Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Fic: Spank It And Make It Worse, NC-17, Snape/Black 
20th September 2010 23:31
Title: Spank It And Make It Worse
Author: [info]eeyore9990
Characters/Pairings: Sirius Black/Severus Snape
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Chosen: Please your mod
Other Warnings: rimming, spanking
Word Count: 3800
Summary/Description: Kiss It And Make It Better, by [info]akatnamedeaster. Yep, that's the summary.
Author's Notes: Thanks to [info]akatnamedeaster for allowing me to use and abuse her gorgeously perfect art for this month's fic.

Severus rounded the corner and came to a complete stop, his gut clenching with rage and some emotion he couldn't even decipher. He could hear that voice ringing through the hallway outside the potions classroom and… It just wasn't fair. This was his territory.

That fucking prat had no right being here outside of classroom hours.

Hackles rising, Severus tip-toed forward, ears straining to hear exactly why Sirius Black was speaking to Professor Slughorn. It couldn't be an assignment, after all. Slughorn hadn't set them any work outside of the classroom yet. And Black would likely chew off his own hand rather than ask for any extra help with potions.

Severus drew up straight and flattened himself to the wall as Black backed out of the classroom, grinning so wide Severus could see the way his cheeks were creased even from this distance and the poor light of the dungeon hallway.

"Thanks, Professor Slughorn."

"It's a shame I couldn't have you in my house, Sirius my boy. Your brother is such a prime example of Slytherin ideals mixed with studious habits. Do give him my best when you see him. It's a shame about your mother."

Black's face smoothed into lines of utter innocence—sending chills coursing down Severus' spine—as he said, "Thank you, sir. I'll be sure to send along your good wishes next time I owl her."

Black? Owl his mother? Severus narrowed his eyes. Something was seriously off about this whole encounter, and Severus was determined to get to the bottom of it.

Sirius brushed his hair back behind his ear, ignoring the disappointed looks Remus was shooting him across the table as he spoke in low tones to Jamie.

"I just don't think itching powder is enough. There's got to be something more we can do—"

"The problem is," Jamie said, frowning down at the crossed-through list they were shielding between their plates of food, "any hexes or jinxes can be traced to us."

"Yeah, yeah, magical signatures."

"So whatever we do, we have to make sure it's non-traceable. Something from Zonko's, I reckon."

"You could steal something instead," Peter said around a mouthful of food.

Sirius looked up, irritation flashing through him for a brief moment at the interruption before his brain kicked into gear. "Steal something?" He glanced quickly across the room to the Slytherin table and began to grin. "Yeah. Yeah, we could at that."


"Nah. One better. I'll steal all their trousers. Make them go traditional."

"And if someone whispers something in a prof's ear about them being out of uniform—"


"You know I shouldn't be privy to this conversation, right?" Remus had moved on from disappointment and was looking outright jealous. Sirius grinned at that. It was good to see the old boy aching for a bit of adventure.

"But now that you are, you're in with us."

"I can't," Remus said, sounding aggravated as he pulled on a lock of his hair. "Got rounds tonight."

"Oh, fuck me sideways!"

Sirius raised his eyebrows at Jamie. "Could, if you really insist," he offered with a shrug.

"No, I mean… I have that project to work on. With, erm—"

"Don't tell me. Evans." Sirius knew his voice was flat with a combination of disappointment and anger, but he couldn't help it. Jamie had been blowing them off more and more to hang out with Evans; it was fast becoming a real drag. "Pete?" he asked, turning his back on Jamie and looking toward his last remaining friend.

Pete appeared excited for one brief, shining moment before he slumped and shook his head. "Detention with Filch."

"Oh yeah." Sirius felt an unholy grin stretching his lips as he recalled the scene in Defence that afternoon. Chicken feathers everywhere, with more spewing from Snivelly's mouth every second. It had been a stroke of genius, even if Pete had confessed later that he'd really just got the hand-motions wrong.

