Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
FIC: Phyllis, NC-17, Harry/Neville 
14th March 2010 08:24
Title: Phyllis
Author: [info]torino10154
Based On/Inspired By: Entangled by [info]zephre
Characters/Pairings: Harry/Neville
Rating: NC-17
Content/Warnings: Plant bondage, nipple clamps, semi-public sex, and breathplay if you squint really hard
Word Count: ~1100
Summary/Description: Harry's usually the adventurous one.
Author's Notes: Thanks so much to both [info]gryffindorj and [info]jadzialove for the beta. [info]zephre, I hope you like what I've done with your amazing art.

Harry leaned back against one of the tables in Greenhouse Four, watching as Neville finished repotting his hellebore seedlings. He loved watching Neville as he worked: the intense look of concentration, his hands moving through the earth, handling the roots with care, the way his tongue peeked out from between his lips.

That tongue. Harry loved the things Neville could do with his tongue. Looking around the greenhouse, Harry realized it had been far too long since they'd used the place for anything but Herbology. Thankful the students had gone home for the summer two days before, Harry slowly moved his hands to the buttons of his shirt, undoing them one by one, until he reached the bottom and slipped it off and threw it at Neville's head.

"Hey!" Neville looked up and his eyes widened. "Oh."

"'Oh?'" Harry ran his fingers over his torso, stopping to pinch a nipple. "That's all you have to say?"

Neville shook his head, smiling. "Gimme a minute to get this cleaned up. I know you're a filthy whore, but I doubt you want to get dirty with actual dirt." Neville walked toward the back of the greenhouse to wash his hands.

"You never know," Harry called after him, watching his arse as he moved. He was pushing Neville a bit he knew, but somehow every time he upped the ante, Neville was there willing to try anything once. He blushed as he remembered the first time Neville had put him over his knee and spanked him until Harry came in his pants like a naughty schoolboy.

Getting started alone, Harry unbuttoned his jeans and pushed them down to his ankles along with his pants, then stepped out of them and kicked them out of sight. He gave his cock a little squeeze before he licked a fingertip, then circled his right nipple. His eyes fell closed as he reveled in the feeling of the cool air hitting his wet skin and sending a shiver down his spine.

He didn't hear Neville approach, but suddenly he felt a hand on his arm, gripping the muscle of his biceps.

Only it didn't feel like a hand.

Snapping his eyes open, Harry's heart skipped a beat when he saw a green vine circling his upper arm, and then another tendril wrapped around his ankle. He tried to wriggle free but the plant only held on tighter.

Damn, where was his wand? In his jeans' pocket on the other side of the greenhouse somewhere.

"Fuck," he exhaled sharply. The plant was pulling him back against the table, pinning his arms behind his back. Swallowing his pride, he called out for Neville.

"Neville?" He tried to keep the uneasiness out of his voice as he felt the plant reach between his legs and . . . no, it couldn't be.

Oh, dear God, it was stroking his cock.

"Yeah, Harry?" Neville came ambling up, wiping his hands on a towel, but not looking until he was five feet away.

"I see you've met Phyllis." Neville grinned unrepentantly.

Harry groaned when Phyllis tugged on his balls, the thin green shoots acting like a cockring. "Um, Neville, could you give me a hand?" Neville stepped forward and ran his fingers over Harry's nipples before giving one of them a twist.

"Fuck!" Harry arched forward, throwing his head back as another tendril wrapped around his neck.

"Easy now, Phyllis," Neville cooed to the plant as he shrugged out of his shirt, then stepped closer and slipped his tongue inside Harry's mouth, helping center and calm him down. "She won't hurt you. We have an understanding." Neville ran his fingers over Harry's plant bound cock.

"What? Isn't it Devil's Snare?"

"Nah, she's a Flitterbloom plant," Neville said as he dipped his head to bite one of the pink nipples, brushing his thumb over the head of Harry's cock. "Perfectly harmless."

"Fuck," Harry said, giving in to the pleasure. His head was foggy, the plant had him bound tighter than any rope, but the sensation of this living plant moving over him, around him, was incredible.

"Do you trust me?" Neville asked as he licked the shell of Harry's ear.

"'Course I do," Harry replied, turning his head to kiss Neville roughly.

"Good." Neville bit Harry's bottom lip, sucking it into his mouth then let him go. "Accio Screechsnap blossoms!" Harry looked up as several narrow blue flower blossoms floated delicately into Neville's open palm. Reaching toward Harry's chest, Neville pinched the blossom and Harry's eyes widened as it seemed to grab onto Harry's nipple like a clamp.

Harry hissed as the painful sensation rolled over him.

"All right?" Neville asked as he ran his calloused fingers over Harry's smooth chest.

"Yeah," Harry breathed in reply and then Neville attached the second blossom to his other nipple and Harry saw stars as Neville licked the abused nub.

"Please, Neville," he whimpered not even sure what he wanted other than to come and come.

Neville stroked the plant and whispered, "Now, love," and the pressure increased over Harry's entire body, each tendril of the plant undulated over his body, almost snakelike and Harry knew he wouldn't last much longer. Neville stepped forward and the tendrils lifted and spread his legs obscenely wide. He might have blushed if Neville hadn't quickly set his wand to Harry's hole and slicked and loosened him before pushing inside in a single thrust.

The plant was stroking him all over as Neville fucked him, and when Neville removed the blossom nipple clamps and the blood rushed back to his sensitive nipples, it was only moments until Harry cried out and clenched around Neville's cock, his come exploding out of him and spattering both their chests. He would have collapsed, but he was held in place by the plant, and Neville bit down on the column of his neck as he came.

