Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
ART: Entangled (Harry/Neville, NC-17) 
11th November 2009 19:26
Title: Entangled
Artist: [info]zephre
Media: photoshop
Characters: Harry Potter/Neville Longbottom
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: bondage... with plants! could be interpreted as breathplay and/or public sex, too, I suppose.
Themes/kinks chosen: clamps (nipple)
Artist's notes: cheers to Rosy for the pairing advice and lore for the title!
Art preview:

12th November 2009 01:31
yow! naughty Neville rocks! and I adore vine bondage. I love the snakeyness of the plant, too.
5th March 2010 00:26
thank you! :)
12th November 2009 01:36
OMG, can I tell you right now how much I ♥ you?! This is so damn perfect, mmmmmmnghgn!
5th March 2010 00:26
:D awesome, thanks!
12th November 2009 02:32
Plant bondage FTW! Oh, yes. Love that hint of rosy cock, the tongue, and the contrast of the plant with the lovely pale skin. Great job.
5th March 2010 00:26
12th November 2009 02:58
Those nipple clamps are FABULOUS ♥
5th March 2010 00:27
thank you!
12th November 2009 03:17
oh, very nice. They look like they're having far too much fun. *g*
5th March 2010 00:27
thank you!
12th November 2009 04:01
Neville, you cheeky bugger :P
5th March 2010 00:27
hehe. thanks!
12th November 2009 04:07
That is hot.
Very, very nice job.
5th March 2010 00:27
12th November 2009 04:19
That is bloody hot, that is.
5th March 2010 00:27
w00t! thank you!
12th November 2009 10:27
Harry's expression is made of awesome. As is Neville's tongue. I'm pimping.
5th March 2010 00:27
excellent, thank you!
12th November 2009 10:52
Oh you just hit about 4 kink buttons with this one! Great job!
5th March 2010 00:27
thank you!
12th November 2009 12:34
Oh my, that is so hot!
5th March 2010 00:27
thank you!
12th November 2009 15:42
5th March 2010 00:28
12th November 2009 19:00
Guh...I love the way Neville takes control! Also, clamps are just not used enough in fic (or art, for that matter), so I'm so glad you used them for inspiration!
5th March 2010 00:28
thank you! :)
12th November 2009 21:40
Completely gorgeous! Their expressions are fabulous -- I especially love wicked!Neville. The textures here are great too, and the way you've used the colors so effectively -- the vine and the various "pink bits" contrast so well with Harry's pale skin. I've been enjoying seeing your take on the prompts the last couple of months. If I haven't said it yet, welcome aboard! :D
5th March 2010 00:28
thanks very much!
13th November 2009 01:47
SWEET! Harry/Neville, plant bondage, naughty!Neville--this made my day.
5th March 2010 00:28
13th November 2009 02:45
Wow, plant!bondage! I would honestly not have thought of it as a kink...and yet it's kinda canon, with the Devil's Snare in book 1. Cool!
5th March 2010 00:28
15th November 2009 15:11
Plant bondage is seriously underused and VERY nice! Kudos!
5th March 2010 00:28
22nd November 2009 19:00
Oh, wow. *stares for a while*
5th March 2010 00:28
hee. thanks!
3rd December 2009 11:14
DAMN!!! I love a kinky Nev and his power over the plants!!
5th March 2010 00:29
thank you!
14th March 2012 22:10
I've just read coffee and cocoa's fic that was inspired by this. Oh wow definitely cold shower time. I love it.

Amandajane17 xxx
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