Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
FIc: Learning Curves, (Severus/Sirius ` Nc-17) 
2nd September 2010 19:46
Title: Learning Curves
Author: [info]unbroken_halo
Characters/Pairings: Severus, implied Severus/Sirius
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Chosen: Please/Squick your Mods
Other Warnings: masturbation, blood-play, blowjob, fantasy money-shot, hate-sex of a sort, maybe?
Word Count: 1142
Summary/Description: Practice makes perfect.
Author's Notes: This is the first thing I have written in almost two months, so yay me! What a month to decide to return. *g* Thanks to [info]sevs_lil_secret for the once over, any mistakes you find are my own as I had to fiddle with it just one more time.

Learning Curves

In the dank, low light, the dripping from the lake can be heard as it dribbles down the ancient stones and puddles on the floor, whisked away by magic before it causes undue harm, and the setting serves his mood. In the bowels of the castle, they have placed the lowest of the low even though some are the purest of the pure, the best of the best, and in this serpent’s den, a traitor lies in wait... and they don’t even realize it.

Perhaps, traitor isn’t the correct word, more like interloper, or maybe impostor or even charlatan. That is what he is but Severus knows he belongs here in the dungeons with the rest of the Slytherins.

He enters the Common Room, seeing the sneers of dislike curling the other’s faces and he returns the looks with equal discontent. There are only a select few that appreciate his company and even then, he is only accepted for what he can do for them. He knows this and takes what he can get, because soon, soon he knows that they will be coming to him for more. Much more, he has been promised so.

Passing to his room and closing the door, Severus draws his wand, checking it for traps. Slytherin is the only House to allow its members their own rooms. Salazar wasn’t stupid, knowing all those years ago that even the most cunning wouldn’t fully trust their own housemates. Finally, finding nothing hidden to ambush him, Severus relaxes, and the mask comes off.

He slumps down on the bed, dark eyes closing and he relives the day’s events. His arch enemy comes to the forefront of his mind. Black How the bastard escaped Slytherin, Severus couldn’t guess, but he knows Black is a wily pillock and beautiful to boot. He admits Black’s faults and charms to himself, admits and accepts them because to deny them would leave Severus vulnerable, and he’s already learned that lesson well.

Yes, Black’s a worthy adversary and one of these days Severus will best him. Until that day comes, Black will do his bidding here in the dark, dripping rooms beneath the lake.

Drawing his finger down the front of his drab and secondhand robes, Severus focuses and breathes out the spell, knowing that the cloth splits open easily. Never again will he be without his magic. Another lesson he’s learned, not only from Black but from his bastard of a father, as well, and so he practices it all the time, learning all the right spells and incantations to have them on hand and in mind for the next time Black is near.

Scooting down to lie flat out on the bed, Severus slips of his smalls and takes a deep breath, settling himself even more for tonight’s lesson. He exhales, trying to control himself, learning to rein in his temper and emotions. Black breaks his composure at every turn and Severus doesn’t want that any longer; he will be in control.

He runs one hand over his slender torso, his long fingers are just beginning to callous and stain, their tips taking on the tinge of what will become his life’s work under another Dark Wizard. Severus’ face scrunches for a moment and he doesn’t think about that, or her but Black. The fuel to his fire, the reason for his rage and his revenge. It’s all about that and Severus enjoys each and every delicious lesson that he is teaching himself with Black as his unknowing companion.

Focus, Severus! He reminds himself and returns to his teachings. His fingers pinch and dig, marring his pale skin with red lines as he touches. He imagines Black, the steely eyes sparking with rage, that full mouth pulled back and the words falling from his lips. It doesn’t spout spells or insult but filth, dirty words of lust and desire, and Severus draws in a breath while his other hand joins the first.

All his fingers race across his body, nails scratch and grab at him digging into his flesh. He gasps again, quickly whispering out a spell to smooth the friction that has heated his body. The slick coolness eases the burn of skin on skin and Severus grinds his teeth together, holding in the sigh before wiping some of the lubricating gel away.