Definitely worth a detention, at any rate.

"So, since you're being a hormonal prat, Potter, you'll be forfeiting your Cloak tonight in your place."

Jamie sighed mournfully but nodded. "'s the least I can do."

"Too fucking right it is. Remus, you're going to patrol in the dastardly dungeons tonight, am I right?"

"Might as well. The Astronomy Tower's getting a bit old. You know, you may as well pinch their knickers while you're there."

Smiling proudly at his friend, Sirius jotted a note in the margins of his Grand Plan. "And Pete, you're to keep old Filch in… well, wherever you have your detention. I think between you and Remus here, I should have a clear shot all the way to the dungeons and back—"

"Then I can keep the Cloak?" The hope in Jamie's voice was almost heartbreaking to behold. Almost.

"No, you may not."


"Only for the lucky."

Severus' fingers tightened on his journal as he heard something… not right. There was someone in the hallway that ran between the seventh year dorms and the sixth year dorms.

No one should be this far down their hallway at 12:30 on a Wednesday night. Thursday morning. Whatever.

Clutching his book like a shield, Severus tiptoed to the door and stood with his ear pressed to it, listening for any further sounds.

There it was! A soft rustling noise was just barely distinguishable through the thick wood of the door to the seventh year dorm. Hand hovering over the knob, Severus finally just reached down and grasped it firmly. Listening again to try to determine how close the interloper was, Severus waited until he heard the rustling again before he slowly turned the knob. Hopefully whoever was there was making enough noise to cover any sounds the door might make.

Severus peered through the cracked open door and saw nothing. The hallway was empty, though the noise, when it came again, was several degrees louder than it'd been just a moment before. It was clearly coming from the sixth year dorm.

Sneaking into the hallway, Severus cast a silencing spell on his feet and clothing before sliding through the opened doorway of the dorm. He held his wand in front of him, ready for anything, when he heard the sound again.

Whirling, he pointed his wand and cast the first spell that came to mind.


A wand twirled through the air toward him along with a pair of boys' briefs and trousers, and then he heard a thump and the slide of a body down a wall. Gaze flickering around the vicinity of the sound, he watched as a pair of booted feet came into view.

"Accio Invisibility Cloak!"

The silky cloth flew through the air toward him, uncovering the form of Sirius Black.

Severus felt like an idiot. He should have known from the first hint of anything wrong that Black was behind this, but he hadn't considered that Black would be in the sixth year dorms. He'd assumed Black would be coming for him—which wasn't conceit so much as simply knowing his enemy.

Confused, Severus looked around the room before the briefs and trousers at his feet made him gape in sudden, violent understanding, the Cloak slipping through his numb finges. "Oh my god," he whispered, staring at Black in utter shock.

Black pushed himself away from the wall and stood, scowling and rubbing at the back of his head—likely the part that had taken the brunt of the impact with the wall. "What? Give me back J… my Cloak."

Severus ignored Black's demand, unable to do anything other than just stare at him. "You… you broke into the dorms to… Your brother's… What kind of a monster are you, Black? "

"Errr? No idea what you're on about. Now. Give me the Cloak."

Severus looked down at the material on the floor and then immediately kicked it under the nearest bed. The wand in his hand bit into his palm, and Severus spared a moment to wonder why Black hadn't thought to ask for it back first. It was highly suspicious that he hadn't.

"Why don't you tell me what you're doing with your little brother's briefs instead? Don't tell me you follow all those disgusting pureblood habits the others do."

Black looked at him with a puzzled expression on his face for a long moment before his mouth went slack. "N… Wait. You think I'm here to… what? Fondle Reggie's knickers?"

Sneering, Severus said, "Caught red-handed, weren't you?"

Black rubbed a hand over his nose in thought before he started moving toward Severus, who, for his part, began backing away. He didn't trust Black any further than he could throw him and really, he wasn't at all capable of even lifting someone of Black's size.

