Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Sex & Candy (Ginny/Romilda, NC-17) 
30th October 2009 01:53
Title: Sex & Candy
Author: [info]ragdoll
Characters: Ginny Weasley/Romilda Vane
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: power play, dub dub dub dub-con, sex while under the influence of aphrodisiacs, 16 yr old girls
Themes/kinks chosen: edible aphrodisiacs, sex toys, femmeslash, dub-con, power play
Word Count: 3500
Summary: For Ginny Weasley, revenge is a dish best served cold with a side order of chocolates.
Author's notes: I was originally going to go for this month's alternate pairing of Angelina/Romilda, but Ms Johnson would not cooperate. I'd had the idea of writing Romilda/Ginny revenge sex fic for a while, inspired by a wonderful piece of Ginny/Romilda-in-lingerie art by violetfishy for [info]daily_deviant three years ago. Sadly, the fabulous Miss Fishy is no longer in fandom and the art long since taken down so I cannot share it with you. Believe me when I tell you it was hot.

Thanks to [info]r_grayjoy and [info]eeyore9990 who helped me through this and refused to let me give up on it, and then beta'd it too. Thank you, my darlings.

"I really don't think we should be fighting," Ginny said to Romilda Vane. "I would really like it if we declared a truce and moved on."

Romilda gave Ginny a sceptical, side-long glance, her mouth twisting into a grimace. "And why exactly should I believe you, Weasley?"

Ginny looked around the Gryffindor Common Room, making sure they weren't being overheard by any of the other students, then lowered her voice considerably, flashing Romilda her most sincere smile. "Well, everything's changed now, hasn't it? We Gryffindors have got to stick together." Headmaster Snape's reign of terror had pitted the Slytherin faithful against...well, nearly everyone else, so the remaining students in Hogwarts' three other Houses had banded together out of self-preservation.

Pushing a long strand of jet black hair behind her ear, Romilda considered Ginny's words before responding. "I suppose you're right." She wrinkled her nose, then added, "I still don't like you much, Weasley."

"I'm not asking you to, Vane," Ginny replied with a nonchalant shrug. "We don't have to be friends. I just don't want us to be enemies."

"Fair enough." Romilda gave her a curt nod, then picked up her Defence Against Dark Arts textbook.

Ginny settled against the worn sofa, then reached into her rucksack, pulling out her Potions textbook and a paper sack of Honeydukes' chocolates. She opened the bag, fished out a chocolate and popped it into her mouth, chewing slowly. Thumbing through the used copy of Advanced Potions until she found the chapter she needed to read for Professor Slughorn's class, Ginny helped herself to a second chocolate. She suppressed a sly smile as she noted Romilda casting furtive, longing looks at the bag of chocolates when she thought Ginny wasn't watching.

Looking up, Ginny extended the sack of chocolates to the other girl. "I didn't mean to be so rude, Vane. Here, help yourself. Please."

"Ta." Romilda snatched several out of the sack, then began to nibble on one as she returned her attention to her homework.

Ginny pretended to focus on the Potions book for a few more minutes, waiting until Romilda had finished two of the sweets before rummaging through her bag once more. "Oh, bugger," she muttered. "I've left my ink back in my room. I'd better go fetch it." She threw her possessions back into her bag, heaved it over her shoulder, then got to her feet. "I'll be back soon."

From her expression, it was obvious that Romilda couldn't care less where Ginny went or why, or whether she returned.


Ginny only had to wait a few minutes before there was a light rapping at the door to her dormitory room.

"Ginny, are you in there?" Romilda called in a sing-song voice. She sounded out of breath, as if she'd run up the stairs in a great hurry, which Ginny suspected she had.

Smirking to herself, Ginny took her time in opening the door. She was grateful none of her room mates were around tonight. Witnesses might have spoiled her plans. "Oh, hullo," she said, as if surprised by the younger girl's appearance. "Is everything all right, Vane? I was just about to—"

"I-I wanted to be with you," Romilda blurted, blinking slowly as if she couldn't quite believe the words coming out of her mouth. "I missed you terribly. You were gone so long."


Romilda blushed, giving Ginny a coy look. "Of course." She let out a sigh, then said dreamily, "Your hair is so pretty, you know. All bright and gingery."

Ginny had to fight the urge to roll her eyes. So far, things were going precisely as planned, and she wasn't about to ruin it by being disdainful, even if all she really wanted to do was smash Vane in the face and tell the girl what she really thought of her.

