Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Fic: Persuasion, Albus Dumbledore/Horace Slughorn, R 
20th March 2010 23:58
Title: Persuasion
Author: [info]eeyore9990
Based On/Inspired By: At Long Last by [info]tripperfunster
Characters/Pairings: Albus Dumbledore/Horace Slughorn
Rating: Hard R (art is NC-17)
Content/Warnings: fellatio
Word Count: ~1k
Summary/Description: We all know Dumbledore tried to convince Slughorn to come back to Hogwarts at least ONCE before he dragged Harry along...
Author's Notes: I have always been a HUGE fan of [info]tripperfunster and while this fic in no way truly captures the essence of her art, I had to pay it (and her!) tribute.

"No, Albus! That is my final answer."

Albus steeled himself before inserting his foot between the door and the jamb, wincing when the heavy wood bounced smashed into him. "If you would but hear me out, I have an additional offer for you. One that will be agreeable to us both, I daresay."

Horace Slughorn ceased his attempts to bludgeon Albus' foot with the door and held it open the merest few inches. "What offer?"

"May I come in? This is not a proposition for the masses. Just you."

Instead of opening the door, Horace simply released his hold on it and stepped back, one hand going up to worry at the curling end of his mustache. He narrowed his eyes at Albus as Albus entered the dwelling and gently shut the door behind himself, turning the bolt with a quiet snick.

"There, now." Dusting his hands together for effect, Albus smiled winningly. "I believe that will keep out all but the most determined Muggle, don't you? Tea?"

"Blast you, Albus Dumbledore, I'll not be prolonging your visit with tea. Tell me what your proposal is so I can refuse it and we can both go on with our days."

"Why are you so adverse to resuming your position at Hogwarts?" Albus asked, watching for and finding the signs of paranoia he had grown accustomed to seeing in the eyes of those who'd been threatened by the Death Eaters... or Tom himself.

"I am retired. I have no desire to abandon my current lifestyle for anyone. Certainly not for you. I do apologise, Albus, but I won't be taking sides in your little fracas. It's just not healthy."

Albus nodded and rocked forward on the toes of his heeled boots. "I understand, Horace, but I'd still like to offer you additional incentive, just in case you're open to changing your mind."

Horace sighed and walked over to his comfortable-looking armchair. "What is it, then? Tell me and have done with it."

"Of course, of course." Instead of getting to the point, however, Albus walked around the room, fingers smoothing over the fabric of his robes as he looked from one knick-knack to the next, eyes drifting over shelves of dusty books and rows of polished picture frames filled with laughing youths and confidently successful witches and wizards. Staring down at one particular shelf of such pictures, Albus smiled sadly and shook his head. "There was no need for him to kill them. One would think you would recognise that, Horace."

"It isn't my fight. I've nothing to do with it."

"It involves us all, at one point or another."

"I won't--"

Albus waved his hand airily, silencing Horace with the simple gesture in a way that even magic could not. "That's not really the reason for my visit. I regret bringing up a topic which you find so unsatisfactory. I am a poor guest, I'm afraid. And dear me, where are my manners? Horace, if you would like to discuss our business now...?"

A muscle leapt in Horace's jaw before his features smoothed into blankly friendly lines. "That would be delightful. And so timely."

Albus smiled and walked forward until he was standing tall over Horace's chair, his hands clasped behind his back. "How long has it been, old friend, since you've indulged your oral fixation?" A tiny wink and a sly smile underscored those words with lewd intent.

What started as a blink of necessity turned into a rapid series of shock-induced eyelash-fluttering. "I--I... What? I daresay I misheard you!"

Albus directed his wand at the floor and conjured a small pillow before slowly bending one knee and then the other. When he was kneeling in supplication before Horace, he looked up and said, "I understand the reward system, Horace. I have no issue with you providing yourself an opportunity to study the benefits of a given situation."

"If your tongue is as agile physically as it is verbally, I may have to reconsider my position on returning to Hogwarts," Horace said with a gasp, his hands gripping the overstuffed chair until the wood frame creaked.

"All I seek is the chance to persuade you." With those words, Albus slid one hand coyly over the placket of Horace's trousers, his touch light and sure.

"I approve your tactics."

Albus smiled and wordlessly banished Horace's clothing to the far side of the room. He wrapped one wrinkled, age-spotted hand around the base of Horace's prick and licked the tip with the flat of his tongue. A strangled gurgle rewarded his efforts.

"Will you come back to Hogwarts, Horace?"

"N-no! My life is worth far too much to me for--ahh!"

Horace's entire prick disappeared inside Albus' mouth, and Albus pursed his lips and swallowed, revealing in detail his complete lack of gag reflex. Several moments passed during which Horace sank deeper into the chair, his hips jerking rhythmically as he fucked Albus' mouth. Horace let out a moan of despair when, just as his cheeks went ruddy in a precursor to orgasm, Albus backed off with a lick of his lips.

"Are you sure you won't reconsider?"

"Gah! Nghgn! Don't stop now!"

Smiling, Albus resumed his task, sucking delicately at the very tip of Horace's prick first before he felt Horace's hand in his hair, urging him to greater efforts. He bobbed his head, swirled his tongue, and put every skill he'd acquired in his hundred and fifty years to the test as he brought Horace to a shuddering climax. After swallowing through the last few twitches of Horace's release, Albus sat back and wiped delicately at his mouth with a handkerchief he kept stowed in his sleeve for just such emergencies.

"Your answer, Horace?"

Horace's eyes, heavy with satiation, twinkled wickedly at Albus. "If I say no, will you continue your efforts to persuade me?"

"Of course."

"Then you can be certain I'll never agree to return to Hogwarts."

"In any capacity?"

