Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
ART: I'm On A Horse [Blaise/Centaur - PG-13] 
23rd July 2010 17:12
Title: I'm On A Horse
Artist: [info]thilia
Media: Photoshop, tablet
Characters/Pairings: Blaise, Blaise/random centaur
Rating: PG-13 (but NSFW, I think)
Kinks/Themes Chosen: Touch
Other Warnings: Just mild nudity, this time O_O And crack! XD
Artist's Notes: OMG, I'm such a DORK! I start giggling every time I look at it :D Anyway, I'm sure you all know the hot Old Spice commercial. If you don't, you should take a look at the video before clicking the cut :D
I have no idea how I this came to be. But Blaise would make a hot Old Spice model ;) What can I say? You just can't not touch that guy ;) Poor, helpless nameless centaur!
Art Preview:

2nd August 2010 01:14
3rd August 2010 14:32
Haha, thanks! :D
3rd August 2010 16:29
ROFL OMG Love it! Blaise is *perfect* and I adore the moment the Centaur realizes he's been called a horse! LMAO I wouldn't mind seeing the next frame. *cough* Excellent!
6th August 2010 15:48
Haha, thank you! :D The next frame is censored because... well, because "horse"!sex would be extremely weird to draw LOL! :)
4th August 2010 16:41
OMG! ::dies:: I was just putting together the masterlist for July and came to this... and so wasn't expecting this... I might have fallen out of my chair a little bit. XD XD XD
6th August 2010 15:48
Haha, oh nooo, hope you didn't hurt yourself *grins*

Thank you! :D
9th November 2010 21:46
Laughs out loud!
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