"Ginny, I know this is very forward of me, but I-I love you," Romilda continued. "All I want to do is make you happy. Tell me how I can do that for you."

"Well," Ginny said, "it would make me really happy to be alone with you."

"Oh?" A look of comprehension crossed Romilda's face as she realised what Ginny was suggesting. "Oh. Your roommates aren't here now. Couldn't we be alone here?"

"No, it wouldn't be safe. Someone could come in at any minute," Ginny explained. "I've got a better place in mind where we could be as alone as we'd like for as long as we'd like." She gave Romilda a broad wink. "And we wouldn't have to worry about getting nicked by the Carrows because we're up to something naughty."

Romilda's dark eyes widened, and her breath hitched at the word 'naughty'. "I'd go anywhere with you, Ginny," she purred. "Anywhere at all."

"Come on then." Ginny grabbed her bag from the bed, then beckoned Romilda to follow.

She led Romilda back to the Common Room, then out into the seventh floor corridor, checking carefully to make sure none of the Inquisitorial Squad were hanging about. They snuck down to the tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy teaching ballet to trolls where Ginny pressed her index to her lips, motioning Romilda to be quiet. Ginny paced past a blank section of wall three times, her face screwed up in intense concentration as she focused on what she needed at the moment. A wooden door opened in front of them; Ginny took Romilda's hand and quickly pulled her inside.

"Wow. I've never been in here before," Romilda gasped, looking around the Room of Requirement in wonder.

The Room had given Ginny exactly what she'd asked for: a large, cozy room with a roaring fireplace, an oversized, four-poster bed strewn with rose petals in the centre. The room was illuminated by the flickering light of a dozen of rose-scented candles, casting a soft, warm glow. Next to the bed was a wooden nightstand. More candles sat upon it, along with a cobalt glass bottle marked 'massage oil', a small box of chocolates, a jar of honey, and a colourful assortment of dildos.

Romilda began to giggle as she caught sight of them.

"You know, Romilda," said Ginny, "I'd actually think you were pretty if you weren't such a bitch."

"Y-you don't like me?" Romilda's lower lip started to tremble, her dark eyes welling up with tears. "I want you to like me, Ginny." She drew in a deep breath and sniffled. "I want you to love me!"

Ginny raised an eyebrow, giving Romilda her most appraising stare. "If you want me to love you, you're going to have to prove yourself worthy, Romilda. You haven't been the nicest person in the past, have you? You tried to snare Harry for yourself with a love potion, and nearly killed my brother in the process."

"I made a mistake with Harry!" Romilda exclaimed. "I was wrong about him, he's nothing like you. You're brilliant, and he's—he's—not."

Clearly eloquence was not Romilda's strong suit. "It was still wrong, Romilda. How could I ever trust you?"

Romilda sniffled again, wringing her hands. "Ginny, tell me what I can do to earn your trust and your love. I only want to make you happy. I'll do anything!"


"Anything!" the other girl said gravely.

Ginny chuckled, then crooked her finger. "Come here, Vane," she murmured.

Romilda was by her side in a flash; Ginny could feel the younger girl shaking. Though Romilda stood half a head taller, the power that the situation granted Ginny made her feel like a giant by comparison.

"Kiss me."

Romilda let out an excited squeak, then blushed more before lowering her head, her lips brushing softly against Ginny's. She giggled, her nose bumping against Ginny's awkwardly as she drew back.

"That was not a kiss," Ginny said reproachfully. "You're never going to convince me of your sincerity that way."

Swallowing, Romilda nodded nervously, then reached for Ginny, determination written on her face. This time she planted her mouth firmly on Ginny's, her arms winding around Ginny's waist and pulling her forward to press their bodies together tightly. Ginny yielded, parting her lips to allow Romilda's tongue entrance.

Ginny had never kissed another girl before, only boys, and this was an entirely new and different experience. Romilda's mouth was soft and sweet, her skin like silk against Ginny's own, and she smelled so good. It was much more enjoyable than Ginny had ever imagined. She began to respond, kissing back with intensity until things had reached a fever pitch.

She forced herself to draw back, her breath coming out in laboured pants. "Better. Much better. But I'm still not sure I believe you really love me."

"I want—please let me—" Romilda pleaded, not relaxing her hold on Ginny. "Let me show you."

"And how do you reckon you can do that?"

Romilda claimed Ginny's mouth with her own, her kisses infused with urgency and desperation. "Let me make love to you."

