Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Art: Beanstalk 
6th September 2010 22:57
Title: Beanstalk.
Artist: [info]didodikali
Media: pencil.
Characters: Severus, Remus.
Rating: NC-17.

"These are magic beans."
"...They're strawberries."
"That's what I said."

6th September 2010 13:34
Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooh... nice 'stalk', Remus. How much do I love it that Severus is still fully clothed??!!
6th September 2010 14:05
Guhh, that's delicious!
6th September 2010 15:52
Hahaha I love this! I really like the naked/clothed dynamic, because it is very ss/rl. Very nice!
6th September 2010 16:55
Mmm, lovely!
I, too, love that Severus is still clothed and Remus is all naked and...exuberant. *g*
6th September 2010 20:06
I like how the magic beans are berries. Remus looks very happy and ready to contribute to playing.
I wonder how long it took to get Severus out of all those clothes. LOL
7th September 2010 05:15
Why a little wandless magic I'm sure knowing Remus!
6th September 2010 23:37
*giggle* how delightful! Lighten up, Severus. What a sweet man you've got there.
7th September 2010 05:14
*snort* that's funny!! Love your stuff!
7th September 2010 16:28
Hehe! I love this. :)
8th September 2010 17:34
What fun! And so true to their characters.
10th September 2010 23:47
Heeee, you drew Snupin! \o/

Ha! I absolutely love mischievous, somewhat flippant Remus (he was a Marauder and all...) with much more serious, does-not-approve-of-these-shenanigans Severus. XD I bet it won't take too long for Severus to come around, though!

Love skinny!Severus and his totally disconcerted, "WTF?" look. And Remus ain't a bad view either! ;)

Pleased mod is pleased!
12th September 2010 21:46
13th September 2010 04:26
yummy! i like the berries, and remus's magic beanstalk ;), and - the way remus's naked body is all smushed against severus's rough, scratchy clothes. rawr!
28th September 2010 13:57
Love that Severus is dressed while Remus is completely nekkid. :D Lovely.
28th September 2010 15:43
LOL! That's fantastic! I love that Severus is still fully clothed.
2nd October 2010 04:13
2nd October 2010 16:31
Lol! What a great take on Jack and the Beanstalk. And I love Remus's ass!
5th February 2012 04:29
There's such a playful attitude about Remus and I love how Severus isn't pulling away but gently holding Remus. Delightful!
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