Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Kinky Kristmas Art: Who's on First? (Harry/Percy) 
14th December 2009 12:00
Kristmas Wish Fulfilled for: [info]celandineb
From: [info]didodikali

Title:Who's on First?
Characters/Pairings: Harry/Percy
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Included: cross-dressing, delayed orgasm
Other Warnings: none

"No, it's my turn and you go first. Take off your pants."
"No, ladies first."
"How long are we going to argue about this?"
"Until you give over."
"In that case I reserve the right to grab you by the ears."
"Won't do you any good, but feel free."
"Merlin, you're so annoy- ah..."
14th December 2009 17:21
Oooooh, lucky lucky Cel! This is gorgeous! And I love the snippets of their conversation, lol!
14th December 2009 17:32
Ahaha, they look like they're having so much fun! Nice to see them both letting their hair down for a change. ;) Percy's cock poking up out of his open trousers = yum!
14th December 2009 17:40
Ooh, yay, artses for me! *is gleeful* I love all the little details, like Harry's gloves and scarf and chunky heels on his boots, Percy's glasses and the freckles on his shoulders, and OMG delicious cocks! Yum yum yum! Thank you so much, mystery artist!
14th December 2009 20:06
Percy's freckles and tongue are just lovely! Love Percy's half-dressed state, open trousers FTW. Harry's outfit is divine-esp with that luscious cock peeking out! Wonderful work.
14th December 2009 22:41
I don't think I've ever seen anything that explicit look that *cute* they are adorable!
14th December 2009 23:43

Harry's outfit -- WANT. And he's sooo pretty! I love this!
15th December 2009 00:51
Oh, that's yummy, both the pic and their conversation!
15th December 2009 02:42
Haha! Harry in a heart cami; it's great.
15th December 2009 03:28
very silly and just sweet enough. and - i like percy so much better when he's gay!
15th December 2009 03:38
Hee hee hee! This is adorable! (And smexy.) And whatever Harry's wearing -- looks a bit like witch's flying 'habit' -- I like it.
15th December 2009 03:53
Aww, they are so cute. So much detail in Harry's garb. It has a steampunky look to it. Is it my imagination, or is Harry bigger than Percy. ;)
15th December 2009 06:09
This is amazingly cute and adorable. They just look so very happy together. I love Harry's outfit, and Percy's peeking cock.
15th December 2009 13:45
Crossdressing's not really my thing, but ahaha, this is fabulous! :D Absolutely adorable and lovely and sexy. And I just adore how the whole thing's drawn. So beautiful!

Also, OMG, their expressions! Hee. And guh, those are some of the nicest cocks ever!

And I so want Harry's awesome boots!
16th December 2009 00:53
I have
16th December 2009 09:38
GREAT conversation, and the art is just so full of expressions. SO COOL! I love it! Percy looks so naughty and Harry is so pretty (and I'm guessing he won't like hearing it from me...but maybe if it's from Percy...).
16th December 2009 22:50
I love the little conversation and Harry is so sexy!!! Percy is very lucky!
17th December 2009 07:44
Wow! That is gorgeous!
19th December 2009 01:58
I like Harry's boots & petticoat.
20th December 2009 00:51
hee! i sort of love the idea of harry all dressed up without any knickers on. *g* lovely job!
23rd December 2009 12:34
Percy is perfectly the way I see him in my head.
25th December 2009 12:22
This is so great, love Percy's tongue *g*
Loved this, both drawing and conversation. :D
28th December 2009 05:01
They are clearly having a great time!
And I am in love with Harry's lips and Percy's tongue. :)
1st January 2010 21:26
Hee! That is strangely cute :)
3rd January 2010 07:52
LOL Adorable, perfect and sexy as hell! :)
4th January 2010 00:49
I know I saw this when it was posted, why I didn't comment, I don't know because I absolutely love this. It's so cute! I love it when sex is playful and fun as well as being hot. I don't think that's show enough, so thanks for that. :)

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