Pulling a loose tendril of Romilda's hair forward, Ginny wrapped it around her finger and tugged gently. "Go on then."

"Thank you, Ginny. You won't be sorry. I promise," Romilda whispered, then pushed Ginny down on the thick mattress, the goose down duvet soft beneath Ginny's fingers. With surprising proficiency, Romilda began to unbutton Ginny's blouse, pressing light kisses against Ginny's freckled skin as it was bared inch by inch. Her hands closed over Ginny's breasts, kneading them through the thin lace of her bra, her fingers tracing along the edge of the cups. Ginny could feel her nipples stiffening at Romilda's touch, a dull throbbing beginning between her legs.

Ginny moaned as Romilda bit at her breasts through her bra, first one, then the other, leaving perfectly shaped Os spots on the fabric in her wake. Romilda stripped the bra and blouse off, tossing them to the floor as she returned her attention to Ginny's breasts.

"So beautiful," Romilda murmured, then dipped her head down, her lips closing around Ginny's nipple and sucking hard.

"Mmmm." Ginny buried her fingers in Romilda's hair, marvelling at how soft and silky it was to the touch. She'd been unsure she'd be able to carry out her plans until they'd actually come to fruition, but it was turning into something much more pleasant than she'd expected. Not to mention far more arousing. So was the fact that she could make the besotted Vane do whatever she wanted. At least for the time being.

Romilda moved to Ginny's other side, catching her nipple between her teeth, and tugged gently, making Ginny gasp in surprise. She clutched at Romilda, her toes curling as she writhed against the bed.

"Good girl," Ginny moaned, arching her back, pressing harder against Romilda. She didn't protest as she felt Romilda's free hand skimming up her leg, then under her skirt to stroke the crotch of her already sodden knickers. "So good..."

Romilda licked her way over the swell of Ginny's breast to the underside, then ranged her kisses down the expanse of Ginny's ribcage, only pausing to graze at her navel before reaching the waistband of her skirt. With deft fingers, Romilda hastily unfastened the skirt, tugging it off and throwing it somewhere in the direction of Ginny's other clothes.

Her kisses continued southward, down Ginny's belly, across her hips, trailing along the line of her knickers and over her fabric covered mons. Ginny tilted her hips up, raising her arse off the bed insistently. Romilda took the hint, peeling off Ginny's knickers, then dragged her nose through the thatch of wiry copper curls, inhaling deeply.

Romilda pushed Ginny's thighs apart with surprisingly strong hands and buried her face between them, her breath warm and moist against the sensitive flesh. Ginny undulated, mewling softly, then whispered words of encouragement as she felt Romilda's mouth against her inner thighs, nipping and licking with abandon.

A loud cry escaped Ginny's lips as Romilda flicked her tongue against Ginny's engorged clit, then began to swirl around it in slow, deliberate circles, her fingers brushing along the edges of her labia. Ginny marvelled at just how talented Romilda was— she seemed to know instinctively the exact places to touch and lick and suck for maximum effect. No boy had ever managed to make Ginny feel this good, even when instructed. Not even Harry, although he had come close.

Ginny's hips twitched, beginning to rock involuntarily as Romilda continued her ministrations. She slid two fingers inside Ginny, thrusting, twisting and scissoring them, making Ginny cry out with each and every move as she clutched at the duvet in desperation. Romilda's mouth was clamped on Ginny's clit, sucking hard; Ginny felt her resolve beginning to crumble, her body quaking with pent-up need. Romilda gave a final thrust and Ginny let go, shaking and shuddering through her release.

Romilda came up for air as Ginny fought for breath, lying limp and sated on the bed. "Do you believe me now?" Romilda asked earnestly, her voice husky.

Ginny drew in a deep breath, then nodded weakly, unable to talk. Romilda crawled up the length of the mattress, then curled up by Ginny's side, resting her head on Ginny's bare shoulder, one hand gently playing with Ginny's breast. Lazily, Ginny reached over to kiss Romilda on the brow, weaving her fingers in the silky tangles of Romilda's dark hair.

As an afterthought, she leaned over to the nightstand and grabbed a chocolate, offering it up to Romilda like a treat to a favoured pet. Ginny smiled to herself as Romilda wolfed the sweet down.

Romilda moulded herself against Ginny's side, draping one leg over Ginny's bare ones, shifting to press up against Ginny's hip. She pressed light kisses on Ginny's shoulder, shifting against her in an unsubtle manner.

"Do you want something, Romilda?" Ginny asked, knowing full well what it was that she needed.