The slightly different layout of the sixth year dorm from the seventh year dorm—they had one extra boy, which meant one extra bed—was ultimately Severus' downfall. Literally. He was so focused on Black and what he was doing that the bed caught him by surprise, and right at the bend of his knees.

Severus wind-milled his arms for a frantic instant before he fell over backward onto the bed, the wands in his hand jostling from his grip. The wands had no sooner fallen from his hand than Black was on him; Severus brought his legs up to kick Black away, but Black simply caught them and pushed them upward, bearing his weight down on Severus.

Struggle though he might, Severus could not get Black off of him. Looking around for a weapon, Severus groped for their wands. If he could just get his fingers around one of them… The clatter of the wands rolling out of Severus' reach nearly made him scream with frustration.

"Disgusting, dirty, filthy mind you have there, Snivelly. Someone should take some soap to your mouth." Sirius's words were broken and cut off as Snape struggled beneath him, however, their respective positions were such that Sirius not only had the upper hand, but, barring any catastrophe—the Slytherins returning to their dorms came to mind—he should be able to maintain the upper hand as well.

He saw Snape going for that bloody book of his and was able to slap it out of arms reach just in time. A glance around the bed showed nothing else that could be used for a weapon, other than possibly a quill—which had been broken at some point in their scuffle—and a hairbrush that was just behind Snape's head. Explained why he hadn't gone for it already, really.

A wicked thought occurring to him, Sirius reached above Snape and grabbed the brush. Flipping it around in his hand, he brought the back of the brush down in a rather awkward swing, and the crack of it on Snape's bum was enough to put a smile on his face. He expected Snape to do any number of things: shout, thrash, ball up one of those hands of his and take a swing at him… anything other than what actually happened.

As soon as the brush whacked his arse, Snape went perfectly still, his lips going slack as his jaw dropped. Sirius fell forward against him as Snape's legs relaxed. The fight had gone out of him completely, and all it had taken was one swat with a hairbrush.

Kinky little shit.

Intrigued, Sirius swung the brush again, letting it land slightly harder this time, more fully on Snape's left arse cheek. He watched, fascinated, as Snape's eyelids quivered and colour began to bloom in his cheeks.

"You… like this." He swatted Snape again.

"Fuck you," Snape said, though his words were belied by the needy whine in his voice. "'m not the one knicking his brother's—aah!"

"So what if I stole Reggie's bloomers? Doesn't mean I'm doing anything wrong with them. And also, how would you know what his knickers look like, eh?" Not waiting for an answer, Sirius lifted off Snape's legs and, before he could get away, began truly smacking his arse with the brush, not pausing even for a moment between swats.

As interesting as Snape's reaction to Sirius paddling him had been, his own reaction to Snape's reaction was rather worrisome. He was hard. No, no, he wasn't hard. He was fucking aching he was so stiff.

In one quick motion, Sirius flipped Snape's unresisting body over and pinned him to the bed. He straddled Snape's thighs and tried to stifle a moan as his cock nestled right down into the crease of Snape's arse through their trousers. Sirius' fingers flexed cruelly on Snape's hips and he knew it had to hurt, had to sting deliciously as his thumbs pressed into Snape's abused arse.

A tiny whimper rose from the bed and Sirius knew. He just knew. He could do whatever he wanted with Snape like this. Anything.

He felt Snape moving beneath him, and for a moment he thought Snape was still struggling to get away. But instead, his fingers were scrabbling under his body and every bit of breath left Sirius when he realized that Snape was undoing his clothing, pushing his trousers down and ripping at his shirt buttons.

Shakily, backing off a bit, Sirius helped pull Snape's trousers and pants down, then off, and flung them away. His socks went next and then his tie and shirt.

And all the while Sirius' eyes were locked on Snape's arse. It was… mesmerizing. The skin was livid with marks left from the brush, beet red and beautiful. Sirius ripped frantically at his own clothing then, suddenly in a rush to ensure there was nothing else standing between his bare skin and Snape's arse.

