Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
FIC: Up to something good [Fred/George; NC-17] 
26th May 2007 12:05
Title: Up to something good
Author: [info]ldybastet
Characters: Fred/George
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Drunkeness. Fred/George, that's a warning in itself.
Themes/kinks chosen: Gay men
Word Count: ~1900
Summary: Spiking the punch leads to loss of inhibitions. The twins find out they are turned on by each other, and of course they have to test things.
Author's notes: Pinch post! Someone couldn't post on their date, but luckily I had just finished this, and it fits the theme. :-)

Up to something good

Faint sounds from the victory party filtered through the portrait hole. The air in the corridor was cooler and Fred enjoyed the change from the hot and crowded common room.

'Good game,' said George, leaning against the wall next to Fred.


'Now we have the chance to win the Cup.'


'Not very talkative are you?'

Fred grinned. His head was spinning from the punch they'd been drinking. It was sweet of Angelina to arrange that even before she'd known they would win, but they'd all been very confident. Of course, he and George hadn't been able to resist the temptation adding a little more alcohol to it after the first and second years had been sent off to bed. He'd had too much, he knew, but the buzz felt good.

'You're not drunk, are you?' George exaggerated his slurring and pushed off the wall, turning to face Fred. 'Because then I'll have to carry you upstairs, and I'll stumble and fall because I'm not entirely sober myself.'

Fred laughed at the mental image this evoked - the two of them tumbling down the stairs together.

George leaned closer, his hand next to Fred's head, palm pressed against the wall. 'Are you laughing at my misfortune?' he teased.

'Never, brother. Your misfortune is mine, you know that.'

'Mm. And my fortune too.'

'Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes will be wictorious!'

'Fred, that doesn't work.'

'Better than Veasley's Vizarding Vheezes vill be victorious.'

George laughed and poked Fred in the stomach. 'Prat. Now you sound like Krum.'

They stood like that, in silence, for a while, listening to their friends enjoying themselves in the common room. The chill from the stones slowly seeped through Fred's robes, but he didn't want to go inside again just yet. George's hand on his hip felt nice, reassuring. He leaned the back of his head against the wall and closed his eyes. There was so much craziness going on outside Hogwarts, and it was good to hear their friends being happy for a little while, and mmm... being kissed was very nice too.

His eyes flew open in surprise when he realised that it had to be- 'George?'

'You looked so gorgeous... had to.'

Fred nodded and pulled George closer. 'Do it again?'

George smiled and pressed his lips against Fred's again, and a small moan escaped him when Fred teased him with the tip of his tongue. That moan made it impossible for Fred to not continue, and he pressed forward, slipping his tongue past George's lips, into his mouth for a first tentative taste.

It was good, better than he could have imagined... or rather, better than he had indeed imagined. Not much different from kissing a girl, except perhaps that George was more active. As the kiss grew more passionate, Fred could feel George's prick grow hard, pressing against his thigh.

'Horny bastard,' Fred whispered hoarsely.

'Always when I'm drunk.'

'Me too.'

'I know.' George kissed him again. 'Watched you wank often enough.'

'You've watched me?'

George nodded. 'Sometimes wondered what you'd say if I slipped into your bed and helped...'

'You should have tried.' Fred moaned softly, the thought of his brother's hand around his cock arousing him. He kissed George again, enjoying the feel of his tongue playing and teasing his own.

'I can try now,' George mumbled against Fred's lips.

'Think we can slip past them?' Fred asked after a while, a little breathless, making a small head movement towards the door to the common room.

'Won't be a problem.'

Fred nodded and gave the password to the Fat Lady, who'd tried her best to ignore them until they moved to stand in front of her. If they looked dishevelled and messy, he didn't care, because everyone else did as well. It was the wonderful effect of a good party. George followed closely behind and they saw that the reason no one had missed them was that Ron was describing great Quidditch moves from some of the games in the past, additional details volunteered by the other Gryffindors.

'They've forgotten about us,' whispered George, pretending to be hurt.

'We'll make them pay for that... tomorrow. Right now I want to be alone with you.'

They stumbled up the stairs, reaching the dormitory with only a torn-out button the casualty of their difficulties in navigating them. As soon as the door was closed behind them, Fred pulled George towards his bed while trying to kiss him again, and the result was that he fell onto his back on the bed, George on top of him.

George wasn't late to take advantage of the position and rocked his hips slowly, grinding his hard cock against Fred's equally hard one. The lusty demands of their bodies mingled with the buzz from the alcohol, and nothing seemed more natural and right than to continue with what they were doing. They didn't bother anyone else, everyone was busy elsewhere, and this - this felt too good to stop. George fumbled with the buttons on Fred's robes but soon managed to get his hand inside them to caress his brother's skin.

'Need you,' he mumbled between kisses, enjoying the intoxicating feel of Fred's lips and tongue against his. George found what he was looking for and closed his hand around Fred's cock. The resulting moan encouraged him to move his hand, stroking the hard, smooth shaft.

