Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
ART: We're On Top (Mrs Zabini/Bill) 
1st July 2010 21:06
Title: We're On Top
Artist: [info]la_dissonance
Media: CS5 (what the what)
Characters/Pairings: Mrs Zabini/jailbaity!Bill Weasley
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Chosen: Cunnilingus
Other Warnings: None - please note that Bill is not actually underage here. He has definitely left Hogwarts by this point, and is probably doing some preliminary job training. How else would he have met Mrs Zabini? ;D
Artist's Notes: Credit goes to [info]redsnake05 for deciding who got to be paired with Mrs Zabini. I knew I wanted a guy, but was totally at a loss as to which one. |D Also, this is the sexiest thing I've ever drawn, regardless of how messy it is. I think I can die happy now. Also, happy Canada day. \o/
Art Preview:

2nd July 2010 07:21
Bill plus cunnilingus plus hot!Mrs Zabini = total hotness. I totally love this.
2nd July 2010 15:22
Hee, yay!

(Was it you who added the tags? I literally closed my computer and lay down and then had this huge facepalm moment. LOL.)
2nd July 2010 15:40
Yeah, it was me. I just try to fix/add tags when I see them like a good mod should. Plus we needed a Mrs Zabini tag anyway. ;)
2nd July 2010 15:41
Aw yay! *loves on the good mod*

Poor neglected Mrs Zabini...I was sure I'd read femslash about her before, but maybe not here. :(
2nd July 2010 15:45
Hey, Rowan and Robin are both off having fun in Edinburgh. Together. So I have to do something to distract me before I get depressed, right? LOL

I have read some Mrs. Z femmeslash somewhere too. Someone I know used to play her in rp and wrote some hot stuff too, but I don't think I've ever seen art of her before. So awesome! I just wish we knew her first name. *shakes fist at JKR who probably knows but hasn't told us*
2nd July 2010 15:56
We should fly to England and organize a sting to liberate her notes...the world needs to know these things! The only thing worse than being underporned is to be underporned and also NAMELESS. So unfair!

And hey, whatever keeps you busy... ;)
2nd July 2010 08:51
I like your idea ;D
2nd July 2010 15:22
2nd July 2010 11:39
This is really delicious!
2nd July 2010 15:23
Awesome :D
2nd July 2010 13:06
I really like this. And you win the internets, because in all of my years in fandom reading and looking at everything imaginable, this is one pairing I've never, ever seen before! I love her nipple and collarbone.
2nd July 2010 15:24
Yay, more rarepair points for meeeee. That is really cool. *gathers them to self*

Glad you like it! :D
2nd July 2010 15:14
What a wonderful pairing! I love the colour contrasts in this, and the primitive style - perfect for the subject. Goddess and supplicant. delicious.
2nd July 2010 15:25
Ohh, I never quite thought of it in those terms. I like! Thank you. :D
2nd July 2010 18:20
Delicious. Yum.
2nd July 2010 18:21
Hee, "yum" seems to be the adjective of choice here. Thanks!
2nd July 2010 18:45
Wow! She is gorgeous! I love her hair, her face, her breasts, EVERYTHING!!

3rd July 2010 02:29
Gah yay! As you can tell, this picture really is all about her...I didn't even have an identity for the guy picked out until after I'd outlined and colored in the whole thing, and then Red suggested Bill. Best co-conspirator!

Eeep, speaking of which, I'm so bad at giving credit in author's notes. *fixes*
2nd July 2010 21:01
Mmm, this is smoking hot. *g*
Yummmm. :)
3rd July 2010 02:26
Hee, thanks. :)
3rd July 2010 04:24
Lovely! Mrs. Zabini is gorgeous. I kind of want to be Bill.
3rd July 2010 04:25
Mm, I can't even decide which I'd want to be. *vbg*
3rd July 2010 05:49
Yay Mrs Zabini! There's a lady who knows what she wants :-D
3rd July 2010 05:55
Oh yes indeed. Not afraid to ask for it either. :D
4th July 2010 13:27
Really excellent! And what a great pairing, too.
4th July 2010 16:46
Aww, you say the nicest things! Thanks!!
4th July 2010 20:07
Gorgeous! Gorgeous!
The look on her face is so wonderfully smug.

I must ask you to post at hp_diversity @ LJ.
5th July 2010 02:55
Hee, thanks bb! :D

dsakf;jldska where else would I post this?! I didn't even know you modded a comm about diversity...of course I'll put this there. You might have to remind me after the month is up.
14th July 2010 19:15
Oh yay! Mrs. Z is *hawt. Love the position they are in too. Great job!
14th July 2010 19:58
Thanks so much! *vbg*
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