Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
FIC: Into Temptation, NC-17, Draco/Scorpius 
14th April 2010 05:42
Title: Into Temptation
Author: [info]torino10154
Characters/Pairings: Draco/Scorpius, past Lucius/Draco
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Chosen: Incest
Other Warnings: Anal, Chan (13), Rough Sex
Word Count: ~1300
Summary/Description: A father knows what's best for his son. Especially Draco's father.
Author's Notes: Thank you as always [info]jadzialove ♥ and a special thank you to [info]fancypantsdylan for her help as well. :D

Scorpius needed a good spanking, that much was clear.

Whether by belt, by cane, or by bare hand, it didn't matter.

Draco, however, wouldn't be the one to do it. He couldn't bear to see his son's smooth, pale flesh. To listen to him cry out as he was struck. To feel him harden against his thigh.

He dug the heels of his palms into his eyes, trying to block out the images which now taunted him. His father's fingers dancing over the welts on his arse, slipping between his cheeks, nudging at his eager hole.

Draco stood quickly and poured himself two fingers of whisky, throwing it back and slamming the glass back down on the desk, hand shaking slightly. Taking deep gulping breaths, he slowly calmed himself and looked at his son, now thirteen, the same age he'd been when—

"Go to your mother for your punishment, Scorpius," Draco breathed as he turned away from the boy.

"But, Father," Scorpius drawled and Draco could hear his footsteps moving closer. He clenched his fist and his jaw. He would resist the little imp. He had to. He simply refused to ruin his own son like as his father had done to him. Scorpius slid between Draco and his desk, his eyes so like his grandfather's: icy and cold yet burning with desire. Scorpius was crowding him, making it difficult to breathe. "Grandfather says only a father knows what's best for his son."

Lucius. Draco should have known.

"Your grandfather knows nothing about what's best for his son," Draco whispered, body trembling. Scorpius laid a hand on Draco’s arm and Draco pulled away as if burned.

Draco's ability to resist was weak, he knew. His father had told him that often enough as Draco had begged to suck his cock, begged to be fucked. Draco didn't want Scorpius to become a toy, a warm place for any man to stick his prick. Draco shuddered recalling that year his home was crawling with randy Death Eaters. It was so long ago, but he remembered it like it was yesterday. He'd never see his son used and abused like that.

It was then Draco realized Scorpius was rubbing himself over the placket of his trousers, the small bulge obvious through the fabric.

"Scorpius," Draco said hoarsely, "you've got to listen to me. You don't want this. You need to leave."

Licking his lips, Scorpius stepped closer, the back of his hand brushing over Draco's groin. "I know what I want, Father." His desire was clear, as if written in ink on his very skin.

"I'm begging you, Scorpius—" The air was sucked from Draco's lungs as his son pressed his lips to his own. The warmth of his small body ignited the fire he'd spent years trying to extinguish. Draco's hands moved to the pale locks of hair, reveling in the scent of the boy. Scorpius pressed his erection to Draco's thigh, thrusting against him, moaning wantonly.

The deep recesses of his mind sprung open like a tiger released from its cage. Draco burned for this boy with a passion he'd never felt before. His hands moved of their own accord, ripping the boy's shirt clean off revealing the thin, hairless chest. Scorpius reached for his belt, but Draco batted his hands away, pulling the leather from the loops—would he beat him with it? he didn't yet know—yanking his trousers and pants down, Scorpius nearly fell as he tried to step out of them. But Draco was already pressing him against the cold, hard desk, kicking his skinny legs as far apart as he could.

"You're Daddy's little whore now, aren't you?" Draco whispered repeating words he hadn't heard in years but were burned into his brain as deeply as that indelible Dark Mark was burned into his skin.

Freeing his own cock, Draco wrapped his cool fingers around the heated flesh giving himself a firm stroke. He knew he would end up hurting Scorpius but he didn't care, he needed his exquisite, tight virgin arse like he needed air to breathe.

"Accio oil," he said, even as he pressed his length to Scorpius's bare flesh, sliding up and down the crack between his cheeks, the boy writhing back to meet him. The oil slapped into his hand and he poured it messily over two fingers, then reached between them to slip a finger into Scorpius's clenching heat.

"Oh, you are a wanton little slut." Draco leaned forward and bit down hard on Scorpius's shoulder, sucking as Scorpius threw his head back.

"Please, fuck me," Scorpius cried as Draco licked at the deep purple bruise he left on the pale, pristine flesh. Draco groaned, his own voice echoing in his head as he listened to his son.