When he was as naked as Snape, when his own clothing dotted the bed and hung off it, when his socks tangled with Snape's on the pillows, Sirius finally found time to slow down, to appreciate the gift he'd been given. Breathing ragged, he reached out and touched Snape's arse, sighing when he felt the heat coming off it. He scratched at the skin gingerly, and was shocked at the reaction he received.

Severus felt the scrape of Black's nails over his arse and went slightly mad. He thrashed around, shouting with pleasure, and managed to flip himself over. Grabbing Black by the shoulders, he pushed and pulled until Black was lying on the bed, the top of his head brushing Severus' bony knees.

Leaning down, he bit and sucked at Black's chest and stomach before he came eyeball to slit with Black's cock. He swallowed roughly, a touch of intimidation pulling him back from the edge of lust-driven insanity he'd been teetering on.

"Fucking hell, Snape," he heard and looked down under his body to see Black staring up at… at his arse.

The heat of embarrassment flooded Severus' cheeks then, but he didn't have long to wallow in it before he felt Black's hands on his arse, massaging and kneading the throbbing cheeks. He groaned then, huffing slightly against Black's cock as he felt fingers pulling his arse cheeks apart and probing at his hole.

"N-no," he gasped, jerking forward. "Not…"

"Don't worry, Snape," Black said, his voice surprisingly gentle. "I'm not after that. Not… not right now, at any rate. But. But I want to… can I…?" A small noise of frustration came from Black just before Severus lost all sense of control over himself and his body.

Because Black was licking a thick stripe from the underside of his balls up over his perineum, stopping just short of the rim of his arse and forcing a low whine from Severus.

"What?! What, why did you stop, oh god, do that again, fuck!" Severus panted, darting forward to suck a kiss into the tip of Black's cock, hoping against hope that such an action would encourage Black to further explorations.

Instead, though, Black squirmed under him, huffing lightly as his hips twitched up toward Severus' face.

"Need…" Black squeezed his arse cheeks tightly, wringing a cry from Severus. "Need the wands. Yours, mine, don't fucking care. Can you reach?"

Severus bit down on his lip and twisted around, looking frantically over the bed and the floor surrounding it. Finally, he spotted them, lying one atop the other near the pillows. Reaching forward, he nearly toppled them both from the bed before he was able to pinch them between his fingers and toss them to Black.

No sooner had he straightened back to his previous position than he felt a cleaning charm washing through him. Black wasted no time then, pulling his cheeks apart again and wriggling his tongue against Severus' bum, his fingers digging into the skin of Severus' arse.

Severus dropped his forehead to Black's thigh, choked breaths forcing their way past the knot in his throat as his cock throbbed with the need to come. A sharp smack to his arse startled him back from the brink of orgasm and he jerked up, blinking dazedly at the far wall as he tried to think what he was supposed to be doing.

Sirius rolled his hips, hoping Snape would get the hint because he really didn't want to pull his tongue out of Snape's fluttering hole to get into specifics. Whatever else you could say about old Snivelly, he was capable of taking non-verbal direction well because no sooner had Sirius' hips stopped their undulation then his mouth was opening over the tip of Sirius' cock and sucking almost delicately.

Sirius groaned, his desire ratcheting up a notch as he forced himself to remain still and not shove his cock straight down Snape's throat. As if to reward his patience, Snape began to bob his head, taking more and more of Sirius' cock into his hot, wet mouth. Sirius whined low in his throat and stabbed his tongue more firmly into Snape's arse, going deeper than he'd thought possible and damn near slobbering all over Snape if the spit running down his chin was anything to go by.

A thought occurring to him, Sirius let go of Snape's arse with his right hand and drew it back, bringing it down with a ringing smack and causing Snape's body to writhe against him, his arse pushing back against Sirius' hand. Sirius began to alternate then, raining blow after blow on Snape's arse as he pulled back and just licked long stripes up the underside of Snape's cock, over his balls, and all the way back to his reddened, wet hole.

