Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Fic: A Blessing in Disguise, Bill/Harry, R 
20th February 2010 13:24
Title: A Blessing in Disguise
Author: [info]eeyore9990
Characters/Pairings: Bill/Harry, Ragnok the Goblin
Rating: R
Kinks/Themes Chosen: sexual harassment
Other Warnings: creepy goblin is creepy?
Word Count: ~2250
Summary/Description: Harry learns the hard way to speak carefully around the goblins.
Author's Notes: For [info]leela_cat. Happy birthday, darling one! Also: I am so, so sorry. :P

"You wish to apply to Mr Weasley as an apprentice curse-breaker, is that correct?" Ragnok the Goblin asked, peering at Harry through nearly-slitted eyes, his gaze heavy and assessing.

Harry smoothed his hands over his knees and nodded, then cleared his throat before adding, "With the blessing of the Gringotts management."

Ragnok stood--the top of his head dropped an inch as he hopped off his seat--and circled the desk to stand disconcertingly close to Harry. "Our... blessing, hmm? Hmm."

Well, fuck. Two hmms in a row couldn't be good. Harry drew a deep breath to apologise for his impertinence and then choked on it when Ragnok's gnarled hand closed around his upper thigh.

"And how would you like to gain such a blessing, Mr Potter?"

"I--I--I..." Harry's brain shut down and his eyes flew open wide when Ragnok's hand inched upward.

"There is a very special way that a wizard can gain a goblin's blessing. In fact, Mr Potter, I'd be willing to bless you here and now."


"You won't even need to stand for my blessing, Mr Potter. And if I'm not mistaken, your own people generally kneel for blessings, don't they? Just consider this a... religious experience," Ragnok murmured into Harry's ear. When Harry felt something wet and wriggly against his ear, he gagged, and then tried to rise to his feet, but the hand on his thigh was surprisingly strong and held him in place.

"What--what are you d-doing?" Harry asked, feeling stupid even as he did so because really, what else could Ragnok be doing? It wasn't like there were multiple scenarios that played out like this one was doing.


"What are you doing, Ragnok?" The hard voice was instantly recogniseable to Harry, and he slumped against the back of his chair, equal parts relief and mortification flooding through him. He was utterly grateful for Bill's sudden presence, but knew this would be the topic of Weasley family dinners for generations to come. At least he could be sure Bill would keep this little scene among family and not go running off to shout it to the masses.

Harry gagged again as his mind's eye clearly laid out the fictional headline for this encounter: The Boy Who Lived to be Groped by Goblins!

What little relief he had managed to find evaporated when Ragnok said, "Mr Potter has come to me for our blessing, Weasley. You are aware of the implications."

"I am. But as the one who would be his supervisor, the task of blessing him falls to me. Me, Ragnok. He is mine." The low growl that tinged the edges of Bill's words made the hairs on the nape of Harry's neck stand on end and almost distracted him from the fact that Ragnok and Bill appeared to be fighting over.... Well, over Harry.

The incongruity of the scenario was such that Harry eased one hand into his lap and pinched the inside of his thigh, hard. Blinking back involuntary tears, Harry was forced to acknowledge that he was indeed awake.


"You are not a goblin, Weasley. And Mr Potter specifically requested the blessing of the goblins."

"Is this true, Harry?" Bill asked, and for the first time Harry felt comfortable enough to take his eyes of Ragnok to turn and address Bill. "I said... uh, I said that I wanted to apprentice under you and then..." Harry squinted, staring off into space as he tried to remember exactly what he'd said. "And then I said I'd like the blessing of Gringotts management."

Bill smiled then, but it was feral and directed at Ragnok. "Ah. Management. Then Mr Potter's blessing certainly falls under my duties. Not yours. He is my apprentice, and as head curse-breaker, I am officially a part of Gringotts management."

"Do not quibble with me, Weasley," Ragnok hissed, and a tiny drop of spittle flew into the lens of Harry's glasses. "Your position as management is tenuous at best and a point of contention among the goblins. You are human."

Bill lifted one eyebrow, that dangerous smile growing wider. "One more point in favour of me being the one to give Mr Potter--another human--our blessing." Bill crossed his arms casually, flexing the muscle in his bicep which caused a silvery band on his arm to catch the light.

Ragnok's hand went slack on Harry's thigh and his mouth gaped just the slightest bit. "Those gems," he said, his voice taking on a dreamy quality.

"Hmm?" Bill asked. Then, turning his head, he glanced down at the band and smiled. "Ah, this piece? Yes. Emeralds, rubies..." Bill shrugged. "Nothing you haven't seen before."

Ragnok's mouth closed with a snap and he narrowed his gaze again, though this time it was on Bill. "Perhaps we could barter, Weasley?"


"You may provide Mr Potter's blessing... but you must give me the band."

Bill opened his mouth to reply only to have Ragnok cut him off.

"And the blessing must be done immediately. After all, we would not want to delay the beginning of Mr Potter's career with Gringotts any longer than we must." The sly quality of Ragnok's voice made Harry feel vaguely dirty, as if he'd been doused with grease.