Malfoy men loved cock: especially that of their own father. Lucius had laughed as he'd told Draco that, while he took Draco's virginity over his desk, the summer after Draco's second year. But Lucius was right, as he always was: Scorpius was gagging for it and Draco couldn't stop now even if his life depended on it. No, he would fuck the boy till he walked bowlegged, and then he'd fuck him again, and again. It was the Malfoy way.

More oil, another finger, Scorpius was hissing and writhing, arching his back, panting and begging. Draco's vision was blurred, his heart racing, his cock throbbing as he slicked himself with oil. Looking down, time seemed to stand still: he watched himself slowly spread those pale cheeks, watched as the loosened hole twitched, eager for something to fill it. Pressing the head of his cock to his son's entrance, they both groaned and shivered as he pushed inside inch-by-inch, the tight clenching heat unlike anything he'd ever felt in his life. It was as if the boy was made to take Draco's cock, and in a way, he was, for he was born a Malfoy.

After Scorpius's entire body seized up and then relaxed, Draco began to move. Chest pressed to Scorpius's back, Draco had one hand on his hip and the other on his cock. It fit perfectly in his hand; timing his thrusts to the motion of his hand, Scorpius was little more than a blubbering mass of warm flesh beneath him. And that's all Draco wanted. A hole to fuck, a sweet little arse to bury himself in, just like his father had done.

Adjusting his angle, Scorpius shrieked as Draco found his prostate and erupted immediately over Draco's hand and desk, but Draco didn't stop fucking him, harder and harder he slammed into him, Scorpius like a rag doll in his arms. The roaring in his ears and the tightening in his balls coincided as he exploded deep inside Scorpius's abused arse. Draco collapsed against Scorpius, crushing him against the desk.

When he finally slipped out and pulled back, Scorpius didn't move. Draco pulled his shoulder and the boy began to slide to the floor. He was out cold.

"Like father, like son," Draco murmured, hysterical laughter bubbling out from his chest as the full force of what he'd done hit him. He picked Scorpius up and laid him down on the sofa, pulling a blanket over him.

As guilt began to creep over his consciousness once more, Draco wondered if he'd be able to look Scorpius in the eye again or whether he'd be able to resist when Scorpius begged him when he came to, as Draco knew he would. To his shame, he also knew the answer.



You were right...as you always are.

Yours truly,
14th April 2010 11:46
Oh god, that is so hot. *hides*
14th April 2010 12:28
LOL I'm thrilled you enjoyed it. Thanks so much!
14th April 2010 13:58
This gave me the shivers the first I read it and it's even better now. Wonderful darling, deliciously sexy and oh so naughty ;)
14th April 2010 14:29
Thank you so much! *hugs* No idea why but I'm pretty fixated on Scorpius being Lucius's protege in my mind. (Heh. Poor Draco! ♥)
14th April 2010 15:12
Oh my!! Dirty, dirty, dirty. Needless to say, I loved it. I especially loved the note to Lucius at the end. Very nicely done.
14th April 2010 17:07
LOL YAY! I'm so glad. Thanks, Katie! :)
14th April 2010 17:19
Gorgeously written and dirty, just the way I like it. This was fantastic! I loved Draco's hesitation and then when he gave in, he gave in HARD. Lucius coaxing Scorpius was brilliant, too--without that, I think Draco might have been able to pretend there was nothing between him and his son, but with Lucius telling Scorpius what to do, how to act--as I imagine he was--Draco didn't stand a chance. Great work! :D
14th April 2010 18:03
What a lovely comment! Thank you. You're exactly right on all counts--Draco *might* have stood a chance but not with Scorpius having an inside track and then the flood gates just opened.
14th April 2010 18:33
Poor Draco...Lucius is a manipulative SOB, isn't he?
14th April 2010 18:34
LOL Um, yes? Thanks so much for reading. :)
14th April 2010 20:37
Well someone needs a good spanking after that - I'm just not sure who.

Nicely angsty, and deeply wrong (and therefore definitely Malfoy). Well done.
14th April 2010 20:40
LOL I have to laugh because my first thought when I saw that comment was that it's likely *I* deserve the spanking! Thanks so much for reading and commenting. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
15th April 2010 02:31

i absolutely love draco/lucius/scorpius stories ... this was deliciously naughty!

