Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
ART: Fire Dance (Katie/Angelina, R) 
11th May 2010 18:48
Title: Fire Dance
Artist: [info]zephre
Media: photoshop
Characters/Pairings: Katie Bell/Angelina Johnson
Rating: R
Kinks/Themes Chosen: pyrophilia
Other Warnings: none
Artist's Notes: To be honest, I couldn't remember if Katie is ever described in the book, so I made something up.  Yay.
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12th May 2010 02:26
Wow, this is so cool!
12th May 2010 05:17
This is really pretty! I love the lines of their body & how the flames curl around them, and Angelina is gorgeous.
12th May 2010 08:35
OH, that's gorgeous. *admires!*
12th May 2010 13:59
OOooooh teh pretty! I love Katie's hair! And their lovely lovely bodies!!!
12th May 2010 20:45
Oh so pretty, love the dance moves and how the fires twirl around them. Angelina's super sexy. :-)
12th May 2010 21:28
Oooh so sensual and pretty! *admires*
15th May 2010 18:22
oh, lovely! I like your Katie Bell, and the dance is so beautiful. I loe the way their robes are low on the hips, mmmm.
Nice flames, too. I recently acquired some flame PS brushes that are amazing, will share if you are interested.
15th May 2010 18:26
Oh gorgeous! Love the flames dancing around them! Beautiful work.
30th May 2010 04:55
Mmmmm.... I love the way their bodies seem to move and the flames dancing around them.
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