"You," the other girl replied, biting back a moan as she rubbed herself wantonly against Ginny's hip. "You said if I proved myself, you'd love me back. Please, Ginny..."

"I said I'd let you prove yourself to me. I never said anything about reciprocating." Ginny let her hand stray to Romilda's breasts, slowly tracing the outline of her nipple through her shirt, then pinched one. Hard.

Romilda whimpered. "Please, Ginny...I want you so much."

Ginny pinched Romilda's other nipple for good measure. "Show me."

Nodding, Romilda rolled on her back, flipping her skirt up and shoving her knickers down to her ankles. She kicked them off, then spread her legs wide, her pussy already pink and unbelievably wet.

"Go on then, touch yourself."

Romilda dragged a well-manicured finger along the length of her slit, moaning loudly as she came in contact with her clit. She began to undulate as her fingers stroked in circles around the swollen nub.

"Is that what you want me to do to you?" Ginny asked, walking her fingers down the length of Romilda's arm, then back up again.

"Uh huh," Romilda breathed.

"Then beg for it."

"Merlin, Ginny, I—" Romilda started, then stopped herself.

"You said you'd do anything for me, Romilda. And I want to hear you begging."

Romilda nodded again, swallowing hard. She blushed furiously before imploring, "Please, Ginny. Please make me come."

"You certain that's what you want?" Ginny seized Romilda's wrist, swiftly pulling Romilda's hand from between her legs.

"Yes! For Godric's sake, yes!" Romilda whined, grinding her arse against the bed. "Please. Please. Please."

With a smirk, Ginny turned and snatched a dildo off the nightstand. It was the largest and most lethal looking one of the group; long, thick and a shimmering shade of Gryffindor scarlet. "Shall I use this on you then?"

Romilda's eyes widened to the size of saucers as she considered the toy for a moment. "Y-yes," she finally stammered.

"Keep touching yourself," Ginny ordered, scooting down between the other girl's splayed knees. She touched the head of the dildo to Romilda's pussy, teasing the glistening pink flesh, tracing around Romilda's entrance and along her nether lips, running it up and down until Romilda's breathing grew ragged. Finally, she slid the dildo forward, working it in inch by inch, watching as Romilda tensed, moaning and biting at her lower lip. "Good girl. Let me fuck you with this..."

"Yes...yesssss." Romilda hissed in approval, raising her hips to meet the thrust of the toy inside her, then lowered them as Ginny slid it out again. They began to move in tandem, Romilda's spiralling fingers setting the pace, which grew in intensity until it reached a frantic, desperate rhythm. Romilda clutched at Ginny, her nails digging into Ginny's arm as she threw her head back, keening wildly. "Oh, Ginny. Oh, Ginny, oh Ginny!"

"That's it, Vane. Come for me." Ginny thrust the dildo in harder. "Come for me. You know you want to."

"I do," Romilda gasped. "I do...oh, Ginny..." Her words broke off into an unintelligible cry, her entire body wracked with tremors. She came violently, twisting and jerking beneath Ginny, until finally she slowed, then stilled, lying there and gasping for breath.

Ginny smiled in triumph.

It would be several more hours and countless additional orgasms before Ginny finally allowed Romilda to stagger back to Gryffindor Tower, weak, sated and exhausted.


"Weasley!" Romilda shouted as Ginny came through the portrait hole into the Common Room the following afternoon. "What the hell did you do to me?"

Ginny blinked at the other girl, her expression impassive. "Do to you? Whatever do you mean?"

Romilda glanced around nervously, dropping her voice to sotto voce. "Last night. You and me. Us. That room...What. Did. You. Do. To. Me?"

"Oh, that." Ginny heaved her shoulders in a diffident shrug.

"If you used an Imperius on me, I swear I'll have those Carrows on you like doxies on dragon shit—"

Ginny cut her off immediately. "First of all, I wouldn't use Unforgiveables on anyone. Not even the likes of you, Vane. If you must know, I didn't do anything to you that you haven't done to someone else in the past. I used a love potion."

"You're lying, Weasley." Romilda scoffed. "You couldn't possibly have brewed any love potion that potent on your own. Someone would have caught you and reported you."

"I've got two older brothers who run a joke shop who were more than willing to supply me with what I needed to get revenge on the bint who messed with me and mine."

"All right, but even if that's true, then how'd you pull it off?" Romilda asked. "I didn't drink anything, and you ate those chocs just like as I did."