Bill waited a beat before he nodded once and removed the arm band. Tossing it across the room to Ragnok, he jerked his chin at Harry. "Let's go."

Snatching the band out of the air with greedy fingers, Ragnok smiled happily and said, "Perhaps you didn't understand, Weasley. You are to give the blessing here." While Ragnok appeared just as eager for Harry's "blessing" as he'd been earlier, his eyes were glued to the gems that his fingers were touching with something akin to reverence.

Harry, caught half-way to standing by Ragnok's words, glanced up at Bill anxiously. "Do we--"

"Of course," Bill murmured smoothly, and stepped toward Harry's chair, one hand gripping Harry's elbow and helping him to his feet.

Of course? Harry mouthed at Bill, secure in the knowledge that the gems were of high enough quality to continue holding Ragnok's attention for the moment.

"I told you to be careful with your words," Bill whispered, his hand sliding up to Harry's shoulder and giving it a brief squeeze. "Now we're backed into a corner and the only way out is through him."

Harry grimaced. "What exactly does a 'blessing' entail?"

"To the goblins, it requires a sexual act of a submissive nature. You're asking something of them, and they are kinky little devils who live only for shiny things and sexual gratification. The goblins could teach the most deviant wizard or witch a trick or two."


"Too vague?"

"A bit. Just... give me my options."

"Well, they're limited to me or him at this point."

"No, no. Not that. I mean, obviously you, but what do I have to do? What will be the best way to get my blessing?"

"Fellatio, anilingus..." Apparently Harry's expression gave away his confusion because Bill grinned and started over. "Blow job, rimming, taking it up the arse.... Your choice."

"But I have to do it, right?"

"No, you don't have to. However, if you don't..." Bill's face softened and he seemed almost apologetic as he said, "You won't get the apprentice position."

Harry considered this and then shrugged. He'd done far worse for far less. "Well, let's do it, then."

Bill's face reflected his shock at Harry's easy acceptance. "You... really? I mean, you don't want to think about it first? Harry, this is what they're like. Always."

"Who? The goblins?"


"Well, that shouldn't be much of a problem. After all, once this interview is over, I'll be working for you. I can't imagine a scenario in which I'll have to interact with the goblins once we're on a site."

"That's true, but--"

"Honestly, Bill, it's no big deal."

"You do realise you have to do it in front of Ragnok, right?"

"Well, yeah, I heard that. But look at him," Harry said, one hand gesturing toward Ragnok, who was seated at a desk with a jeweler's hoop in one hand and the arm band in the other. "If we do it quickly, he'll never even notice."

Bill stared at Ragnok for a few tense seconds before he blew out a breath and said, "Fine. What's your preference then?"

"Well, I thought that would be up to you?"

"No, you're the supplicant. You merely have to choose something that will please me, and then get on your knees and do it."

Harry scratched the back of his head. He'd never rimmed anyone before and didn't imagine he'd be able to get anyone off that way, so that really only left two options. Blow job or sex. He really didn't want to have sex for the first time with Bill in front of Ragnok, but a blow job...

Harry dropped to his knees and reached for Bill's belt. Bill stepped back and cleared his throat roughly, shaking his head. "You have to be..." He gestured to his clothing and shrugged. "Supplicants are required to strip themselves of all dignity. That means clothing, glasses, jewelry... anything that might show your status. Wand, too."

Harry made a face, but pulling out his wand, he Banished his clothing to a neat pile in the corner and slipped his glasses from his face. Folding them carefully, he placed them on the floor a safe distance away and then propped his wand on them. Turning back to Bill, he raised his eyebrows and said, "Is this good?"

Bill, blurry now that Harry had removed his glasses, simply stepped forward. Harry lowered his eyes to the waistband of Bill's trousers and lifted his hands to the buckle of Bill's belt. The leather slid smoothly from the metal and there was a muted clink as Harry released the catch. One more slide of leather over metal later and Harry let out a breath with a whoosh. It was the work of seconds to slide Bill's trousers and pants off his hips and then Harry was eye to eye with Bill's cock.

He gulped and shifted, sitting back on his heels as he looked up at Bill. "It's been a while since I've done this," he admitted in a soft tone, hoping Ragnok wouldn't hear him.

"It's like riding a broom, Harry. You don't forget the basics. Just... tell me you've never had a lover who enjoyed teeth, please?"

Harry laughed, feeling the tension leaking from him. "Yeah, no. I know to mind my teeth."

"I can't adequately express my relie--augh!" Bill let out a low shout as Harry suddenly moved forward and took the tip of his soft cock into his mouth.

Harry had to hold back the urge to laugh again and instead focused on technique. He slid his tongue under Bill's foreskin, earning himself a hiss of pleasure, and then sucked hard, pulling Bill's entire length into his mouth. He wouldn't be able to do this once Bill was fully hard, but he knew how good it felt. He worked his tongue and throat and lips in sync, milking Bill until he was fully hard and thrusting his hips against Harry's face.

