Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Fic: The Confession (Severus/Harry, NC-17) 
4th August 2010 20:56
Title: The Confession
Author: [info]alisanne
Characters: Severus Snape/Harry Potter
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Er, slightly blasphemous? *ducks*
Themes/kinks chosen: celibacy
Word Count: 1350
Summary: Harry disagrees with Severus' career choice.
Author's notes: There prolly are not enough 'Hail Marys' in the world to grant you penance after reading this. You have been warned.
Many thanks to [info]r_grayjoy for allowing me to post a few hours early, and to my fabulous beta-reader, [info]sevfan for her assistance. This fic was inspired by an offhand comment by [info]dementordelta.
Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.


The Confession


The interior of the church was cool and dim, flickering candles and the occasional beam of sunlight coming through a stained-glass window providing the only light.

After the last petitioner left the old-fashioned confessional shaking his head and muttering, Harry straightened up from his spot on the cool marble wall.

It looked like everyone else who was there for confession that day was in the other line - apparently Father ‘Smith’s’ confessions were not too popular with the parishioners. Imagine that. With a smirk, Harry slid into the empty stall and waited.

“I presume you are here to confess?”

The smoky baritone was the same and Harry squelched his elation and tried to sound calm. “Yes, Father, I am. Bless me, for I have sinned.”

“How long has it been since your last confession?”

Harry smiled. “Years, Father. In fact, you could say that I haven’t confessed any of these sins to anyone in a long time.”

“Very well. Proceed.” Was that a waver in his voice?

“I’ve been having a lot of impure thoughts, Father.”

The priest coughed. “That is natural for a man of your age.”

“Actually, I'm older than I sound.” Harry heard the priest shifting in the attached booth. “People always think I’m younger than I am.”


“Yeah.” Harry leaned against the grill and began to talk. “There was a man, you see. He was a professor of mine, and I started having...those thoughts about him when I got to about fifteen or sixteen. He was just so...sexy that I couldn’t help it.”

The priest cleared his throat. “Such thoughts are certainly sinful, but as you have not acted upon them--”

“Oh, but I did, Father. At least I tried.” Harry pressed his lips to the grill and continued, tone husky. “I had a cloa... I'm very good at, um, sneaking into places, so I used to slip into his dun-- er rooms and watch him at night.”

“You broke into his rooms?”

Harry grinned. “Mmmhm. I used to watch him wank. It was so hot. He had this way of arching up into his hand that just made me want to--”

“I do not need details.” Did the priest sound a bit choked? Harry bit his inner cheek.

“Sorry. Right. Anyway, when I was about to go off on a...leave school, I went to him and...offered myself, but he refused.” Harry sighed. “I think he thought I was confusing gratitude for interest.”

“Perhaps you were. Or perhaps he is not a homosexual.”

“Oh, I know he wanted me. The way he used to look at me made me so hard that--” Harry shook his head. “As for me being confused...No, definitely not. I wanted him, still do, actually. If he were here I would crawl between his thighs, spread his legs, undo his flies and then show him what I could do with my mouth other than irritate him.”

There was a long moment of silence. “Then perhaps it is a good thing that he is not here. These are grave sins, my son. For your penance I suggest you start with--”

“I’m not done, Father.” Harry closed his eyes and gathered his courage. He was clearly going to have to show him. “There’s one more thing.”

“What is that?”

Exolvere monenium*.” There was a shimmer and the two separate compartments became one, the wall separating them having dissolved. Harry licked his lips. “I’m going to suck you off.”

The priest’s face was shrouded in shadow, his features indistinct, but Harry would recognise that nose anywhere. “How dare you--?”

Dropping to his knees, Harry pushed the priest’s knees apart, nuzzling the cloth-covered erection that act revealed. “I dare because you left me, you git,” Harry muttered, hands busy with Severus’ flies. “I saved your life when Nagini bit you, stabilized you, and then when I returned you were gone.”

“You...were supposed to think I was dead, brat.” Severus’ head had fallen back to hit the wall of the booth.

“I knew you weren’t.” Harry’s mouth was watering as Severus’ distinct scent hit his nose. “I’ve been searching for you for four years.”

“And now you’ve found me...Merlin!” Severus groaned as Harry finally touched flesh.

