Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Art: Semi-aqueous (volatile), R 
28th October 2010 03:49
Title: Semi-aqueous (volatile)
Artist: [info]ships_harry
Media: Photoshop, tablet
Characters/Pairings: Snape/Harry
Rating: R
Kinks/Themes Chosen: Claustrophilia
Other Warnings: um, it's a bit weird?
Artist's Notes: Either it's a very strange fantasy, or magic enables some peculiar fetishes. Alternatively, Harry knows how much attention Snape pays to rare ingredients.
Art Preview:

28th October 2010 09:42
Wow, I really like this. The colors grab me first, then Snape, and finally Harry - I can't stop staring. Talk about rare ingredients - very nice.
28th October 2010 18:55
Thanks! And yeah, there's only one Harry in the world - rarest (and most valuable, to Snape) ingredient of all :).
28th October 2010 09:57
OMG That's fantastic. The color scheme is marvelous--Severus's perfect, swirling robes and his profile! OMG! Harry's jewel green potions bottle (to match his eyes, no doubt :P). Love the contrast between dressed and nude as well. Definitely a bit...different *g* but really well done!
28th October 2010 18:58
Thanks! And, er, yes. I'm not entirely sure *where* this idea came from (it was actually an old WIP that I realised would work very well for this month's theme, so who the hell knows what I was thinking the first time around?)
28th October 2010 10:38
Ooooo... I like that the liquid in Harry's bottle only comes up to his nuts....
Very nice
28th October 2010 18:59
You made me laugh out loud with this comment :D.

And yes. Snape wouldn't deny himself the aesthetic, and this comm's rating requirements need the fun bits ;).
28th October 2010 12:16
Wow, very original! (Hope Harry has plenty of oxygen in there. *g*)
28th October 2010 19:00
Thanks! Also, magic! Harry is totally fine :D.
28th October 2010 13:08
Oh WOWZA, Scarlet! This is just so strange and awesome. Pickled Potter. I love all of Snape's green potions bottles and his robe is seriously fantastic.

So cool! I love this lots ♥ ♥ ♥
28th October 2010 19:02
Pickled Potter.

Rofl :D. Also, "strange and awesome", thanks! I was hoping for something like that - to me, it was an idea that was a bit erotic... but weird... but compelling... but weird... but kinda hot... but weird ;).
28th October 2010 13:33
The colors are gorgeous!
I admit I'm a bit worried about Harry, although the fact that he's clearly aroused in there reassures me a bit. :/
And yes, your Snape is delicious. :)
28th October 2010 18:46
Harry's fine! It was all his idea, and anyway - magic :). He's quite happy to be in there (albeit briefly) and has been indulging in pleasantly unrealistic daydreams about being kept on shelf and taken out only when Snape needs him. Snape, although he'd be the last to admit it, would think that's a terrible idea, because then who would steal his toast in the morning? They tried leashing Harry to the bed one day, but he got so bored that his accidental magic acquired for him two shelves from the Young Adult section of the community library, a pinball machine, and the neighbour's cat (it shed). Ultimately, this stuff ends up being relegated to "fun dirty talk, largely impractical" and they just get on with things.
28th October 2010 14:18
Haaa, I love your brain! Harry seems a bit distressed, but Snape looks like he knows exactly what he's doing. :)
28th October 2010 18:41
Hahah, Harry's fine, and my theory is that it was all his idea, the dodgy thing. He's supposed to be licking the glass where Snape's thumb rests (if you squint) :). But yes. If anyone knows how to put someone in a giant vial and keep them fresh, it'd be Snape :D.
28th October 2010 16:16
That is... strangely compelling. Love the colours and textures - all those bottles...

28th October 2010 19:04
Thanks! I'm very pleased with the general tenor of the replies here, which seem to be somewhat (o.O)?

