Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Art: Of use (Gabrielle/Blaise, R) 
7th August 2010 18:25
Title: Of use
Artist: xaphania
Media: Photoshop
Characters/Pairings: Gabrielle Delacour/Blaise Zabini
Rating: hard R
Kinks/Themes Chosen: prostitution, alternative pairing
Other Warnings: none
Artist's Notes: I've seen post-war-whore-Draco so many times, so I decided to go with Blaise instead (and do the alternative pairing as well), as I think he'd go through a lot of the same things Draco does after the war. I'm not sure this completely looks like what it's supposed to be, but hopefully you guys will like it anyway. (I also gave up on making the lighting look perfect, so there might be some mistakes there.)
Art Preview:

7th August 2010 18:10
Mmmm, very pretty!
I love their hand positions and the intense look they are exchanging. :)
8th August 2010 10:29
Thank you. (:
7th August 2010 19:14
Oh, lovely -- your Blaise is absolutely GORGEOUS!! (there's just not enough Blaise-art out there) Gabrielle is lovely too, and the pair together is hot hot hot. :)
8th August 2010 10:31
Thank you. I agree, we need more. And I'd never drawn him before so I figured it was about time! (He wasn't an easy one to draw though, but I worked really hard on his face, and finally I got a result I was relatively pleased with.)
8th August 2010 01:29 - *fangurls like whoa*
Omfg, that is the prettiest most AWESOMESAUCE Blaise I've EVER HAD THE PLEASURE OF VIEWING. *squees* He's srsly a dreamboat, and perfectly canon :3 The role reversal is interesting and unique, kudos!!

8th August 2010 10:27 - Re: *fangurls like whoa*
Nghh, thank you! : D (I'm almost considering posting monthly instead of bi-monthly just because the comments make me so ridiculously happy. But.. I probably fould fail at it again. Ahum.)
8th August 2010 10:49 - Re: *fangurls like whoa*
I'm totally in support of that! Your art is amongst my very favorites [if not so] here at DD. I love that you explore a wide variety of kinks/pairings --- & your style is omgsuperb.

rabid-fangirl-snogged ♥
8th August 2010 13:24 - Re: *fangurls like whoa*
Gnee, I try to do my best (and the variety is one of the things I like most about DD, so I want to try to be part of that as well). >w< I'm thinking about e-mailing the mods to ask if I can post in September as well, though, because the please-the-mods-prompts/pairings are fantastic.
8th August 2010 01:53
Wow, what a gorgeous Blaise! He looks troubled as well as sexy.
8th August 2010 10:33
I'm glad you liked it. (:
8th August 2010 07:12
This is really pretty, & yay for an unusual pairing :-)
8th August 2010 10:32
Unusual pairings are FUN. d_d make me read/look at/think of a lot of them, and so it's my time to spread them.. or something. Thank you, anyway. (:
8th August 2010 12:31
This is beautiful. :)
8th August 2010 13:25
Thank you. ^^
8th August 2010 18:19
8th August 2010 18:20
Heeh, thankyou! : D
8th August 2010 18:24
Are you on LJ? I have to have you in my life!
8th August 2010 18:27
Indeed I am. I'm not really on IJ; it's just for DD. But yeah, I'm xxaphaniax over at LJ. Haven't posted much lately, but I... probably should start with that again. x)
8th August 2010 21:07
Totally friending you! I'm eloquent_toast over there. Hope you don't mind! :)
8th August 2010 21:29
Not at all. Maybe it's the push I needed to start posting there again. x)
8th August 2010 21:43
DEFINITELY! Shamelessly self pimp! And start posting LOTS OF ART because people will LOVE YOUR AMAZING ART! <3
8th August 2010 22:17
Ahaha, maybe I shoould. Well, it's pretty much just art (and some fic, but well) I'm posting there anyway. But it's not to the point where there's lots of it yet, so.. well.. xD
8th August 2010 22:49
You totally should ;) MORE ART! I DEMAND IT! You can't keep deliciousness like that from us for any longer! Commit it all to... I was gonna say paper but... computer? Anyway -- GIVE IT TO US!!!!

*gobbles pr0n*
8th August 2010 23:12
Fff, I might not post so much porn to LJ, though, but there'll be art, at least. (Also, there's a link to my deviantart in my user info, if you want something to look at [though I don't post much there lately, either] while waiting for me to update the LJ ;3)
8th August 2010 21:53
This is gorgeous! Your Blaise is very handsome, and your Gabrielle has a delicate almost elflike beauty to her.
8th August 2010 22:18
Thank you. (:
8th August 2010 23:08
God, your Blaise is just gorgeous. Love it!
8th August 2010 23:13
Glad you liked him, and it. And, yeah. ^^
8th August 2010 23:45
Ooh - your Blaise is sexy, sexy!! Where can I hire him again? Yum!!
8th August 2010 23:48
Thank you, but you probably need to go to France, and Gabrielle might not be giving him up. D:
9th August 2010 10:36
Oh, this is so gorgeous! Mmm~
9th August 2010 17:02
Glad you liked it. ^^
16th August 2010 14:14
They are both just delicious. Love his hands on her, the way he's looking up at her. Very nice.
16th August 2010 21:16
Heee, thank you.
13th September 2010 15:29
Aaaw, it's your porn. xD I was scrolling down the page, looking for interesting stuff and "...what. That looks like... *looks at username* Haa, it is her!" I recognize your style instanly it seems. After looking at it almost daily for three years, it may not be so strange. ;D

OMG, your Blaise is so hot. I want him. *claws at screen* o3o There is something about his eyes that makes me go "...mghjgfhdjgk.". And Gabrielle is also beautiful. Her profile is to die for, please teach me how to draw profiles like that. T3T

Must find more of this pairing... >83
13th September 2010 16:37
: D It is. And, um, yeah, I suppose not. Heehee, thankyou. <3
And there is other pretteh Blaise/Gabrielle here too, but if you were looking through the comm, I suppose you've already found it?
16th September 2010 01:40
Oh, this is gorgeous.
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