Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Art - Arthur & Molly  
4th July 2010 11:59
Title: Touch
Artist: [info]ericahpfa
Media: Pencil, pen, references
Characters/Pairings: Arthur Weasley/Molly Prewett
Rating: R?, PG13 maybe
Kinks/Themes Chosen: Touch
Other Warnings: Nah
Artist's Notes: All of those Weasley kids had to start from somewhere right? I tried to have them both at the wonderful/awkward/scary/OMFG awesome moment when you first have sexual contact with your partner. I imagine these two caught on pretty darn quick though!

5th July 2010 04:38
Beautiful. I love them SFM!!
5th July 2010 04:46
Mmmmmm! I love the pairing anyway, but they're totally gorgeous here and it's a brilliant use of the prompt. :)

(and from a modly p.o.v., there's a bare boob, so definitely R rated)
5th July 2010 05:00
I love their expressions! This is absolutely gorgeous!
5th July 2010 05:33
awesome!! this would be incredible in color! all that red hair and freckles!!
5th July 2010 11:05
Wow, this is beautiful! You are really talented!
5th July 2010 11:55
This is beautiful and such a neat moment to capture. She's so pretty!
5th July 2010 14:37
Great stuff!. I love Molly's round face and Arthur is HOT!
5th July 2010 14:44
Mmmm, I love that! Especially Arthur's face. :-)
5th July 2010 14:59
Oh this is gorgeous, I love their expressions. :)
5th July 2010 15:08
Aww! Very pretty! :)
5th July 2010 15:10
Oh, they're so lovely! I love the slightly stocky look to Arthur and the roundness to Molly's face. They're perfect!
5th July 2010 15:14
Oh, I'm so glad that you chose to depict this couple! And it is a truly touching scene. It feels very them.
5th July 2010 18:50
Oh, this is stunning! I love the moment-of-discovery looks on their faces. ♥ !
6th July 2010 05:27
Ooooooooooooooh. Yeah, I'm trying for something more coherent, but all I'm getting is ooooooooooh. XD
6th July 2010 07:15
Oh gorgeous!!
I love it.
Fantastic lines.
I love Molly's hair and the looks on their faces.
*g* I'm very certain they got the hang of it quick
6th July 2010 16:40
Really beautiful and touching (in more than one way!)
7th July 2010 04:45
Oh, gorgeous! This is so sweet and lovely. Molly is beautiful. So is Arthur. Stunning.
7th July 2010 06:04
Beautiful :-)
12th July 2010 14:41
I knew so many red heads are to be for a reason ;-)
12th July 2010 15:28
Just gorgeous!
12th July 2010 16:43
Oh that is gorgeous.
14th July 2010 18:56
Beautiful. They certainly figured it out pretty quick. ;) Nice work.
16th July 2010 07:35
I actually am not usually a big Weasley fan, but this is really a beautiful portrait. It's loving and the emotions in it are just really well captured.

Truly an awesome drawing...I cannot stop looking at it. I keep seeing new small details to it, it's just gorgeous.

31st July 2010 00:24 - AuntLynnie/LiveJournal
This is absolutely gorgeous, and it truly does capture that moment... when you first touch a new love.
9th November 2010 13:41
This is a pairing I would never have considered, but damn, did you make them hot.
Nicely done.
9th December 2010 03:35
Wow, I don't think I've seen this one before. It's absolutely beautiful.
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