Black grins in his mind and his hands join Severus’, racing riot over his flesh, burning him as he arches, and still only the gasps of his breath sound in the room. He won’t break even as he tugs on his cock, pulls on his sac and pinches the flesh to drive back the pending rush of pleasure.

The grin on Black’s face in nearly enough to make Severus want to slap it off, and that reminds him of his bastard father. But Black isn’t his mother or a woman,so he does. Hard. Blood trickles out of the corner of Black’s mouth, and Severus leans forward to lick away the tint of red.

Black bites him and Severus howls, rearing back to lash out at Black, and Black returns his blow. The caresses have turned, escalating to faster and harder strikes, and Severus loves every minute of the violent confrontation. His hands return to his prick as the fight in his mind continues. It is back and forth just like the motion on his cock, and he draws his fantasy out until they, both he and Black, and his dick are bloody.

In his mind, he shoves Black to the wall. They are panting and pulling at one another, robes ripped and torn, and their mouths meet once again. Rough, biting nips and Severus tastes the blood from the kisses because he’s bitten through his own lip, keeping back his cries.

Fantasy Black and Severus’ motions are still gruff and furious, they rub against one another, hands wrapped around each other’s cock. Severus tenses as he feels his orgasm once again well to the surface. He slows his motions and allows the fantasy to play out, the frantic frotting of Black and himself, both beaten and dirty, bloody and ... Merlin! It’s so unbelievably perfect.

He smirks as Black is the one to submit first, always, in his dreams, and he pushes Black down to finish him off with his mouth. Black’s lips part, welcoming his cock and Severus groans out loud for the first time, breaking the silence.

Severus gives in, panting and moaning, seeing himself as he finishes coating Black’s perfect face with his come. The image fades while the cooling semen speckles his legs and Severus whisks it away with a wave of his hand.

He sighs and smirks, saving the lesson to memory, to relish and replay later as he decides that this one was most satisfactory.

The End
3rd September 2010 00:49
Wow, that was just...wow. *fans self*

Welcome back, I've missed you
3rd September 2010 02:40
Thank you, darling! I've missed seeing you, too!
3rd September 2010 00:57
Dark and hot, just how I like them. Love it!
3rd September 2010 02:15
Thank you!
3rd September 2010 23:49
Dear lawd, woman, I've missed your writing of this Severus!! Bloody effin' kinky bastard! Wow!!
4th September 2010 12:26
*hugs* Thank you, darling! I'm glad you enjoyed it. I've missed being able to be around to write.
4th September 2010 04:38
very nice! lovely fantasy!
4th September 2010 12:19
Thank you!
6th September 2010 06:14
Eek! Apologies for taking a couple of days to read this; still catching up on things!

Yayayayay, Snape wank and Snack! (These are a few of my favorite things...)

Oh, this piece is so beautifully atmospheric! You really set the tone right from the opening lines. Some lovely descriptive writing there.

The violence and intensity of Severus' fantasy and his actions upon himself are great. I love the hate/fascination elements here. LOVE than Sirius always gives in and comes first in Severus' mind! Hee!

Yes, Black’s a worthy adversary and one of these days Severus will best him. Until that day comes, Black will do his bidding here in the dark, dripping rooms beneath the lake.

Great line... and now I'm seriously wondering whether Sirius might be having some similar thoughts... and what would happen if they actually had the opportunity to meet in such a fashion. >:)

Great job; this mod is pleased!

7th September 2010 15:16
YAY! Thank you! I am so glad you enjoyed it!

This was intended to be a companion piece to the Sirius one I did earlier this year but now you have given me a bunny for one where they actually meet. I may have to see if I can't get another day to post later this month if I finish it. *g*
10th September 2010 15:27
What a great, Severusian fantasy! I liked this lots.
11th September 2010 12:12
Thank you!
11th September 2010 19:39
OH, so beautiful! I love the imagery. :)
12th September 2010 13:41
Thank you!
28th September 2010 13:32
GUH! Very hot--love how it gets rough. I totally think this could be canon. ;) Nice work.
28th September 2010 15:30
Thanks, darling!
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