Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Fic: Moonlight (Teddy/? - NC-17) 
24th October 2010 23:36
Title: Moonlight
Author: [info]lilmisblack 
Characters/Pairings: (Highlight to read) Teddy/Bill
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Chosen: sex under the influence
Other Warnings: Slash, Slight Dom/sub
Word Count: 2600
Summary/Description: There were no inhibitions, no moral compass, no 'should' or 'can't', there was just what he wanted, what he needed. What he would take. The moon set him free, allowed him to enjoy, to do, to play. He was free to live, consequences be damned.

Teddy ran, and ran, and ran, dry leaves cracking with every step he took, low branches scratching his face and arms, his surroundings blending into a blurry mass of green as he moved, as he escaped. He felt his blood pumping faster and faster into his heart, felt every muscle in his body ache as he forced himself to go faster. He could hardly keep the smile off his face.


It was an important night, for many different reasons. Some thought it was interesting, some found it amusing, many thought it was romantic. Teddy was eager and terrified at the same time.

It had been announced on Muggle news as a sort of astronomical wonder, something no one had seen in over a century. They had recommended the best places in the city to go on a late-night picnic, or a romantic date, and watch the moon as it shone, larger and brighter than ever, closer to the earth than it had been in ages. The wizarding community had also been informed, but for different reasons. Many magazines had published the best moon-enhanced potions their readers should brew, others had opted for a list of rituals and spells that would work their best that night. The Ministry had contacted every registered werewolf in Great Britain and sent them to secured facilities for the night, afraid of the effect moon might have on them.

Teddy had felt the effects of the moon before. Some of the curse had passed from his father to him somehow, although very few people knew about it. He could hear and see better than most, and when the moon was full he felt stronger, faster. It also made him impulsive, daring, and a few times just plain stupid. Which could probably explain why he hadn’t stayed at home, like his grandmother had suggested. It had taken him one look at the bright, beautiful and tempting moon in the sky for him to throw caution to the wind, crack open his bedroom window and sneak outside.


He was getting closer. Teddy could hear his ragged breathing getting louder and louder as if there was no other sound in the world. He knew running away was the wrong move, knew it would only provoke him, but the part of his brain that might care wasn’t in charge tonight. When the moon was full it was his instincts that guided his actions, and his instincts told him to run. His instincts told him to get away as fast as he could. His instincts told him to get caught.


Sometimes it was as if his body and his mind belonged to someone else. When the moon was full he felt needs and desires he couldn’t really understand. It was like stumbling around blindly, trying to find something he didn’t know he was looking for, something that would please the animal inside. The key to it, as he learnt over the years, was trial and error. He just pushed his fears away and gave everything a try, until he found what it was he needed. Sometimes the animal in him just wanted to get rid of the energy the moon seemed to force through his every pore with its light. Those nights he would go into the closest forest he could find and run for hours, run until he was too tired to move a muscle, to take another step, run until the world blacked out and he simply collapsed in the middle of nowhere and waited for the sun to make it all better.

Other nights that wasn’t enough. Other nights it took someone else to take the edge off. Those were the nights he enjoyed best.


His large body hit Teddy from behind, a shoulder in the middle of his back, and made him lose his balance. He fell forward, sharp twigs cutting into his hands as he tried to break the fall, then scratching the side of his face as he hit the ground. Teddy growled softly as he pushed himself onto his hands and knees, expecting another attack. When nothing happened he looked around. He couldn’t see anyone there, but he could feel his eyes on him. Tonight he would be the pray. He shivered and his lips twisted into another smile. The animal in him liked that idea.


He walked into his favourite club. The lights were blinding and the music deafening, more so than usual, but it didn’t matter. Teddy lost himself in the crowd, moving with the music, touching and being touched, trying to find something that would satisfy the animal inside. Everything was a blur, the people, the lights, the voices in his ear whispering filthy things, the shy smiles that beckoned him closer. He had no will of his own, he just reacted to his surroundings, responding to every touch, every whisper, every kiss. It was like being drunk, only so much better. There were no inhibitions, no moral compass, no should or can’t, there was just what he wanted, what he needed. What he would take. The moon set him free, allowed him to enjoy, to do, to play. He was free to live, consequences be damned.


