Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Art: Painful Process of Piercing, R, Bill Weasley 
22nd June 2010 01:02
Title:Painful Process of Piercing
Media:painter x
Characters/Pairings:Bill Weasley and random piercer lady
Kinks/Themes Chosen:Cock Rings
Other Warnings:a needle in a cock?
Artist's Notes: I twisted the prompt a bit to mean cock ring as in piercing. Dunno why this scenario popped in my head but it wouldn't leave me alone ;)
Art Preview:

22nd June 2010 11:35
Ouch is right! Love the sweat and clenched fists. And Weasley peen is always a bonus!
22nd June 2010 11:51
Meeep! No wonder Bill is sweating -- that looks painful. :-P
22nd June 2010 14:09
OW! well done! I love their expressions, hands and her lo-rise jeans.
22nd June 2010 14:57
Ouch! is right. Great work.
22nd June 2010 18:22
The little details make this perfect.

Her concentration, him looking anywhere but at her hands, his fists, the sweat...just lovely
22nd June 2010 18:48
Okay that needle through the peen is hurting me just to watch. I feel like we should put a warning on this that says: "Boys, don't look! You might pass out at the thought!"
22nd June 2010 21:58
OMFG STUPIDLY LONG WEASLEY PEEN MAKES ME SO HAPPY! Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! I love your Bill's hair. I can't draw Bill's hair. And piercer lady kinda looks like she could be out of Futurama -- IT'S SOAKED INTO YOUR BRAIN!

And fuck why would anyone do that to their beautiful, lovely peen!?!

And fuck I haven't done my daily deviant pic yet...
23rd June 2010 04:24
*crosses legs* And I don't even have one of those, lol.
23rd June 2010 05:57
*is clearly evil* I love the piercing! That's brilliant and not often portrayed in art... and although Bill's expression is bloody ace, his cock and long hair is very distracting!

Love his bare thighs and red pubes and his slipping trousers... nnnngh.

24th June 2010 05:16
Ouchie! ??? How can anyone sit through that? Gosh - I'd be on the ceiling!
24th June 2010 12:25
Hilarious twisting!

Love how you did her hair -stares at swoopies and strays-

My boytoy barely flinched when he got his done --- be brave Bill XD *pats*
25th June 2010 20:52
Guh! Weasley Peen is always epic (and his expression is just wonderful) but Tonks steals this for me, she's epic!

Wonderful! x
14th July 2010 09:22
OMG Ouch! Love the expression on Bill's face though. :P Nice job.
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