Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
ART: A New Wheeze (Luna/Percy, NC-17) 
11th March 2010 08:25
Title: A New Wheeze
Artist: [info]zephre
Based On/Inspired By: Inventive by [info]florahart
Media: photoshop
Characters/Pairings: Luna/Percy (+bonus toy)
Rating: NC-17
Content/Warnings: object insertion/toys
Artist's Notes: fun, crazy, and features Luna! Love it.

11th March 2010 20:53
I loved that fic so thank you for reminding me of it, and then for the brilliant illustration of it. :)
Percy's slightly shocked and dazed look along with Luna's gorgeous wantonness is perfect!
11th March 2010 23:03
Awesome! :-)
12th March 2010 01:47
Your Luna is so beautiful!
12th March 2010 15:09
Oh Luna looks completely blissed out, love the position she's in too. Very nicely done.
13th March 2010 05:37
Ooh yay! Pretty art from my fic! *\o/*
14th March 2010 08:56
:D Looks like Percy is a whee bit overwhelmed by Luna. I love his slighty puzzled expression XD
16th March 2010 17:50
Percy looks awed and Luna is just gorgeous. So confident in her sexuality. It's wonderful.
22nd March 2010 22:26
Oh, lovely. Just lovely.
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