Teddy stood up and closed his eyes, using his other senses to find him. The scent of him was maddening, and he wanted to move closer to where he was. Instead he ran away.

He had only taken a few steps before he was hit again, and this time they fell together. Teddy twisted from side to side, trying to dislodge him, but he was too large, too strong. In a matter of seconds he had him pinned, one of his hands holding Teddy’s wrists together, the other against the back of his neck. He used his own weight to keep Teddy’s body down.

Teddy kept struggling, his efforts redoubled when he heard him laugh. He twisted, tried to free his hands, tried to kick back, even hit him with his head. None of it made him loosen his hold on Teddy, but if the bulge Teddy could now feel against his back was any indication, he didn’t mind the struggle.

It was only when he felt teeth pressing against the side of his neck that he stopped moving. Teddy felt the lips press harder, the hand around his neck tighten, but he remained still.

“Good pup,” he growled into Teddy’s ear. “Now you keep nice and still.”


Teddy danced, and kissed, and touched for what felt like hours, going from one figure to the next, not caring who it was. But nothing seemed to sate the animal tonight, nothing was enough. The pull of the moon was too strong, and he couldn’t find what the wolf needed. He needed something else. He decided it was time for what he thought of as his emergency plan. He would have to visit Victoire.


Teddy did as he was told, not moving a muscle, not even to push back against the hardening cock behind him. He felt the lips on his neck twist into what he guessed was a smile, and then the weight over him shifted just so, the grip on his wrists loosened a fraction, and he pushed back with all his might, gaining enough room to scramble forward. He was on him in a second, and this time his body weighed him down as he grab a handful of Teddy’s hair and pulled his head back sharply.

“Oh, no, you don’t,” he growled into Teddy’s ear, his breathing ragged. “I tell you to be still, and you stay still.” Teddy shook his head, trying to pull away, and heard him laugh again. The amusement was clear in his voice when he said, “Think I’ll have to show you who’s in charge.”


He didn’t know how, or why, but there was something about Victoire that called to him, ever since they were children. It wasn’t until years later, as the effects of the curse became stronger, that he realised her mere presence helped calm him, helped clear his mind. He made sure to spend as much time as possible with her on the days before the full moon, when he felt ready to crawl out of his skin, when he was twitchy and moody and, in her own words, a pain in the arse, but he rarely sought her out on the night of the full moon. Once the moon was shining full logic flew out the window, and he didn’t want to be calm.


”Should’ve listened to me when I told you to go home, pup.” Teddy said nothing, but pull away from him again. The hand on his hair pushed him down until his face was pressed against the ground. “You need to learn how to obey.”

The body on top of him moved slightly away, but the hand on his hair pressed Teddy’s face harder down, silently reminding him to be still. The other hand moved to his hip, forcibly pulling him up until he was on his knees. Teddy smiled to himself.

“This is what you wanted, isn’t it?” The hand on his hip moved around him, then pressed just a little too hard against his straining cock. He barely managed to bite back a moan. “I could smell it all over you, even before I saw you. Knew you’d be hard, knew you’d be willing to do anything for a good, hard fuck. Cocky pup, thought this was just a game, didn’t you? Well,” he said, as his hand fumbled with Teddy’s zip, “I think you bit more than you can chew.”


He Apparated almost a mile away from her home, ready to cast the spell that would let her know he was there, when he felt it. It was strange, like something in his stomach pulling him forward. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, and the second the scent reached him he started moving. What little self-control he’d had left was gone, all that was left was his animal instincts telling him he had to move.

His heart was beating faster, his breathing was ragged, his senses were clouded. He had never felt anything like that before, that raw need, the absolute control of the moon over him. There was nothing he could do to stop himself, not that he wanted to. Whatever it was that was calling to him, he wanted it, and that was all he could think about. He moved faster, almost running, until he was by the cottage. The scent was coming from inside the house.

The door flew open before he could knock, and he took a step back, his eyes slowly taking in the source of that maddening sense.

