Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
ART: Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf (Harry/Luna; NC-17) 
23rd November 2009 18:18
Title: Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf
Artist: [info]thilia
Media: Photoshop 7, tablet
Characters: Harry/Luna
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Just smut :D
Themes/kinks chosen: Costumes!
Artist's notes: ♥ :D

23rd November 2009 17:25
OMG Yes! She's gorgeous as Red and I just love the position. Awesome work.
23rd November 2009 17:29
Thank you! :D
23rd November 2009 17:42
Dear me! Hot! ♥
23rd November 2009 19:09
Thank you! :D
23rd November 2009 17:51
This is lovely. I love her hair and Harry grasping the cape... very nice.
23rd November 2009 19:09
Thanks! :D
23rd November 2009 18:20
Ohwow... My favourite het pairing all dressed up and sexy. Guh... I love Luna in that costume! Her expression is wonderful and her breasts are so delicious... And Harry is very sexy like that. Mm.
23rd November 2009 19:10
It's my favourite het pairing too! :D It hasn't been for a long time but now I love it.

Anyway, thanks! :) I'm glad you like it.
23rd November 2009 18:55
lovely! great composition and detail only where you need it, ahem. Wonderful expressions, and great use of prompt.
23rd November 2009 19:10
Haha ;) Thanks!
23rd November 2009 19:00
Very hot! She looks so pretty, I love her hair and her costume. :)
23rd November 2009 19:10
Thank you! :D
24th November 2009 03:12
Oh my!
That is delicious. Mmmmmm. I love me some Harry/Luna. *g*
24th November 2009 04:21
Thank you! :D
24th November 2009 03:47
This is insanely sexy. *stares and enjoys for a while*
24th November 2009 04:21
Thanks! :D Glad you like it <3
24th November 2009 04:17
Oh my god, this is fantastic! Super hot!
24th November 2009 04:22
Aww, thanks! :D Glad you like it <3
24th November 2009 06:37
Oh my, this is hot. They are both gorgeous. I love the expressions on both of their faces. Luna is beautiful and I love that she looks like she's having just the best time. And, Harry, my what a big...well, someone had to say it. :P
24th November 2009 12:23
Hahaha, yep. My Harry's always a big boy ;) Hehe, thanks!! :) Glad you like it.
24th November 2009 17:55
Oh, I can so imagine Luna going for something like this :)
26th November 2009 03:58
Hehe, thanks ;D
26th November 2009 19:26
I just love this! This is awesome! What made you want to do the Little Red Riding Hood theme with this pairing?
28th November 2009 20:42
Um... I have no idea, to be honest XD It just seemed appropriate :D

Thank you!
27th November 2009 06:29
Gorgeous! I love all the details & how blissed out Luna looks.
28th November 2009 20:42
Thank you! :)
27th November 2009 19:03
OH, NOW THAT'S HOT! Luna makes the PERFECT Red Riding Hood! <3 <3 <3
28th November 2009 20:43
I know, right? :D It seems like something she would... wear XD

28th November 2009 02:22
I love the stark colors, Luna looks like an amazing Red Riding Hood. And I especially love Harry's hand clutching her hood.
28th November 2009 20:43
Thank you! :D
28th November 2009 14:24
Oh, my god, beautiful use of color, beautiful expressions, beautiful anatomy, omigod! I love the fluffy look of their pubic hair, the ruddy color of Harry's genitals, the tiny bit of eyeshadow on Luna and the greenness of Harry's eyes, and Luna has such beautiful breasts! This is fabulous!
28th November 2009 20:43
Awww, thank you! :) I'm glad you like it <3
28th November 2009 20:37
oh guh, how gorgeous! love the flush and their sweet shared expression.
28th November 2009 20:44
Thank you :D
29th November 2009 05:26


Hottest Harry/Luna EVER!!
1st December 2009 12:51
*squee* Thank you!! :D
3rd December 2009 11:11
all I can say is... HOT DAMN!!
5th December 2009 02:43
Thank you! :)
5th December 2009 02:47
I'm not really a big fan when it comes to het or femslash fanart and fanfic but WOWWW, all your art is just so amazing. This is just gorgeous and hot. :)
5th December 2009 02:49
Thank you so much! :) Glad I could make you appreciate het/femmeslash *g* :D
13th December 2009 18:08
UF! So hot darling!!! AUUUUUU
12th January 2010 12:55
Thank you! :) - LOL late comment reply >.>
4th January 2010 22:37
This is the best Harry/Luna ever.
12th January 2010 12:56
Thank you! :)
9th December 2010 03:01
I somehow never saw this before and was over here tonight playing around with the Luna tag and come across this gem. Freaking hot-- so very, very hot
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