Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Art: The Whole Box, NC-17 
27th January 2010 01:54
Title: The Whole Box
Artist: Ghot
Media: PS
Characters/Pairings: Bill/Neville
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Chosen: birth control/condoms
Other Warnings: Slash, blowjob.
Artist's Notes: Sorry, I'm late, again (I feel like I'm saying that a lot these days...)

27th January 2010 05:05
Billville! *glee*
And such delicious Billville, too. GUH!
Bill's face is lovely and Neville's lips... mmmm.
And my favorite thing? The way Bill's fingers are caressing Neville's neck. *happy sigh*
Oh yeah. Awesome!
29th January 2010 04:10
Yes, Billville! I'll slowly work my way through all pairings! ;)

Thank you, I'm glad you liked! :D
27th January 2010 05:21
Wow! I love Billville and this one is delicious! I love the curve of Bill's fingers on Neville's neck, and the curve of Bill's body!
29th January 2010 04:11
Hee, thank you!
27th January 2010 07:11
Really hot image here, the hand on the back of the neck, Bill's lovely body -- great work!
29th January 2010 04:11
Thank you!
27th January 2010 12:35
Oh, YUM. This is just delicious.
29th January 2010 04:12
Thanks! ;D
27th January 2010 12:53
Neville looks like he's enjoying that. :D Love his lips wrapped around the head (Nnnggh!!) and Bill's hand on his neck-plus Bill's lovely physique. Great job.
29th January 2010 04:13
You bet he is! ;)
Thank you!
27th January 2010 13:41
This is beautiful, the bodies and Neville's lips....delicious!! :)
29th January 2010 04:13
Thank you!!
27th January 2010 14:47
Chrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrist, but your skin tones are excellent!

Skin tones. Yeah, right, skin tones is really what she's looking at.... but omg, Bill's cock is just... mesmerizing, and not from the pr0nny point of view, but LOOK at it! It's almost glistening with the light... and the rosy hue at the tip ..... and Neville's jaw and the way he's turned his face slightly away from us, and the slight blush on his cheeks....

And oh, Bill..... love his parted lips and his entire body, the gentle curve of it and the way his hands are on Neville's neck.... possibly just before he grabs a fistful of hair and.....
*clears throat*

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand is that your signature blue on the condom pack? :)

I really will have to abduct you and make you draw sexy naked men all day....... ♥
29th January 2010 04:20
I know you really care about the skin tones, oh yeah, lol. ;) I'm glad you liked it, hon, colors and all!!

^____~ Thank you!
27th January 2010 15:38
That is one seriously sexy Nev!
29th January 2010 04:20
Thank you! ;D
27th January 2010 15:52
Mmmm! I just can't quit staring! the skin, the freckles, Neville's lips on Bill's cock...Guh!!
29th January 2010 04:21
Thank you!!
27th January 2010 16:48
I'm absolutely mesmerized by Neville's face and Bill's cock, oh my! The blushing skin at the tip, the sheen of the condom, Neville's closed eyes and his lips--so very lovely!
29th January 2010 04:22
Thank you, I'm glad you liked!
27th January 2010 18:13
Very nice! I'd like to see it the other way 'round too. ;D That'd be a nice prezzie for Nev.
29th January 2010 04:25
Oh, Bill will give it to him, don't worry... ;)

Thank you!
27th January 2010 19:07
Oh WOW this is so awesome! You are exceptionally talented! I can't stop staring....HOT!
29th January 2010 04:26
Hee, thank you!! :D
27th January 2010 23:37
Neville's lips - YOWZA! *fans self*
29th January 2010 04:26

28th January 2010 07:56
*dies* Guh. Just...guh. PERFECT!
29th January 2010 04:27
Thank you!!
28th January 2010 15:58
Holy Mother, that is so hot and gorgeous!
29th January 2010 04:28
Thank you! <3
30th January 2010 15:34
Oooooh, lovely. I can't decide if Bill's grasp is affectionate or demanding, and worse, I can't decide which I want more! XD
30th January 2010 19:48
I keep scrolling back up to look at it one more time, as if that's going to give me something more coherent to say about the image. Other than hot and lovely and utterly sexy.
17th April 2010 04:58
Umph, hot hot hot!
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