"At long last, I have the life I've always wished to enjoy here at my fingertips. It only lacked this."

"I see. I cannot say I'm surprised at your answer." Albus shook his head sadly and turned toward the door. "Same time next week?"

Horace's smile was smug. "Of course! Bring a friend if you like. The more, the merrier."
21st March 2010 11:44
OMG LOL! Perfect. I can absolutely see this happening. Perfect for the art, Eey. Great job!
21st March 2010 19:07
Hee, thank you! I had this fic in my head all month! It was nice to finally be able to write it all down, heh.
21st March 2010 20:20
Bring a friend if you like.


No. The art and this fic have already blown my brain - do not want to think about next week.

Brilliant. Both of you.
22nd March 2010 06:46
blown my brain

No, no, that was Horace who was being blown! :P

Thanks, ina! It's always nice to know there's nothing that can truly scare off ALL of fandom, hee!
21st March 2010 20:54
That last line just kills me! I can't believe you got me to read this pairing.
22nd March 2010 06:47
You're a secret Dumblehorn (Sluggledore?) shipper, don't lie! :D Thank you so much for reading this, hon! I must admit to expecting a lot of o.O from... well, pretty much everyone! Hah!
21st March 2010 21:54
I looked at the art, read the comments, snorted, then read this - wonderful realisation! Albus is going to need powerful leverage to get Horace to return to Hogwarts at this rate. Dangling The Boy Who Lived in front of him, with the opportunity to fraternise/exploit, might just do it... "bring a friend", oh yes.
22nd March 2010 06:48
:D Dumbledore is secretly running a prostitution ring out of Hogwarts... only the prostitutes aren't aware of their job description! (oh, jeez... I just bunnied myself. *face palm*)
21st March 2010 23:37
The last five minutes in transcript:

PR1: "So Ginny moved into ... you're not listening to me."
Me: "I'm sorry, but Eeyore wrote Dumbledore/Slughorn blowjobs and I've got to see who's performing."
PR1: *sigh*
Me: "Oh god it's Albus sucking him off to get him to ... oh god."
Me: "Oh, god, age spots. This is so not hot."
Me: "... oh lord I think it actually is hot."
Me: "Oh, my god, they are so perfectly in character."
Me: "Augh! Albus has a hanky for ... YOU HAVE TO READ THIS."

So, for brightening her grading and improving my procrastination, I thank you effusively. *bows*
22nd March 2010 06:49
Bwahahahha! YAY!!!! Come to me, my pretties! *snicker*
22nd March 2010 01:38
That original piece was right up there with Minerva/Bill among my favorite Christmas art of last season. I can't tell you how glad I am to see Albus and Horace blow back return to the hallowed pages of DD. And they're both so IC. Allow me to relive my favorite moments (which may not be the same as Horace's, or then again, they may be).

revealing in detail his complete lack of gag reflex
a handkerchief he kept stowed in his sleeve for just such emergencies
every skill he'd acquired in his hundred and fifty years The mind blows boggles.

"Bring a friend"--ahaha. . .well, anything for the Greater Good.

When my neighbor's son was 11, he became fond of the expression "and/or." For several weeks, he kept describing everything as "this and/or that." At one point (in a completely different context that this here fic, mind you), he was annoyed at some homework he'd been assigned. "This sucks and/or blows," he said.

He must have been reading fanfic on the sly.
22nd March 2010 06:53
ROFL! He was just indulging himself in some wishful thinking a few years early *snort* (the 11-year-old!)

I saw this art a million years ago and ADORED it back then, and then when I was scrolling through the DD archives looking for something to pay tribute to, I saw this one again and went "OMG, yes, this is it!" :D

Bonus: I got to write my one last remaining squick! Old man hands! :P
23rd March 2010 03:08
Oh, HILARIOUS closing! Little did Harry know what sorts of implications he carried in the door by accompanying Dumbledore to see Slughorn!

Really great fit for the artwork -- great work!
29th March 2010 23:14
Bweee! Thank you!
23rd March 2010 10:59
Awesome, and so IC! I love it. :-D
29th March 2010 23:14
Thank you so much!
23rd March 2010 17:04
OMG YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SLUGGIE FIC!!! And Slughorn with Dumbledore. D:! Is it my birthday???

So good and so messy and wonderful. What a perfect little addition to the canon story. ;)
29th March 2010 23:15
:D Happy Un-birthday to you!!! *tips hat*

Thank you so much. :D
24th March 2010 02:56
Oh this is brilliant and matches the stunning artwork so well. They fit together like puzzle peices. well done you!!
29th March 2010 23:16
*g* Thank you!!
29th March 2010 03:58
OMG! I was away last week and totally missed this!

Ahahhaha! THE HANKIE FOR JUST SUCH AN EMERGENCY! You TOTES know he would, too!

Thanks so much, Eey! And accept my apologies for not finding this sooner!

<3 <3 <3 <3

29th March 2010 23:17
Is this my happy face? Is THIS my happy face?! Why, yes, I believe this IS my happy face!!! I am so damn happy you enjoyed this. :D I wrote old man hands for you, Trip. Because your art is just THAT awesome. :D :D :D
29th March 2010 21:24
Your last squick, eh? *waves goodbye to it*
You? Awesome! *giggles*
29th March 2010 23:20
I know, right?! I had to close my eyes to write it, I swear. But I did it! Yay!
4th April 2010 12:26
Marvellously done. Fits the original (well-remembered) art brilliantly.
your little fracas, such a perfectly Slughorn description.
And bring a friend, indeed!
Great job. Here one Selmak's rec over at crack_broom, by the way.
12th May 2010 01:47
I don't think I have anything else to say to this. Just... sexy and lollerrific.
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