He was so intent on his treatment of Snape's body that when Snape let go of his cock and sucked Sirius' balls into his mouth, Sirius shouted and threw his head back, hips hunching upward. Snape made a rumbling noise then and sank his mouth back onto Sirius' cock just in time to catch the first pulse of Sirius' come on his tongue.

Sirius' tongue trembled against the spot directly between Snape's balls and his hole as Snape backed off, allowing the remainder of Sirius' come to land somewhere other than Snape's mouth.

Sirius licked back down and sucked Snape's balls into his mouth, pulling on them with his lips as he shifted one hand under Snape's body and began to wank him with firm strokes until Snape dropped his head to bang it against Sirius' leg and the body-hot ropes of his come hit Sirius' chest, glopping thickly on the dog tags Jamie had given him for his birthday.

When he was done, when Snape had hissed "too much" and jerked away to fall forward onto the bed, Sirius sat up, wondering what to do now.

Nothing inspiring came to him. Snape just lay there on the bed, face turned away from Sirius as his back rose and fell rapidly.

A flicker of conscience ran through Sirius then, and he bounced on the bed beside Snape, jostling him so that Snape slowly turned his head toward Sirius.

"What do you want?" Snape asked quietly, his cheeks still flushed a deep pink that looked at once odd and incredibly appealing on his pale features.

"Haven't figured that yet." Sirius was surprised at his own honesty, but couldn't stop himself from reaching down and lightly patting Snape's arse with the flat of his hand and allowing his palm to rest there.

Snape's eyes slid closed and rolled behind their lids as his hips lifted, pressing his arse into Sirius' hand.

"You really do like that, don't you?"

Snape turned his head away, but not before Sirius saw him grimace.

"Hey." He nudged Snape in the side. "I won't tell anyone."

"Hah! By tomorrow it'll be all over the castle what a freak I am."

Sirius scratched at his chin as he thought about this. "Nah," he finally said. "Can't exactly explain how I know that without giving away I was here, can I? Catch twenty, that."

"Catch twenty-two, you fucking moron," Snape muttered into the mattress.

"Would it help if I told you something about me?"

"Right, so you can lie to me and laugh when I try to use it against you?"

"No, so you let me spank you some more. It's hot… sorta. I like seeing you all loose and relaxed and you make the best face."

"Wait, what? My face?" Snape turned his head back toward Sirius, an expression of deepest suspicion on the half of his face Sirius could see.

"Yeah, it goes all," Sirius tried to relax his features, opening his mouth slightly and unfocusing his eyes.

"Oh, perfect, I look like a victim of a memory charm gone wrong."

"Nah, I mean. It's goofy, yeah, but kinda hot too."

Snape rolled onto his side to glare at Sirius. "Why are you still here? Why are you—" He waved his hand between them. "Why aren't you trying to hex me?"

"Because this is funner."

"Oh my god, that's not a word. You're a fucking imbecile."

Sirius grinned. He'd begun to feel a bit off-kilter with the whole 'nearly shagging Snape' thing; now he was back on firm ground. "'s your fault."

"How so?" Snape asked, rolling his eyes.

"You just sucked my brains out."

Snape groaned and flopped over onto his back, throwing one hand over his eyes. "Get out of here, Black, before my housemates get back from Astronomy. I don't want to be caught here, on this bed, with you of all people."

Sirius tilted his head, something about that niggling at him. "Okay, I can understand why you wouldn't want to be caught with me. Or be caught period. But what's the bed got to do with it?"