'Oh gods, George! Yes!' Fred pushed his hips up against George, revealing his need for more, and George continued, a wicked smile on his face. 'Perfect,' Fred managed to gasp as his brother twisted his hand a little and let the pad of his thumb slide over the sensitive underside of the head. Fred released his hold on George's shoulders and pulled at George's robes instead. 'Get out of these. I want to touch you!'

George grinned at him as he grabbed the robes at the back of the neck and pulled them over his head. His hair was a wild mass of red when he was done, dropping his clothes onto the floor, and Fred pulled him down again for another kiss, further messing his hair by running a hand through it.

The kiss didn't last long though, because George had a different idea. He moved downwards, kissing and licking his way over Fred's throat and over his chest, while he touched and caressed as much as he could of his brother's naked body. He found Fred's reactions to be very close to his own when he pinched a nipple - deep lustful moans and a distinct twitch to his cock. It seemed as if Fred liked that just as much as George did when someone had done that to him.

When George's lips and tongue reached Fred's cock, Fred moaned louder. The teasing licks and little swirls of tongue along the ridge of the tip cause him to arch up, hips lifting from the bed to push more of his cock into George's wonderful mouth.

'You- you've done this before!' he gasped.

George stopped what he was doing only long enough to reply, 'No, but I know how I like it.' He resumed his efforts, his lips a firm O around Fred's cock, moving slowly up and down the shaft and head.

Fred was surprised to feel relief at his brother's assurance that he had not done this with anyone before. Could he really be jealous? But as George's mouth moved over him, making him moan and his heart race, he found it increasingly difficult to get a grip on his thoughts and emotions. The pleasure was soon all that existed in his world, and it was all that he cared about. But he wanted more... wanted to experience what George experienced, wanted to give back what he got.

He reached down to catch a hold of George's hair and pulled at it to get his attention. 'Turn around!' he whispered hoarsely. 'Want the same. Want you.' Thankfully, George got the gist of what Fred tried to say, and turned quickly so that he faced the other way around, towards Fred's feet. As soon as they were in position, he reached for Fred's cock again, eager to taste more.

Fred didn't know if it was because he was drunk or because George had made him so horny, but seeing George's cock this close - no more than a tongue's length away - was the most arousing sight he'd seen. He wanted time to explore, but right now, he couldn't wait to get it into his mouth to give his brother the same wonderful sensations that George was giving him.

They licked and sucked each other, and their moans filled the room, bounced off the walls and hid in the bed-curtains. The bed creaked slightly as they moved, hips rolling against mouths, hands grabbing hips and thighs and caressing balls and buttocks.

Fred came first. George had an advantage since he'd started earlier, and he was not surprised when Fred gasped around his cock, tensing against him and then his mouth filled with bitterness and salt. The taste wasn't pleasant, but it was Fred's, and so he tried to swallow at least some of it, to get something of his brother inside him. Through the drunken fog in his mind, he realised suddenly that what he'd dreamt about sometimes, had indeed happened. He'd sucked his brother off. The thought was enough to send him over the edge, and the feeling of Fred's eager tongue and lips wasn't helping his stamina at all.

'Fred! Yes... more. Like that... God, I'm... coming!'

Fred pulled back, using his hand the last bit so that he could watch George come. His eyes didn't leave the darkened and blood-filled head of his brother's cock while spurt after spurt of white come escaped it.

'Fuck!' he said when George groaned and relaxed, spent. 'That looked awesome!' He looked up at his brother's grinning face. 'What did it taste like?'

George opened his arms invitingly. 'Different. Come here and kiss me and I'll share it with you. I can still taste it.'

Fred turned and moved close into George's embrace, kissing him softly. 'We have to do this again. It felt good, and I'm sure there's hundreds of things we can do that feel just as good.'

'A thousand!'

'Then we'll have to do it many, many times.' Fred grinned.

'Are you complaining?' George's eyes twinkled with mischief, even though he was tired and close to falling asleep.

'Never. Not about being with you.' Fred sighed and rested his head on George's shoulder. 'Do you think we should draw the curtains or something? Showing some consideration for our dorm mates' delicate senses?'

'Do we care?' George sounded half-asleep already.

Fred managed to find his wand and summoned the duvet from the other bed to cover them. They were lying the wrong way around in the bed, but in the end, it only lent credibility to the impression of them just being too drunk to find the way each to their own bed.

'No,' Fred said simply, snuggling down next to George. 'I'm sure it won't be the last time we're in the same bed together.' George was already asleep, however, and Fred kissed him lightly and joined him. Tomorrow was another day, full of opportunities, but hopefully no hangover.
23rd May 2008 01:47
I guess I'm having a girly moment. All that hot twincest, and my mind is stuck on 'Awwww...' LOL. Hot and sexy, but still sweet. And YAY for them sharing a bed and not really giving a fuck. I wonder what will happen when their dorm-mates realize they're both naked??
23rd May 2008 04:38
LOL But it is all 'Awwww'-worthy that they're cuddling and sweet. :-D I think their dorm mates will react with thinking that it's just another Fred and George thing. The moans that will come from the bed the next time, though! That will definitely make it hard for them to ignore the issue. ;-)

Thank you for taking time to comment and let me know what you thought of the story.
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