Neville's cock slipped out of his arse, and slowly the plant loosened the tendrils and gently placed Harry on the ground.

"Harry?" Harry kept his eyes shut, not sure if this had been a dream or not. He felt Neville's arms wrap around him, rubbing over his sweaty skin.

"What was that all about?" Harry asked when he finally found his voice.

"You're always pushing me to try new things," Neville shrugged as he placed a kiss on Harry's shoulder. "I thought I'd come up with something different for a change. You did like it, yeah?"

Harry laughed. "Um, yeah, I did. But promise me one thing?"

"What's that?"

"You'll never leave me for Phyllis."
14th March 2010 13:41
Gosh, that's delicious! I love Neville's creativity. It's always the quiet ones. ;-)
15th March 2010 11:55
Thanks so much! Neville has a trick or two up his sleeve, definitely. *vbg*
14th March 2010 14:01
i have to admit that it's a bit hard for me to see neville as a sexual being ... but i'll try. hard. :D *grins*

15th March 2010 11:56
Aw, well, I do appreciate you giving it a try! Thank you.
14th March 2010 14:39
ahahaha! that is just fabulous! I'm here dreaming about my garden, so a Neville-in-the-greenhouse fic seemed just right.
Phyllis, I love you!
15th March 2010 12:00
Thank you! With Spring just around the corner, it is rather timely. *wonders whether she can get Flitterbloom at Meadows Farms* ;)
14th March 2010 20:09
OH yeah!! I love it when Neville is one with his plants!! Lucky Harry!
15th March 2010 12:01
Thank you! I think Harry is feeling very lucky. I think Phyllis is going to get quite a bit of action. :P
15th March 2010 17:27
I'd like to be Phyllis... if only for a week... or two...
14th March 2010 20:45
Mmmmm, you can never go wrong with Neville, plant bondage, and greenhouse sex! Yummy!
15th March 2010 12:01
I agree completely! Thanks so much.
14th March 2010 23:27
Lol! Great last line :D
15th March 2010 12:02
Thank you! So glad you liked it. :)
15th March 2010 00:14
Mmmm, luscious.
And I really like Phyllis. *g*
Deliciously hot, my dear!
15th March 2010 12:03
Thanks, sweetie. I had a lot of fun with Phyllis (and so did Harry and Neville *giggles*).
15th March 2010 03:06
GUH. Just GUH. That was entirely too sexy...there's just something about plant bondage and that little bit of breathplay? Mmmm mmm. Last line was perfect! XD
15th March 2010 12:04
Thank you, darling!! Plant bondage is totally GUH!
15th March 2010 04:23
Mmm, that's very nice!!! I loved the loving relationship you show us. The image of Harry throwing his shirt at the preoccupied Neville somehow set the whole thing up for me. Awww--Neville willing to try new things and then pushing himself coz he knew Harry wanted it. And, "Phyllis" LMAO!
15th March 2010 12:10
Thank you! I'm thrilled that little thing really warmed you to the fic. Phyllis is a very...naughty...plant. *waggles eyebrows or tendrils as the case may be*
16th March 2010 13:35
oh Phyllis! Lovely and so very sexy!
17th March 2010 13:20
Thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed it. I have a feeling Harry is going to be requesting threesomes with Phyllis on occasion. ;)
16th March 2010 22:27
this is AWESOME - go Neville, and his naughty naughty plants!
eee, thank you for writing something for my illo, that's so exciting.
17th March 2010 13:19
Oh YAY! Thank you! I'm so glad you like it. I knew I wanted to write for a piece of art and this struck me right away as an excellent image to build a fic around. Neville and his plants are just nnnggh! Lucky for Harry. *g*
19th March 2010 06:19
This is so sensual and just HOT. Almost seemed like a threesome with Phyllis in there, hee. I don't think Harry has anything to worry about though; Neville seems to be very into him. :D
19th March 2010 12:48
Thank you so much!! I have been totally joking to myself it's a threesome, yeah. :P But you're right, Harry needn't worry although he should see what else he can find in the greenhouses to play with. *giggles*
19th March 2010 15:16
That was fun and so deliciously sexy! Love that last line. *G*
20th March 2010 12:18
Thank you! I'm glad you liked it.
20th March 2010 03:46
Ooh, that was so hot and deliciously wicked. Awesome!
20th March 2010 12:19
Thanks, Melody. Phyllis had a good time. :P
21st March 2010 00:08
*sighs* Who would have thought plants could be so hot! Wow ;)

"You'll never leave me for Phyllis." *giggles*
21st March 2010 12:11
Thank you! I found [info]zephre's art extremely sexy and hot--it was great fun trying to write the scenario around it. I'm so glad you enjoyed it.
22nd March 2010 20:31
If I were Neville, I'd be worried about Harry leaving him for Phyllis. Mmm... very hot and nicely done.
26th March 2010 11:55
True enough. I guess they both need to keep a close eye on her. *vbg* Thanks, Leela!
24th March 2010 03:39
Considering Phyllis' talents I wouldnt say its an unreasonable request! Plant porn! love it!
26th March 2010 11:54
Thank you! I love me a bit of plant porn and I can easily imagine Phyllis as a regular partner. ;)
1st June 2010 22:45
I've no idea how I missed this when it was posted.

Very hot! I love how Neville plays it cool when Phyllis first gets to harry : )
2nd June 2010 11:43
Thank you! I'm so happy you enjoyed it. I think Neville knows his plants very well. :D
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