“You’re wet,” Harry whispered. “Good.”

A long-fingered hand slid through his hair, pulling his face closer to Severus’ uncovered cock. “If I am it’s your fault, you need to fix it.”

“Will you absolve me if I do?” Harry asked cheekily.

Severus glared down at him. “I'll consider it.”

“Brilliant.” Harry sucked the tip of Severus’ prick and moaned as the familiar bitter-sour flavour flooded his mouth. Merlin, he had missed this. “Mmm.”

“You’ve...improved,” Severus choked out, his hips now thrusting shallowly. “Been practicing?”

Sucking hard, Harry pulled off until he had only the very tip of Severus’ cock in his mouth. Sliding his tongue around the crown, he gently probed the slit, closing his eyes as Severus clutched his head and bucked into his mouth.

Next, he traced the fat vein under Severus’ prick, smiling when Severus began whispering curses.

The booth was shaking rhythmically, it really wasn’t built for such activities, but Harry didn’t care. All he wanted was to remind Severus of what he’d left behind.

Severus was not a quiet man and when he came, he grunted loudly, shoving his prick deep in Harry’s mouth before spurting down his throat.

Harry swallowed it all, pulling off only when Severus gasped, “Stop!”

Licking his lips, Harry looked up at Severus, just able to make out his sated expression in the dim light. Eyes locked with Severus’, he reached for his trousers and undid them.

“Come here,” Severus growled.

Harry didn’t have to be told twice. He scrambled up onto Severus’ lap, burying his face in Severus’ neck as long, agile fingers slid around his erection. “Idiot,” Severus mouthed against his cheek. “I can’t believe you did this.”

“I...fuck that feels good...had to find you.” Harry turned his head, his lips grazing Severus’ ear. “I knew it would be like this.”

“Furtive and cramped?” Severus asked as his hand, his fantastic hand, pumped Harry’s shaft up and down. As he spoke he slowed to a torturous pace.

“Fucking hot and bloody brilliant.” Harry, eyes at half mast, couldn’t seem to catch his breath. “Please--”

Severus sped up but only infinitesimally. “What made you think I would welcome you, welcome this?” he hissed.

“You want me, I want you, the war’s over, Voldemort’s dead, and I want my bloody reward,” Harry babbled, clutching Severus’ shoulders as he tried to arch into Severus’ fist.

“Greedy brat.” Severus turned his head, capturing Harry’s mouth with his just as his hand twisted just so--

Harry screamed into Severus’ mouth as he pumped his seed all over Severus’ hand and vestments. And as he shuddered through his orgasm, Severus held him fast.

When he caught his breath, Harry’s face was resting against Severus’ shoulder; Severus’ hand was sticky with Harry’s come. “You realise my cover is completely blown and I can never again show my face in this church?” Severus murmured. Harry noted he didn’t seem that upset.

With a laugh, Harry stood, pulling Severus with him. The space was small, so they virtually fell out of the confession booth and into the church. The church where several dozen parishioners were standing around, all of whom were staring at a dishevelled Harry and Severus.

“You know, I’m afraid you’re right about your cover,” Harry said, dragging Severus past the disapproving parishioners and towards the exit. “Guess that means you’ll have to come back with me.”

“I had such a quiet life,” Severus lamented. “So much for time for study and research.”

Harry stopped and pulled Severus into a snog that made several parishioners faint. Drawing back, he grinned. “Sorry, but I just don't think you're cut out for a life of celibacy.”



*Dissolve the walls.

5th August 2010 02:48
See, that wasn't confession, that was Harry making Severus See The Light! \o/ Very hot, and I'm so glad Harry blew Severus's, er, cover. :D
5th August 2010 02:56
Fuck! That was hot!

At least when we're all in hell... we could just hold a pervy smut fan convention every day.

A constant line of pervy fanfics and hot porn.

It's not like we won't have all of the interesting people...

Harry stopped and pulled Severus into a snog that made several parishioners faint. Drawing back, he grinned. “Sorry, but I just don't think you're cut out for a life of celibacy.”

Best lines ever!

