Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
The Greater Goodzilla and the Doomed Gingerbread Castle of Doom. 
6th November 2009 14:55
Title: The Greater Goodzilla and the Doomed Gingerbread Castle of Doom.
Artist: [info]didodikali
Media: pencil.
Characters: Albus, Gellert.
Rating: NC-17.
Warnings: Haha. No.
Themes/kinks chosen: costumes, symphorophilia

He'd been so happy to receive the invitation and had imagined that the addition of costumes could be quite extraordinary, but unfortunately Albus had imagined a very different sort of 'sexy, scaly fun.'

6th November 2009 02:03




*cough* Um. Brilliant. Hysterical. AND I WANT HIS SHOES!
6th November 2009 03:16
Thanks! =D
6th November 2009 02:07
Absolutely brilliant! *snickers*
6th November 2009 03:16
Thanks! =D
6th November 2009 02:13
LOL That's marvelous. Just all different kids of funny with the costume and the castle (the SQUID FTW!!). And yes, the shoes are to die for. Heh. Great job.
6th November 2009 03:17
Thanks! =D
I seem to take any excuse to include the squid. Also, nice icon! LOL!
6th November 2009 02:16
I. want. your. brain.

Bwahahahahahahahaah! *dies*
6th November 2009 03:19
Glad you enjoyed! You sure? I think it smells like squid... =D
6th November 2009 02:39
LOL! Wonderful! Their expressions are particularly priceless. :D
6th November 2009 03:20
Thanks! =)
6th November 2009 04:26
that's adorable, hilarious, bizarre and magic. Love Gell's perky prick! *g*
6th November 2009 05:02
Wow! You are always amazing, but this one just makes me giggle and giggle!
6th November 2009 06:00
The gingerbreads! Fleeing in terror! OMG SO HILARIOUS! I love this!!
6th November 2009 06:12
Hehe, brilliant! And I love the fleeing gingerbread men :D
6th November 2009 11:22
OH MY GOD I LOVE THIS. *DIES* This is utterly, utterly PERFECT. I love it, hahaha! I love those gingerbread men and Gellert is so full of glee and evil! AH, their expressions! Also, OH GELLERT, YOUR SHOES. *DIES AGAIN* EEE.
6th November 2009 12:35
OMG! *dies laughing*
6th November 2009 13:16

Plz to not be squishing the Squid! He looks so scared. For a squid. I loves him.
6th November 2009 13:29
OMG!!! *rofl* *dies*

6th November 2009 13:42
Sheer unadulterated brilliance!
Love the bewildered look on Albus' face, and Gellert's gleeful, terrorizing expression.
6th November 2009 19:42
gwaaaaaaaah. oh dear. even the squid looks distressed.
6th November 2009 21:25
*dies laughing*

This is brilliant.
6th November 2009 23:42
Ha, hilarious!

I'm worried about the squid now, though. *cuddles squid* Ewww...
7th November 2009 02:33
Oh my God, *dead* Of all the best parts of this, though, the very best has to be the way their costumes would, uh, fit together... to make the full dragon. :D :D :D
7th November 2009 07:13
BWUAHHAHHAH This certain gets the jin-crack seal of approval!

Great art!
7th November 2009 18:07
LOL. The squid... and the gingerbread men. Heeee...
19th November 2009 16:42
I dont know how i should feel about this...the fact that gellert is randy at the thought of destroying the little candy hogwarts is quite giggle worthy but the confusion on dumbledore and the squid's face makes me stop and wonder is this his way of letting albus know he wants to try chocolate sauce in bed?

very perplexing in deed :3
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