill tugged off her knickers, leaving her completely naked save for a pair of pink and black striped knee socks. Bill crawled between her splayed knees, propping himself up on his elbows, and began to lick and nibble his way up her bare thighs. His breath was hot and moist, his tongue rough as it swirled against her skin.

Meanwhile, Charlie was shedding his own clothes, leaving them in a messy heap. He kicked off his trousers and pants, his hard cock curving up against the flat expanse of his stomach. Swinging one leg over Tonks, Charlie straddled her rib cage, his hands already on her breasts. Tonks reached up and wrapped her hand around his cock, stroking lightly. Charlie squeezed his eyes closed and growled in approval.

He scooted in closer, nudging her lips with the head of his cock, already moist with pre-come. Charlie Weasley had never been subtle about his desires, a fact which suddenly seemed hysterically funny to Tonks. Her laughter turned into a loud gasp as Bill nipped at the tender flesh of her inner thigh, then sucked hard. Charlie used her reaction to his own advantage, shoving his cock into her open mouth. He grunted, then rocked his hips back, then forward again.

Tonks could feel Bill humming against her skin as he licked his way from her inner thighs to her centre, his thumbs parting her folds, his mouth hot as it closed around her clit. She let out a loud moan, her own hand tightening around Charlie's cock until he yelped in pain.

"Oi, watch that!"

"S-sorry, Charlie," she giggled, arching her back up in response to Bill.

Scowling, Charlie pulled back, letting his cock rest between her breasts. He leaned over, fumbling through his clothes to grab up his wand. "Lubricus," he muttered, tapping the head of his wand against her sternum. There was a loud crack as sparkles and smoke poured from the tip, followed by a gush of bright blue goo and the distinct smell of bananas.

"Blimey!" came Bill's muffled voice from between Tonks' legs. "Any third year student worth his salt ought to be able to manage that spell, Charlie-boy."

Tonks smacked her heel against Bill's shoulder. "Don't stop, you pillock!"

Bill's only response was another sharp nip to her thigh.

"Let's see those third years manage it when they're stoned out of their bloody tree," Charlie grumbled. He prodded the goo with the tip of his index finger, determined it was safe, and began to slather it along his shaft. "Colour matches your hair, you know."

"Am I blue?"

The question set Charlie into peals of raspy laughter. "Well, you won't be by the time we're finished with you."

Bill seemed to agree with Charlie's statement. Tonks threw her head back and moaned as Bill suddenly returned to concentrating on her clit, applying gentle pressure with his lips while his tongue flicked against the hard nub with increasing speed. Tonks writhed, her hips beginning to buck in a staccato rhythm. Charlie grabbed her breasts, pressing them together tightly around his slickened cock, and started to thrust between them. He moved in rough syncopation with her, his thrusts matching each rise and fall of her arse against the cushions.

She reached up to clutch at Charlie's forearms, her nails digging in as Bill continued his frantic ministrations. Charlie's thrusts grew faster, his moaning getting louder as he gripped at her breasts. He gave one last groan, then began to shudder. Tonks could feel the hot rush of his spunk as it splattered over her throat and chest.

Charlie relaxed his hold on her, his attention still on her breasts. He rolled her nipples between thumb and forefinger, tugging and tweaking them playfully. The cold sensation of what Tonks suspected was the blue goo trickled down her chest as Charlie shifted against her. It was very difficult to concentrate on what Charlie was doing when Bill was distracting her so brilliantly with his lips and tongue and fingers.

Her orgasm began to build, every inch of her body thrumming in arousal. Toes curling, hips rocking, Tonks thrashed and twisted beneath Charlie and against Bill, sending cushions flying...and then she was coming, her whole body convulsing as wave after wave of pleasure tore through her.

It seemed like an eternity before she came down again, finally slumping back against the cushions, panting and gasping for breath. Charlie rolled off her and collapsed by her side, laughing uncontrollably. Somehow Tonks managed to struggle into a seated position; Bill was still kneeling between her thighs and still half-dressed. Grabbing him by his ponytail, she jerked him forward, kissing him as passionately as she could muster, tasting herself on his mouth and tongue.

Continuing to kiss her, Bill managed to draw his wand out of his pocket and brushed it against her chest. In an instant, the combined mess of Charlie's spunk and the blue lube were gone. He tossed his wand down, then pulled her up onto her knees to meet him, their bodies flush. His hands went to her hips, then strayed down to cup her bare arse. She could feel his cock, rock-hard, through his khakis as it pressed against her stomach.

Tonks worked her hand between them, intent on unfastening Bill's trousers. As she fumbled with the button, she felt another hand attempting to do the same. Both of Bill's hands were still on her arse, so that could only mean that...

She pulled back in astonishment and glanced down. Charlie was now kneeling behind Bill, his chest firmly against Bill's back, his arms around Bill's waist, one hand already unzipping Bill's flies. She looked from one brother to the other, but neither seemed fazed by the activity. Bill gave a diffident shrug, then tugged her back towards him, clamping his mouth over hers.

He groaned against her lips as Charlie finally got his brother's trousers open and pulled his cock free. Tonks could feel Charlie's hands brush against her as his fingers wrapped around Bill's shaft. Bill's hips twitched as Charlie stroked him, his kisses becoming increasingly more urgent as Charlie's pace increased. Tonks slid one hand down, threading her fingers with Charlie's to join him in stroking Bill.