5th August 2010 03:18
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! OMG...Er Merlin, yeah, Merlin. LOL I am in love! :D
5th August 2010 03:45
HOMG! *fans self*

Hmmmm. Not just Severus's cover that was blown here. I can't imagine Snape is sorry about it either. I know I'm not. ;D

Fabulous job, hon!
5th August 2010 04:42
See, it's moments like these that I'm glad I don't believe in hell. *G* This was hotter'n hell, anyways.
5th August 2010 05:21
OMFG! So hot! Priest Severus is fucking hot!!! I loved this, dear! *_*
5th August 2010 05:37
I wondered what you meant when you said the theme was celibacy. :) This is brilliant and Severus hiding as a priest is hilarious. Harry was sexy as hell in this. Very nice!
5th August 2010 06:26
You are a naughty, naughty girl...of course that *is* one of your more endearing qualities. : ) Lovely little jaunt there. So, I'm assuming Severus was pretending to be a Priest, but hadn't actually taken vows? (Of course had he shown up somewhere in his heavy robes wearing them like he ws born to them...he would probably be easily taken to be a monk or priest all he'd have to do is transfigure himself a collar.)

Poor Severus, ironically, with the two masters he served he probably already served many years of celibacy without wanting to...now that he's confused about his feelings I can see where he'd try to use this disguise as a way to hide from dealing with what he feels for for Harry. I've always thought that Severus' POV had to be relly terrifying in Snarry...with his background of betrayal at nearly every turn and the age difference. His only advantages are Harry's Gryffindorishness, Snape's Legimency and that he can brew Veratiserum if it came down to it.

Any way, awesome little fic that is incredibly naughty (can you tell I grew up Catholic?) But also still connects emotionally and is quite hot!

5th August 2010 07:57
This was wonderful! :D I loved Harry's determination to confess his "sins". His need to describe in intimate detail everything he missed doing and still wanted to do. I would have loved to be a fly on the wall to see everything that happened :) So glad Harry changed Severus's mind. Severus didn't seem like he was having all that great a time anyway, lol.
5th August 2010 10:05
Shame all confessional's aren't line that ;D

Quiet life indeed *piff* I'm sure Severus was just contemplating ways of getting Harry to come to him ;)

Thoroughly enjoyed this hon, so sexy and hot.
5th August 2010 10:28
great! i loved harry's seduction! and poor severus - he didn't have a chance! :D
5th August 2010 11:56
LOL Oh God! You are a naughty girl, Ali. Love Harry going after Severus and making an offer he just couldn't refuse (especially since everyone saw them LMAO!). Very hot. Great job, babe.
5th August 2010 13:28
Oh dear lord............

*wipes brow*

Wow. I'm not much of a church goer, but I'll certainly never look at the confessional boxes quite the same way again! *snort*

Um, yeah, Ali, you devilish woman, you! Very sexxxy, hot and funny. guh! It would have been amusing if Harry's spell had dissolved ALL the walls, eh! *cough*

5th August 2010 17:34
Don't worry, Ali, I've got a special custom handbasket for us slashers and other perverts. Cushy seats, and the best music for our ride.

Very hot and well done.
(no subject) - Anonymous
5th August 2010 18:24
So friggin' hot!!!! OMG!!!
5th August 2010 21:12
Hahahahahaha!!! Adored it!!
5th August 2010 22:13
Hot, kinky and absolutely perverted in a twisted way! What's not to love? Oh, and I always thought churches and priests were kinda naughty.

Yes, I have a one-way ticket to burn down there in my hands...
5th August 2010 22:46
Dammit, I think I will need a confession after this story. This was bloody brilliant. Bravo!
5th August 2010 23:20
You're right about the Hail Marys...

Damn, that was hot!
5th August 2010 23:30
5th August 2010 23:31
Oh Harry, you are so naughty! Good thing you've found an 'outlet' for your desires!

*I'm going to hell for reading Priest!Severus*

I love it!
5th August 2010 23:49
Now I feel like I should go to confession. hehe. I guess I'm in the same handbasket on my way to hell with Lilyseyes. But what a way to go....
6th August 2010 00:32
Yes! Lovely and hot - so glad Severus didn't/couldn't resist.
6th August 2010 01:32
Hot and funny! Two of my favourite things! *applauds madly*

Pretty please post this at Church of Snarry! It's perfect for that comm!

6th August 2010 01:35
Wicked, wicked girl! *adores*
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