Hands wound through Harry's hair, pulling him so close he had to open his throat or gag. A tiny pinch to Bill's hip earned him a muttered apology and the space to back off and breathe. He rolled Bill's bollocks in his hand to show his appreciation and received his first full-throated moan in response. Harry took a deep breath and relaxed his throat, swallowing Bill completely, and that was all it took. Bill let out a ragged gasp, his short fingernails bit into Harry's scalp, and he came in several long pulses down Harry's throat.

When the need to breathe became too much, Harry backed off, catching one last bead of come on the tip of his tongue and then cleared his throat.

Sitting there with his own cock aching from the simple knowledge that he'd just had one of his boyhood fantasies come true--minus the goblin audience; he'd never imagined that--Harry had never felt more awkward in his life. "Well," he said, then cleared his throat again when it came out more like a croak than a word.

"You have my blessing. Get dressed. Let's go."

Harry frowned and reached for his glasses, adjusting them on his face until he could look up and see Bill clearly. He felt a wash of new arousal when he saw Bill's gaze was focused on his lap. His wand was in his hand a blink of an eye faster than his clothes were back on his body. Harry stood and looked around behind him to see Ragnok still focused on the arm band.

"I can't believe he missed that."

"He's getting off in his own way. Now come on, so you can get off in mine."

Harry gaped at Bill, then whispered, "Aren't there rules against...?"

"Nah. I told you the goblins are a kinky lot. Hell, look how your interview went!"

"And, uh, your family?"

"Will be pleased to know you're working under me. They don't care about the specifics of the position." He waggled his eyebrows at Harry, then grabbed Harry's arm and dragged him out of there to spend the rest of the afternoon working out the details of their new arrangement.

20th February 2010 20:34
Yeah, the Weasleys will be fine with this arrangement. I know I am. ;)
Nicely done, darling, and hey, at least you distracted the goblin first so he wasn't paying that much attention. ;)
25th February 2010 08:36
Whee, thank you! And you know, in my head, he was totally checking out their reflection in the jewels. Or something. :P
20th February 2010 22:23
So glad Bill stepped in when he did. Very hot, and what the Weasley's don't know won't hurt them!
25th February 2010 08:37
:D Thank you! And I tend to think the Weasleys won't really be all THAT surprised, heh.
20th February 2010 22:24
Lovely! I love the way Bill bartered to get Harry out of Ragnok's clutches and how distracted the goblin was (thankfully). *g* Nice job.
25th February 2010 08:37
Thanks, darling!
20th February 2010 22:44
LOL. What are you apologising for? Thank you for writing me Bill/Harry.

Although... I could almost feel sorry for Ragnok, cheated out of a such a hot and wonderful sigh by his own greed.

But yay for Bill taking care of Harry, and Harry giving Bill a blow job. And... the future.
25th February 2010 08:38
Hee! I wasn't sure how the whole, uh, goblin-harassment was going to go down. *snicker*

I'm so glad you enjoyed this, and Happy Birthday once more! *smooches*
21st February 2010 00:44
Haha! Well, that's one way to do a job interview.
25th February 2010 08:39
Can you imagine the upswing in the global economy if everyone had a Bill to get smexy with? :P

Thank you!
21st February 2010 05:02
OH my Lord! That's new low... even for the Goblins!! *shudders* Loved it!!
25th February 2010 08:39
*glee* Thank you!
21st February 2010 10:56
Ahahahahaha! I LOVE THIS.
25th February 2010 08:39
Thank you so much!
21st February 2010 23:26
Aaaaah, pairing win!!! And hogod, that opening sequence was fabulous. *dying* Also, the entire scenario, the harrassment theme and the audience and the boyhood fantasy, nnnrg, it was all so awesome. And goddamn you, Bill Weasley, you god of sex, you. ♥ !
25th February 2010 08:42
*g* Bill is like chocolate: he makes EVERYTHING better! (even goblin harassment, apparently, heh)

Thank you so much!
22nd February 2010 00:33
guuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh. *flail flail flail*

That is all. ;)
25th February 2010 08:42
Heee! Thank you, bb!
22nd February 2010 06:13
Oh thank all that is good and kind that Bill was around!!!! Harry's thought that this was his boyhood fantasy, but without the Goblin was precious. Also, guh. Very nice!
25th February 2010 08:43
Ahahaha! Yeah, Bill's timing was excellent. *snicker*

Thank you so much!
22nd February 2010 07:28

I LOVE how he doesn't know what he's said and then is all OH GOD WHAT and then DUH HARRY WHAT ELSE COULD IT BE.

And then there was kajdhfkljhakfhnnnngh.

*dead moar*
25th February 2010 08:43
*glee* Thank you!! ♥!
23rd February 2010 22:13
Heee! And very hot! Yay for Harry's boyhood fantasies starting to come true!
25th February 2010 08:43
Thank you! :-*
25th February 2010 16:38
*swoons* So hot
26th March 2010 02:57
Now that you wrote it I could certainly understand the goblins as kinky creepy creatures. You have tainted gobblins and me forever! Bless!
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