Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Art: 'SPEW'; Harry, Dobby/Sock; R 
14th January 2010 15:06
Title: SPEW
Artist:[info] [info]jin_fenghuang
Characters/Pairings: Harry, Dobby/Sock
Rating: R
Kinks/Themes Chosen: Masturbation, hyphephilia, sperm banks
Other Warnings: Dobby/Sock
Summary/Description: What house elves and socks are really about. And why they can't have any. Ever.

14th January 2010 07:42
Heee, I love your brain! The expressions on both their faces says it all. EWWWWWWW! Well, Dobby's says 'oh noes caught in the, er, sock!' I think this is the first time I've laughed all day. Thanks, Jin!
14th January 2010 07:47
XD Thank you! Glad it made you laugh. *snuggles*

I think I kinda scared my roomie drawing this :P
14th January 2010 07:54

Wow, that's -- I don't want to know what they do with the hats Hermione knits for them!
14th January 2010 07:56
XD I don't want to know what they do with the hats Hermione knits for them!

Is that a challange?
14th January 2010 07:57
*shields eyes*

I take my hat off to you -- but not that way!

Truly, very hilarious. :D
14th January 2010 07:59
so, is it?
14th January 2010 08:31
HEE! :)
14th January 2010 10:47
:D Thanks
14th January 2010 08:55
Hmm. Dumbledore is awfully fond of socks, too, isn't he?
14th January 2010 10:49

Yes, yes I believe he is :P
15th January 2010 03:11
This comment FTW! LMAO
14th January 2010 09:38
Te he! That's very funny - and well-drawn, too.

PurpleFluffyCat x
14th January 2010 10:49
Thanks :D
14th January 2010 10:45
LOL Love the way Harry is holding that sock. YUCK! And Dobby's expression! Awesome.
14th January 2010 10:49
:D Glad you like it! Thanks!
14th January 2010 12:06
14th January 2010 12:12
:D Thanks!
14th January 2010 15:12
I may just need to bleach my brain. It will have to wait until after I'm done laughing. :D
15th January 2010 00:30
:D mission accomplished

Glad it made you laugh.
14th January 2010 16:07
When I'm done LMAO, I'll tell you how wrong this is. :)
15th January 2010 03:44
:D Thank you!
14th January 2010 17:34
I'm between "Eeeewwwww!" and "Ahahahaha!" ;)

Both Harry's and Dobby's expressions are priceless. :P
15th January 2010 03:49
>:D Thank you!
14th January 2010 20:26
Bwahahaha. I love this so much!
15th January 2010 03:50
>:D Thank you! *smooch*
14th January 2010 22:25
Oh, Jin! :-D Have I mentioned lately that I love you? And your mind? Especially your mind...! This had me laughing out loud enough to make a Persian cat perk it's ears up. Seriously. That takes a lot!
15th January 2010 03:51
>:D Thank you!

My mind seems to be on the extra special crack these days. There is more coming. Keep an eyes peeled :D
14th January 2010 22:31
Hahahhahah! I saw Dobby/sock and just had to rush right over. This is perfect! Hilarious and gross--I keep looking and laughing and cringing and laughing more.
15th January 2010 03:53
>:D Thank you!

mission accomplished
15th January 2010 02:27
this is so funny, and seems SO canon. I love Dobby's shadow
15th January 2010 03:53
>:D Thank you!

Bwuauhahha, you are right. It does reek of off-screen canon.
15th January 2010 02:36

But so hysterical xD I laughed so loud I had to explain myself. well done.
15th January 2010 03:54
>:D Thank you!

mission accomplished!
15th January 2010 03:12
OMG, the viewers might be traumatized, but nowhere near as much as Harry is! XD The shadow is still killing me. ::sporfle::
15th January 2010 03:55
>:D Thank you!

Poor Harry indeed. Tis not his week, is it? First hump day and naked Vernon and now Dobby wanking with his socks...
15th January 2010 03:16
Oh god, Dobby's expression. Thanks for making my day a little more hilarious :D
15th January 2010 03:56
>:D Thank you! Glad I could make you laugh.
15th January 2010 04:08
Ahahahaha! This is so funny on so many levels, I just. I can't even. HEEEE. *stuffs fist in mouth*
15th January 2010 05:13
Thehheh >:D thank you!

better fist than sock
17th January 2010 19:54
14th February 2010 02:43
XD Thank you!
26th January 2010 13:33
A little bit eww and a whole lot of LOL!
14th February 2010 04:27
XD Thank you! my mission is complete
28th February 2010 01:51
I made a sound somewhere between laughter and "ohgodno". Congratulations! I'm so glad there was no coke in my mouth.

This is brilliant by the way.

I'm still chuckling.
28th February 2010 03:54
*halo* I wish I could blame anyone but the coffee :P

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