The narrow-eyed look Snape shot him should have been a warning, but Sirius was still shocked into peals of laughter when Snape said, "It's your brother's bed, you twat."
21st September 2010 12:08

That would be several of my favorite kinks all in one fic -- yummy! Goes perfectly with the hot art too. And I love the last line. :-)
22nd September 2010 06:39
:D :D :D! Thank you so much!
21st September 2010 12:42
Oh lovely! Perfect interpretation of an awesome piece of art. I;m so glad you wrote this.

And it's really rather sweet. Never thought I;d say that about Sirius/Snape...
22nd September 2010 06:40
Heh, thank you! I really enjoyed going back multiple times to look at the art writing this!
21st September 2010 14:48
oh! this is wonderful! so lovely! and sexy! it goes so well with the art! (which, of course i adore as well :)

and i loved their talk after ...

22nd September 2010 06:40
Hee! Thank you!
21st September 2010 15:24
Oh my...what a lovely accompaniment with my coffee this morning. [info]eeyore9990 this was just perfect, I love the way you worked in everything in the art and the characterizations and the hot, hot sex! *slips pic in HP porn file*

Snape strikes me as exactly the type who would really enjoy a good thrashing; with all that nastiness, snarkiness, and prickliness he's just begging for someone to take him in hand. ;) So yeah, I love this scenario.

Thank you for writing this and please do feel free to abuse my art any time!
21st September 2010 15:25
I meant: *slips fic in HP porn file*. This has been a really good month for my HP porn file. :D
22nd September 2010 06:41
Thank you thank you thank you! I was floundering for what to write this month (soooo many choices!!) and when I saw your art, all I could think was OMG PERFECT! I MUST WRITE THIS! :D

You know, if my begging and pleading didn't get that across, ROFL!
21st September 2010 15:55
This is so hot and so well done. They're fully in character and that end line had me falling out of my chair laughing.
Love it!
22nd September 2010 06:41
*glee* Thank you, hon!
21st September 2010 18:50
I'm not really that into spanking, but you may just have sold me on it here!
22nd September 2010 06:42
Hah, spanking is one of those "fic-only" kinks of mine. In real life, it makes me go WTF do you think you're doing?!
22nd September 2010 22:16
So hot, so funny!
Ha! I wish they could have been friends.
You write really good smutt, BTW!
29th September 2010 05:08
Hee, thank you!
23rd September 2010 00:14
Oh wow! This is lovely and hot and wonderful.. and did I mention hot!? I love how you worked all the things on the bed into the story. They are super hot together.

Last line = win!
29th September 2010 05:08
*glee* Thanks!
23rd September 2010 13:38
Damn but that's hot. And on his brother's bed, too. He's so going to a very very hot place for that. *g*
29th September 2010 05:09
Bwahaha, somehow I doubt the thought of that'd bother Sirius too much. Thank you, hon!
25th September 2010 02:18
What a fantastic elaboration of the artwork! Haha to Snape thinking Sirius was there to grab Regulus's underthings and then the two of them ending up on Regulus's bed. Very fun character moments with plenty of hotness, yay!
29th September 2010 05:09
Thank you!!
26th September 2010 22:18
29th September 2010 05:10
:D THEY ARE FILTHY! THEY NEED SHOWERS NOW, Y/Y??? *you get to write that, btw, I have other shit piling up rofl!!*
26th September 2010 23:07
*SNORT* Great ending - and a most fabulously hot fic!
29th September 2010 05:10
Thank you so much, Cel!
28th September 2010 18:12
OMG That was deliciously hot. Love how perfectly this suits the art and the whole thing with Reg and his knickers and his bed! :D Great job, Eey.
29th September 2010 05:10
Thank you, darling!
3rd October 2010 06:14
MOAAAAAAAARRRRRR!!! Oh my gosh, that was so freaking hot! That was a perfect set up for sending Sirius on his 'mission' alone, and Snape's reaction when he first smacked him with the brush was delicious. And Sirius getting all his words wrong! LMAO! This does go perfectly with that art. Isn't it wonderful when artists and writers inspire each other? XD Lucky Rowan! Lucky US!
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