Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Art - Teddy & James 
31st March 2010 23:45
Title: Touch
Artist: [info]ericahpfa
Based On/Inspired By: The Feel of It by [info]mindabbles
Media: Pencil, pen, references
Characters/Pairings: Teddy Lupin, James Potter
Rating: NC17
Content/Warnings: NWS
Artist's Notes: As soon as I read the prompt for this month I knew that I wanted to participate. The hardest part was narrowing my choices down! I finally decided to choose a character first and go from there, I have been on a Next Gen kick lately and went with Teddy/James. Keeping their hair consistant with the story was tough - I really see Teddy as very Emo, and without the curls, and James with super short hair. Next time!
Thanks as always, to the mods - I am so close to having a proper date again!
4th April 2010 19:53
Wow, this is smoking hot! *stares*
8th April 2010 18:01
jsdfjsdljs!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is just brilliant. Love it.
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