“What are you doing here?” he asked. He took a deep breath, then closed his eyes and took a step away from Teddy. When he opened his eyes again, Teddy could see a mixture of surprise, arousal and worry flash through them. His breathing got deeper, and Teddy could swear his heart started beating faster, somehow matching the crazy rhythm of his own.

Teddy took a small step forward, driven by the same force that had pulled him there, as he watched him more carefully. His torso was bared, a fine sheen of sweat covering the lean muscles as his chest heaved with every breath. Teddy guessed he had been working out, perhaps trying the same things to control himself as Teddy often did. He wondered if it worked. He took another small step forward, and watched him step back again. It clearly hadn’t worked for him tonight.

“You should leave,” he said, just as Teddy was about to step closer still. “Get out of here, Teddy.”

“What’s…what’s going on?” he asked, taking a deep breath, letting the maddening scent fill his mind.

“Leave. Now.”

“You feel it too, don’t you?” He glanced back at the moon. It seemed even larger than before, its light brighter, as if mocking them, reminding them there was no escaping her. He inched closer to the door.

“Teddy.” There was something in the way he said his name, something in that warning tone, that hint of a threat, that made him stop. That made him reconsider. Every inch of his body suddenly hurt from need. He watched him in silence for a few seconds, watched his jaw tense, watched his hands curl into fists, the muscles in his arms seeming to pop out with the tension. Suddenly he knew what he wanted, and he knew how to get it.

Teddy met his gaze for the first time, and moved forward until they were inches apart. He stared into his eyes and made his defiance clear. He felt him tense even more, his lip twisting into a snarl, and Teddy tried not to smile, instead holding his gaze even longer, and didn’t back down when he stepped forward. Minutes went by as they stared at each other, their noses almost touching as they silently tested each other. Then, when he knew he was about to attack him, Teddy turned around and started running.

Teddy knew he would follow, knew he would want to show he was the dominant one. And knew he would enjoy every second of it.


It was hard to think straight, hard to keep track of things. All Teddy knew was that his clothes were gone, and the body behind him was equally naked, his skin slick and feverish.

The cock pushed into him before he was ready, and that wonderful pressure, that slow burn, made him groan and push his hips back as best he could. Teddy felt him shake as he laughed at his reaction, but he didn’t care. All that mattered to him was that strong arm holding him in place and the deliciously large cock moving deeper and deeper inside him.

“Should’ve left when you had the chance,” he said, as he gave a hard thrust and buried himself completely inside Teddy. This time they both groaned.

The thrusts were fast and hard from the start, not giving him time to adjust, but he didn’t care. It wasn’t long before he was trying to push his hips back, force him deeper. He reached for his own cock, and cursed when his hand was slapped away. The sensations were too much already, every little thing heightened by the moon, and he was so hard it hurt; he needed to touch himself, needed to come. The second time he tried to reach for his cock his hands were forced behind his back, the hold on his wrists bruising, the new position making him lose what little balance he’d had, his weight now resting partially on his face, the twigs and small rocks digging into his cheek.

But what did that matter, when fingers finally circled his cock, when they stroked him hard and fast, matching the rhythm of the cock inside him. By then all he could think about was the pleasure mounting, the world spinning around him, as he came harder than he ever had before.

They both finally collapsed, their breathings ragged, their hearts hammering in their chests, but the call of the moon finally sated. Teddy closed his eyes, felt the softening cock slide out of him, heard muttered words he couldn’t really make out and just relaxed. For the first time in years he was content under the full moon. He had finally found what the animal in him craved, and he knew he would go to any lengths to have that again.

Now he knew that, for the first time in his life, he would really look forward to the full moon.
25th October 2010 13:04
Guhhh, this is very hot! You did a nice job of ratcheting up the tension, sexual and otherwise.
25th October 2010 21:28
*fans self*
26th October 2010 01:32
Oh that was gorgeous! Love the fierceness of it, the wildness. Great job.
26th October 2010 02:56
beautiful, hot, urgent, mysterious, compelling and inevitable.
6th November 2010 21:13
ohhhhhhhhhhhh, lovely.

Submission as power and intent, love it.
7th November 2010 18:11
Mmmm, not really dub con, more like calculated seduction.
Very hot and very well done! :)
13th November 2010 02:00
Incredibly hot!
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