Bill's grip on Tonks' arse tightened as his breathing grew ragged, his hips pumping wildly. She felt Charlie's short-cropped hair brush against her cheek, and curiosity got the better of her. Opening one eye, she saw Charlie lower his head, teeth bared. Bill moaned loudly and shuddered as his brother bit down on the crook of his neck. One more thrust and Bill's cock began pulsing wildly in Tonks and Charlie's hands, and Bill spilled himself over their combined grip.

Bill sat back on his haunches, leaning against Charlie for support. Hooking one arm around Charlie's neck and tipping his own head back, Bill pulled Charlie into a long, lingering kiss. Tonks' eyes grew wide as she watched the two Weasley boys snog with abandon. Finally, they broke apart, panting and giggling like a pair of naughty schoolboys. Naughty stoned schoolboys.

"Blimey," she said, her voice rough from smoke, her tongue suddenly thick and dry. "Would you two like to be alone? I feel like I'm playing the gooseberry here."

"Aw, love, don't be like that." Bill leaned forward and kissed her on the forehead. "The last thing I want to do is be all alone with him. You're much nicer to look at for a start."

"I don't wanna be alone with him either," Charlie added with a derisive snort. "Don't be daft, Tonks. Of course we want you here. Besides, if anyone ought to feel left out, I reckon it's me. I had to get off all on m'own. Well—" His gaze dropped to her breasts and he leered. "With a little help from those amazing bristols of yours."

"Poor, poor Charlie," Tonks cooed, ruffling his hair with her clean hand. "Surely there must be some way we can remedy that, wouldn't you say, Bill?"

Bill responded with a predatory smile. "Hmmm. I can think of any number of possibilities. Why don't we all have another smoke and see what we can come up with?"

As Bill moved towards the table to retrieve the hashish and his smoking paraphernalia, Tonks realised that tonight had been the first time in weeks she hadn't spent the entire time brooding over Sirius's death — or anyone else's for that matter. That for at least a few hours she'd forgotten all about the War and the chaos surrounding it. Watching Bill pinch off another piece of hashish, she decided it wasn't the drugs that had brought about the change so much as the company. It had been a long time since she'd spent time with Bill and Charlie — and certainly never like this — and she'd forgotten just how much they could cheer her up.

She was glad they'd done it tonight, and given her the reminder that there were good things to focus on, even in the middle of a war. On a whim, Tonks scrunched her face up in intense concentration and focused on her hair.

"Oi, you're back to pink again!" Charlie exclaimed. He planted a quick kiss on the back of her neck, causing her to squeal. "Nice one."

Bill looked up from what he was doing, caught her eye, and flashed her another roguish grin. The attention from both Weasley boys made her toes curl. And it also made her deliriously happy. It was a wonderful feeling.
30th October 2010 11:23
Wow, this is was incredible. It is very hot here this evening to begin with but when I got to this paragraph,

Bill sat back on his haunches, leaning against Charlie for support. Hooking one arm around Charlie's neck and tipping his own head back, Bill pulled Charlie into a long, lingering kiss. Tonks' eyes grew wide as she watched the two Weasley boys snog with abandon. Finally, they broke apart, panting and giggling like a pair of naughty schoolboys. Naughty stoned schoolboys.

the temperature increased about 10 degrees and I swear I felt my eyes roll into the back of my head. Fuck that's hot!!! The entire sex scene is delicious, don't get me wrong, but that one paragraph nearly did me in.

This was every bit as brilliant as Luvscharlie said it would be I can't even... Guh so good!
30th October 2010 22:27
Hee-- thank you so much! I'm so glad you enjoyed this. It was a lot of fun to write. They are my OT3 and I love Bill/Charlie but haven't really written anything that explicit between the two of them before. So yay for other people liking it! :)
30th October 2010 15:27
Mmmmm... yummy and hawt! Yes, altered states make it more interesting!
30th October 2010 22:29
Thank you so much! And yes, altered states are fun to play with. :)
30th October 2010 18:07
Delicious and fun! I can see how having the attention of those two would cheer Tonks right up. ;)
30th October 2010 22:30
Thanks so much -- so glad you liked it (and yeah, Tonks is a lucky girl)
31st October 2010 00:40
GUHH. Very hot!
31st October 2010 02:11
Thank you so much and thanks for the rec at TQR! :)
31st October 2010 01:36
Oh God Weasley Love with a spare.

It's getting warm in here. ;)

Very (very) nice!
31st October 2010 02:11
Thanks so much -- so glad you enjoyed it. B/T/C is my OT3...so much fun to play with. :)
31st October 2010 04:50
This comm corrupts me. I read Weasley sex AND drugfic. And it was good.

*shakes fist*

31st October 2010 08:29
*loves you for being so brave* I'm glad you liked it! It makes me so happy to know you'll squick yourself just for me!
2nd November 2010 13:33
I've already saved it to my memories and drooled all over it. Now, I'm putting it in my pocket and carrying it away!

*big old fangirly sigh*
6th November 2010 20:48
*squishes* Don't bogart my OT3. ;)
6th November 2010 20:58
Oh yeah. OH I love this threesome.

Especially written like this...
6th November 2010 22:01
Hee! So glad you liked it (as always). :)
9th January 2011 21:08
This was wonderful and oh, so hot! I've never read this threesome before, and I think you've made me a fan.

Guh, those Weasley brothers!
10th January 2011 05:22
Aw, thanks. So glad you liked it! They're my OT3 *points to icon) and have written them way too many times. There are a few more B/T/C fics by me here as well as a few other people here, and then you can find more on my Skyehawke account (same name).
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