15th April 2010 11:52
Thanks so much! I'm glad you enjoyed it. :D
15th April 2010 23:23
Oh, now that's how I like my Malfoycest. Obsessive and wrong and struggling against it the whole way. *applauds*
16th April 2010 01:12
Thank you so much! Glad to hear you liked it (and yeah, I like it that way too). :D
16th April 2010 06:53
I'm not usually a fan of slash, but this was really, really hot! I loved how Draco tried to resist but ultimately he just couldn't xD
16th April 2010 11:22
Thank you! I'm doubly thrilled you enjoyed it since slash usually isn't your cuppa. Poor Draco--two against one were never good odds. ;)
16th April 2010 13:46
I don't think I've ever read a fic that made me think of Scorpius as a 'reincarnation' of Lucius, but this one certainly did. Very hot, and I love how Draco tried to resist but in the end, can't win with both Lucius and Scorpius working against him.
16th April 2010 14:03
Thanks so much, my dear! What a lovely compliment--I was definitely aiming for Scorpius being a lot like his grandfather. And dear Draco, bless him, I really love to push him...hard.
17th April 2010 04:28
Wow. That's just... wow. I'm amazed at how much angst and characterization you managed to mix in with some very filthyhotwronghot porn. Love it. XD

17th April 2010 12:17
Thank you so much! What a wonderful compliment. I'm so glad you liked the angstyness as well as teh pr0n.
17th April 2010 15:43
Aaaaaaah, so hotdirtywrong. But mostly hot. UNF, the ending!! ♥
17th April 2010 17:39
Thanks so much, Lee! I'm tickled you enjoyed it. :D
18th April 2010 01:44
Ahhhhh so WRONG SO WRONG SO WRONG, but I love it so. (As if there could be any doubt.) Oh God, this just hits my kink buttons HARD. It's brilliant, Torino, completely and utterly. Poor Draco. He doesn't stand a chance.

(And srsly, I'm amazed that you've not only fit in SO MUCH HOT PORN OMG, but all that set-up and history between the Malfoy men in 1300 words? What? Awesome!)
18th April 2010 03:30
Thanks so much, bebe. *hugs* I'm thrilled you liked it! Wrong is the new right. :P And Draco often insists I treat him this way, poor poppet. *veg*
23rd April 2010 09:30
Finally read this during a boring lecture and Wow! This is so very hot! And wrong, of course, but first and foremost it's steaming hot!!! Really well done, darling.
I love Draco's guilt and the way he just can't resist, and Scorp and Lucius conspiring against him... W00t!
23rd April 2010 12:02
LOL Thank you! I love imagining you sitting in a boring lecture and reading this! :D Hot + Wrong = OTP
27th April 2010 18:32
Scorpius, you little minx. Draco never stood a chance, did he? *g*
Deliciously hot, my dear!
27th April 2010 22:19
Thanks! Yeah, Draco was pretty much doomed once Lucius got involved. :P *pets poor, fucked up Draco*
8th May 2010 16:59

That is all. :)
8th May 2010 17:00
LOL Thanks! :D
4th June 2010 20:00

This Draco is so believeable, too. And so guiltily hot.

And I hate NextGen, but this fed back so well into canon and guh.
7th June 2010 11:56
Thank you. I am always thrilled when someone reads something they normally might not touch and enjoys it. I do so love to torture poor Draco, I'm glad you found him believable.
19th August 2010 03:52
Oh, wow! Am I glad I was reading back through the comm!

And is it awful of me that this bit:

Draco didn't want Scorpius to become a toy, a warm place for any man to stick his prick. Draco shuddered recalling that year his home was crawling with randy Death Eaters. It was so long ago, but he remembered it like it was yesterday.

made me want a whole fic devoted to that? zomg, poor (hot!) whore!Draco!
19th August 2010 19:47
Thank you! I'm so glad you read it.

And LOL! Great minds think alike. *veg* Poor Draco. Heh.
13th October 2013 22:06
I'mma going straight to hell, and I ADORE YOU FOR IT! This was impossibly hot, cringe-worthy, and then ridiculously hot some more! Wrong and hot and awful and destined and horrible and so fucking HOT.

JFC, woman.

Can I have a sequel, like, three years later? ;-)
13th October 2013 22:09
LOL Well, I never rule out sequels so who knows? Thanks so much, bb. I'd hoped you'd like it and I'm just thrilled you did! :D
13th October 2013 22:12
I think I'll just start pestering you for this every week or something until I get what I want. (Scorpius POV maybe?) I can be like that. ;-)

I fucking loved this.
13th October 2013 22:21
I've put this comment into my projects folder so if and when I ever get ALL the other shit I need to get written finished, I, at the very least, won't forget about this. LOL

13th October 2013 22:24
Oh, thank you!!! *twirls*
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