Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
ART: "Paint Me With The Colour Of Love", Pansy/Luna, R 
23rd January 2010 14:46
Title: Paint Me With The Colour Of Love
Artist: [info]thilia
Media: Tablet, Photoshop 7
Characters/Pairings: Pansy/Luna
Rating: R
Kinks/Themes Chosen: Body Painting
Other Warnings: Naked ladies ;D
Artist's Notes: After starting five different drawings for five different themes that just didn't work, I had this idea and it worked splendidly :D I hope you like it too! ♥
Art Preview:

23rd January 2010 14:15
Gorgeous! I love the angle, how we're looking up at Luna. Also how she's marked Pansy.
23rd January 2010 14:27
This is so beautiful! I especially love their gorgeous eyes, and the design on Luna's face and neck. And they are both so pretty! *.*
23rd January 2010 14:49
I love your Pansy! And the way she painted Luna...
23rd January 2010 15:54
My, that's lovely. I love both of them - and they're a (not so) secret pairing-love of mine :-) Your version of them is stunning. I love the little "tag" Luna did on Pansy - and all of the paint on Luna! It suits her very well :-) Such a beautiful piece.
23rd January 2010 16:53
Oh, so pretty and colorful, and so very Luna! Yes, I can totally see her enjoying the creativity and intimacy of this. Great perspective, gorgeous girls, and an all-around lovely piece. <3
23rd January 2010 17:13
They are just gorgeous!
I love how the art seems to have started out more formed and then dissolved into smudges as they got caught up in each other. And that smudge of red on Pansy's nose made me smile!
Really lovely! :)
23rd January 2010 20:06
WOW, gorgeous!
23rd January 2010 21:31
Oh! Just gorgeous!
23rd January 2010 21:49
How fun and so gorgeous! :)
23rd January 2010 22:14
Ooh, very cool!!
23rd January 2010 23:02
GORGEOUS! So lovely. I love bodypaint, what a perfect theme for them.

23rd January 2010 23:23
Oh my, that's just beautiful. Both of the ladies are gorgeous, but the designs on Luna really make her stand out to me. I love her facepaint especially, but overall she's just stunning.
23rd January 2010 23:54
That's incredible! Absolutely love it - you do such wonderful femmeslash <3
24th January 2010 02:23
24th January 2010 02:23
Wow, I love this! The smears of paint contrasted with the careful paint, and the passion between these two. Gorgeous! Love Luna's blonde pubic fleece.
24th January 2010 16:32
That is amazing. The pose is fabulous and I can't take my eyes off Luna's breasts. Gorgeous!
24th January 2010 18:40
gorgeous!!! i love the amazing color in this, especially luna's name against the blue on pansy's arm! and i adore pansy's hair so much!!!
25th January 2010 05:59
Oh my, they are gorgeous! Both of them are so lovely. The painting is fun and pretty, and creates such an intimate feel. Really wonderful!
26th January 2010 13:21
This is gorgeous! I love how the painting begins fun and digresses to just the trailings of their fingers when they got caught up in one another
26th January 2010 16:19
So pretty...I really want some body paint now!
27th January 2010 15:11
That is gorgeous, the colors so vibrant--love Luna's posture, Pansy's tongue. Lovely work.
27th January 2010 19:16
So awesome! I love how soft and feminine your girls always are!
29th January 2010 20:17
I love the difference in their painting - Luna with the simplicity and the moon sign, and Pansy marking Luna all over in one way and another.
(also, femmeslash FTW)
2nd February 2010 03:37
Luna's marking on Pansy was a brilliant thing to add. The designs on them both are great with Luna's breasts being extremely well done :)
8th February 2010 03:37
This art has been rec'ed at

The Golden Seeker
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