Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Kinky Kristmas Art: Let Your Hair Down, Miss Kitty. (Bill/Minerva) 
15th December 2009 12:00
Kristmas Wish Fulfilled for: [info]pre_raphaelite1
From: [info]thilia

Title: Let Your Hair Down, Miss Kitty.
Characters/Pairings: Bill/Minerva
Rating: R
Kinks/Themes Included: Het, leather, femdom
Other Warnings:
Artist's Notes: I don't know what made me claim this prompt; it just intrigued me. I didn't manage to use the "cbt" part of it but I hope you like it anyway (: Thanks to my three helpers; you know who you are ;D The characters depicted are definitely over the age of 18!
Art Preview:

15th December 2009 17:04
Holy shit, this is hot. I can't stop staring at Minerva, which, if you knew my love for Bill, would tell you something. She is so incredibly alluring here, so sexy, and I just... can't... stop looking. God, the position of her hands, her feet (I LOVE her boots!), her body. She is gorgeous. And Bill is SMOKING hot! I want to lick his stomach (and, you know...). OMFG, so gorgeous, the whole thing.
15th December 2009 17:25
I think [info]eeyore9990 said it all. I'm going to sit here and stare for a while. This is so delicious!
15th December 2009 18:07
OMG! That is immensely hot and gorgeous! And I love the title, it totally made me LOL! Bill looks like someone there (someone mouth-watering, to be sure) but I can't figure out who. Minerva is just FINE! (Hmm, now I have that 'Hot for Teacher') song going in my head.

Thanks for the great art!
15th December 2009 18:24
Yowza! They are both just stunning. The colors are marvelous-the red of her clothes and of his hair so striking! Wow. Great job.
15th December 2009 19:08

I really don't know whether to envy Bill or Minerva here. They're both absolutely gorgeous. Bill's long, long hair and Minerva's long, long legs and Bill's lovely cock resting on Minerva's awesome boots and... This is seriously hot. GUH.
15th December 2009 19:51
Yummy. This is scrumptious. I love her boots and their hands and ... gah ... everything.
15th December 2009 20:05
Bill's hair! His cock resting on her boots! All the shades of red!

15th December 2009 20:19
I was too late to claim this prompt for myself, and now I'm really glad! This is so much fun -- the cock/boot thing, and the corset, and Minerva's fingernails, and that she's wearing her glasses, ha (the better to see Bill with, of course). And to think that Molly actually wanted Bill to cut his hair!
15th December 2009 23:26
Dear god, Minerva! Who knew what you were hiding under all that tartan?

The BOOTS! I loves dem. And I like how Bill is like, "May I please, Mistress?" Gah!

This is smokin', Mystery Artist!!!
16th December 2009 00:06
Christ, but Bill is all kinds of sexy deliciousness. And Minerva, you old girl. ME-OW! ♥
16th December 2009 00:14
The ole girl's still got it!
And Bill is a yummy morsel too!
16th December 2009 00:44
This is absolutely stunning! I have such a thing for sexy Minerva! And this is about the sexiest I've ever seen her. Smoking!
And Bill... oh that's one fine looking man! Mm. Totally delicious.
16th December 2009 01:05
*keels over dead of the hotness*
16th December 2009 01:10
*lights cigarette*

Good lord..... eeyore pretty much said it all, but CAN I LOVE the way Bill's cock *stares* rests against Minnie's hawwwt boots? So much to love in this, and I particularly appreciate the use of the colour red.... gives a real sexiness to things (apart from house pride, of course)

Love Minnie's position, the lines of her torso made better by the striping of the corset *stares*

And then Bill..*stares*... in general, so taut and ready for everything! Love his hair too..... both the long and the.... um... .short *stares*
16th December 2009 02:27
Wow, this is amazing. I love the look of devotion on Bill's face, and the way he's touching her... just perfect!
16th December 2009 03:29
Her red boots are so awesome :) And Bill's expression --- guh. Her expression! This is just sexy as all else -- even not being my cuppa, kudos to making it nrghgood.

16th December 2009 06:25
asyuihgfsfgfhjkl *is incoherent* Gah!
16th December 2009 07:19
This art? Is amazing! I flailed like mad when it came in and I've been itching to post it ever since. Minerva is incredible. A perfectly sexy and confident older woman. I love her collar bones, her wonderful, not-too-big breasts, her thighs, and her long, long legs. Bill looks absolutely in awe of her, and he's super hot and tasty and well-endowed! Also -- yay for Minnie in Gryffindor red! ;)
16th December 2009 07:47
OH GOD. *spontaneously combusts* GUH this is the hottest thing I have ever seen. OH WOW. Minerva's boots, her expression, Bill's face and his hair! UNF, this is amazing. And OH I so love Minerva's hair and fingers. Just...WOW.
16th December 2009 08:16
All that red is very festive - and very hot.

You've made a foot-fetishist very happy *G*
16th December 2009 08:19
Delightful. The boots - the corset. I love your hot!Minerva.
And Bill ... well, one can see the point about him.
16th December 2009 14:12
*brain melts*

muuuuuuur! The glasses and the shoes and the bodice and and and. So much hotness! Thanks for sharing, mystery artist!
17th December 2009 01:41
Oh. Oh. OH. MY. GOD. Yes.

*loooves* This is just incredible. And so perfect. Minerva is one damn sexy kitty and you've shown that in exquisite detail here! I love the tip of her head and those slightly spread lips that nearly exhale a purr down at Bill. Her collarbones are fucking hot as are those painted nails. RWOWR.

Bill is in for sooo much trouble/fun. I agree with the others; the way his cock is against her boot just makes me need a very cold shower. It's all about cocks and boots and corsets and nails and this is SO SO SO SO perfect. THANK YOU!

It will get printed and framed and posted on my office wall for all to admire and lust after. So once reveals are up, I'd LOVE a version of this with your signature!
17th December 2009 05:23
Ahh, that's fabulous! Love the red. :)
17th December 2009 07:52
Ded from the hotness. Dear lord, this is gorgeous!!
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