Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
ART: Why Luna Sees Things (George/Luna NC-17) 
21st January 2010 02:20
Title: Why Luna sees things
Artist: [info]doveypoo
Media: Photoshop and Painter X
Characters/Pairings: George/Luna
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Chosen: Breathplay
Other Warnings: tattoos and piercings
Artist's Notes: When I saw this prompt, Luna was the first character that came to mind. So here she is! These 2 are my favorite non-canon couple. References used but not traced ;)

21st January 2010 09:24
God, this is fucking hot. Breathplay is something that normally scares me, but this is just....ngggggggggh. Beautiful!
21st January 2010 13:44
Thank you!! :)
21st January 2010 11:03

... *stares*
... *stares*


I'll be in my bunk.
21st January 2010 13:45
HEHEHHE! Thanks for the giggle this morning :)
21st January 2010 12:16
This, is awesomely hot. I LOVE the tramp stamp, even though I can't imagine her ever getting one, it just works.
21st January 2010 13:46
I know, i have no idea why I gave her one, I just started with piercings and the tramp stamp just followed. Hehehe. I even based it on my own tramp stamp ;) TRAMP STAMP! Sorry I just love that word :D

Thank you :)
21st January 2010 12:34
Oh, YUM. What a gorgeous Luna!
21st January 2010 13:46
Thank you! I love drawing Luna, I don't do it nearly enough :)
21st January 2010 13:07
Gorgeous! Love her tattoos and piercings but both their expressions are just MARVELOUS! God, that's hot. Great job!
21st January 2010 13:47
Thank you! I love drawing expressive faces. I'm glad these worked!
21st January 2010 15:44
That. Is. Hot.

I love her tattoos and her expression is fabulous. The entire thing takes my breath away. ;)
27th January 2010 19:09
Thank you!! I see what you did there with the words HEEEEEEEE
21st January 2010 15:48
Breathplay-- *le sigh*

God, I love this. And Luna's bracelets make me giddy for some reason-- well the bracelets and George's thigh. God, that thigh.
27th January 2010 19:10
Thank you :) :) Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm George thigh!!!!!!!
21st January 2010 16:11
So hot!! Both of their bodies are beautiful, love the position. Luna's so gorgeous, the hair, and all the coordinated jewlery and peircings. Love this. :)
27th January 2010 19:10
Thank you!!!
21st January 2010 18:35
Ooh, hot! Very hot. I love the position (guh!) and the difference in their skin tones and Luna's beautiful hair, and tattoos and piercings. Also, George has such a perfect Weasley twin look on his face. :) He's so sexy, and Luna is pretty!
27th January 2010 19:10
Thank you! I'm glad I got him to look like George and not Ron (seem to have a problem with that!!)
21st January 2010 19:13
Yum! Their expressions, the pose, the kink -- amazingly hot!
27th January 2010 19:11
Thank you! I love this pair :)
21st January 2010 19:19
OMG, that's gorgeous! And Luna's piercings are <33333333. Just GUH.
27th January 2010 19:11
I always saw Luna as the type to possibly get a few holes in her body :D Thank you!
21st January 2010 22:21
Oh, I love this! Your Luna is stunning and, guh, breathplay <3
So hot.
27th January 2010 19:12
Thank you! I love Luna :)
21st January 2010 22:52
Oh yeah, very hot!
And the looks on both their faces is FABULOUS.
27th January 2010 19:12
Thank you!!
22nd January 2010 08:30
I love all that gorgeous blue jewellery. Very hot!
27th January 2010 19:12
Thank you! I LOVE blue, obviously hehehe :)
22nd January 2010 20:26
Sweet merciful heavens this is smoking! The swell of Luna's stomach, the sway of her breasts, the gah flush of her cheeks: I want to go to there! George is skillful deliciousness to boot. Love!!
27th January 2010 19:13
Thank you!! Im glad you noticed her flush, i was afraid it was too subtle!
23rd January 2010 17:26
Hehe, you saw the breathplay prompt and thought of Luna? Okay, that certainly isn't the first character who would have come to my mind. But really, since she's the most open to new and unusual things, I suppose it makes sense!

The is really gorgeous. I love Luna's matching jewelry and her lovely body and hair. George is perfect -- he looks perfectly wicked and you nailed his stockier body type. Hot hot hot!
27th January 2010 19:14
Hehe yeah dunno why she popped in my mind, but it worked :D

And I'm glad he looks like George and not Ron! I draw Ron so often its hard to get out of Ron habits.

Thank you!!
23rd January 2010 21:30
Oh, wow, I love it :) Their pose and their faces :)
27th January 2010 19:14
Thank you :) :) :)
25th January 2010 23:04
Holy Smokes! I'm so sorry I'm late seeing this Dove!
Love the colors and the positions! Girl you nailed this one. :D
27th January 2010 19:15
Thank you! I had lots of fun and really want to draw this couple more, they are my favorite non canon (well they could have happened after the battle ya never know ;) hehe)

Can't wait to see yours this month!
26th January 2010 13:27
That is gorgeous! Love George's expression and Luna's ass antlers!
27th January 2010 19:15
HEHE ASS ANTLERS! :) Thank you!
29th January 2010 20:22
What I love about Luna is how believeable she can be with all sorts of partners. I have to admit never having considered George/Luna - but it works.

(And the blue jewellery is just... right.)
4th February 2010 14:34
OH the coloring on Luna's face is so perfect. Sexy and wonderful!
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