Those bottles, gah. Thank goodness for copy-paste-resize is all I'm saying. Still took a bugger of a long time.
28th October 2010 18:31
Well, Harry's definitely enjoying himself. :oP

I love the colour palette and the curlicues everywhere.
28th October 2010 19:05
He definitely is, the little weirdo :). Thanks!
28th October 2010 20:59
so lovely! harry is enjoying himself :)
28th October 2010 23:53
He is, yes! Thanks :).
28th October 2010 21:11
Ooooh, this is kinda creepy and weird and very sexy, all at the same time. Awesome! Makes me feel a bit claustrophobic? Haha. Though Harry seems to be enjoying himself. ;) Snape is fantastic. I so love those curlicues of his robe! And the way he's looking at Harry. The bottle Harry's in. The bottle's stopper! All those other potion bottles in the background - wow, so many! I admire your patience to draw them all. ;) And man, the GREEN. I love how dominant the green colour is here - very fitting for Snape and the entire scene. Also, the picture has a certain style that's totally awesome. :)
28th October 2010 23:57
Ahah, I did not draw all the bottles, thank goodness. I drew a few and then went on a copy-past-resize-edit spree :).

You know, it wasn't actually so well thought out that Harry has the only real colour in the picture. It just sort of ended up that way. I like it, though :).

I am super-pleased that it's creepy *and* sexy. The perfect combination! Awesomeness :).
28th October 2010 23:12
Love the colors and SNAPE'S ROBE TENTACLES ♥
28th October 2010 23:54
LOL TENTACLES. Awesome, thanks :D.
29th October 2010 00:23
love the glowing greens, and desperate!Harry pressed against the glass, ngh. Snape's elegant curly robes and pose are as cool as the giant bottle. magic!
29th October 2010 01:00
This is just freaking AMAZING. The curlicues that make up Snape's clothing edges, and the beauty of his face, he's all curves and circles like a cameo contains him or something. It's wonderful. And I love the oddness of the vessel holding Harry; that's what makes it fascinating. I love the places where he presses against the glass, especially his tongue! Gorgeous use of color and light in that glass, too!
29th October 2010 01:57
My, this is a lovely bit of work. Very detailed and gripping.
29th October 2010 08:01
This is such a unique, bizarre, interesting... I love fandom. I really do. I mean, where else on earth would you meet people this creative?? Who would think of something like this? This is so odd but really cool. I can't stop staring at the interplay between Snape and Harry... Your Snape is a bit unusual as well, very feminized and I really like him. I love his robes they fit very well into the style of this odd world.

Thanks for this. I'll probably ponder on this back and forth for a bit. I'm not sure why I just really like the dynamic. Almost the Gingerbread house witch and the boy she is feeding up to be larger to cook who is in the cage... I guess that is what it reminds me of.

30th October 2010 01:32
Damn, that's hot. Snape is absolutely gorgeous, the robes are amazing, and Harry ohyeahbaby.
5th November 2010 15:56
Wow! Creepy and unusual and so cool!
7th November 2010 02:49
Eeeeeek! Catching up on DD, and wow, this is so riveting and creepy! I like Severus's flowing inky robes, and the green green green!
20th November 2010 23:02
Oh this is perfect. The artwork is gorgeous. I love Severus' robes!

I have to laugh that I just saw this as it reminds me of a little ficlet/drabble that I posted on Halloween at Severus Sighs called 'A Just Reward'. Although my story is a tad creepier than I believe you were going for here.

27th November 2010 18:21 - Semi-aqueous (volatile)
I love the colour. The bottles on the shelves are perfect, as is the bottle housing Harry's handsome form.

And Snape's robes are sexy as heck.

6th December 2010 15:35
XD I *certainly* hope that love is not about pickling one's spouse.... ROFL (Well-drawn, but...LOL!). And I hope that Harry is more to Snape than a rare Potions ingredient! ;)
7th December 2010 17:07
Hee, pickled Harry! Dearie me. And yup, I think this could easily be Harry's fetish, with Snape kind enough to go along :). (also, he gets some peace and quiet this way)
8th December 2010 17:36
he gets some peace and quiet this way)

I'd rather Harry were banging and waling like that Hogwarts ghost! :3 Emphasis on 'banging', in Harry's case. :P
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