"Ah, but I only ate the ones that didn't have anything in them. I reckoned you'd be suspicious unless I had a few too. So I marked the ones that were safe in advance." Ginny grinned. "How did it feel to be in love with someone you don't even like, Vane? To be so desperate that you were willing to do anything for them?"

At least Romilda had the grace to blush. "So you did it to get even with me for what I tried to do with Harry last year. Are you happy now?"

Ginny shook her head, causing the other girl to scowl. "I did it to get even with you for what you did to Harry, and my brother, Ron. And for being such an insufferable bitch to me. Running about telling everyone the only reason I got on the Quidditch team because of what I did for Harry, spreading all sorts of other malicious lies about us...shall I go on?"

"You think you're so clever, Weasley," Romilda snorted. "What would you think if I went to the Headmaster and told him all about your little stunt last night? Think some time with the Carrows might wipe the smirk off your face? Reckon they'd be happy to learn how talented that pretty little mouth of yours is—"

The threat only made Ginny smile wider. "Well, you could try that, but remember, Vane, I've got the entire evening locked away right here." She tapped her temple with the tip of her wand. "If you squeal to the Headmaster about me, I'll share these memories with everyone. If you ever come after me again, or Harry, or my brother, or anyone else I care about, I'll do the same. Reckon everyone would be happy to watch you begging to be fucked like the cheap Knockturn Alley slag that you are."

"You bitch—"

"I am," Ginny conceded. "You ought to have known that Weasleys don't get mad, Vane. They get even. Of course, we could actually end all of this right now and declare a truce. I wasn't lying when I said we Gryffindors need to stick together. Either we work together, or you spend the rest of your time here looking over your shoulder and praying I'm not there. It's really up to you." With that, she turned on her heel and stalked towards the stairs, leaving a stunned Romilda gaping behind her.
30th October 2009 12:24
Very hot and boy, Ginny sure has learned something from her brothers-they'd be quite proud methinks. ;) Nice work.
30th October 2009 13:45
Thank you! I'm so glad you liked it. :)

What I've always liked about Ginny is that she was feisty and not a shrinking violet. Weasleys don't seem to be the sort to take things lying down (well, sort of.)
30th October 2009 16:07
Gah, still just as panty-wringing scorching as it was the first time I read it. So hot. Excellent work, love!
30th October 2009 16:13
ILU. :) ♥
30th October 2009 17:58
Well then, you certainly know the way to my heart don't you. Oh how I love a powerful Ginny! Sneaky is good too, as well as vengeful. And in my world, girlsexing!Ginny is the best.
The plot and writing are superb and the sexing was as hot as I could have wished for.
Well done!
30th October 2009 18:29
Hee! I guess I do then. :) I love kickarse Ginny myself -- she's never a wimp in my head, no matter who she's paired with -- and yes, girlsexing Ginny is awesome.

Thank you so much for your kind words and I'm thrilled you liked it! (Tell your LJ/IJ friends! Tell your neighbours! Tell your dog! :-D)
30th October 2009 18:02
Revenge served cold you said?
Don't do hot revenge then, you might burn the screen.
Loved it.
30th October 2009 18:27
Hee! I hadn't thought of it that way! :)

I'm so glad you liked it! Thank you so much.
30th October 2009 21:39
Gah this was hot. What a perfect revenge... Ginny can be pretty badass when she wants.
30th October 2009 21:48
Where has THAT icon been all my life?
30th October 2009 21:52
Over here on IJ, biding its time... [info]latex_muffins made it for me, isn't he awesome? :D
30th October 2009 22:01
Okay, so I know you're bi. Does your Girly side play more on IJ?

I'm just perving, not stalking. Yet.

You do have a nice voice though...
30th October 2009 22:08

It's a rule, swear to god it's on the LJ faq and everything.

Oh, and, I dunno, maybe I end up reading more femslash over here because that's where DD is? Beats me. :P
30th October 2009 22:09
My bad.
Gimme a minute.
30th October 2009 22:28
30th October 2009 22:43
Alas, she won't. She's not stupid, also alas. There is a whole thing here of her using pretty-boy icons that drives me nuts, and...

In any event, great story!
30th October 2009 23:02
Aw, you don't have to apologise. I'm just being silly! :)
30th October 2009 22:27
Yay! I'm so glad you liked it! Ginny's always this way in my head, not some weepy maiden in distress like she was in Deathly Hallows.
30th October 2009 22:42
YES. Ginny's characterization in canon is perfectly dreadful; it's no wonder so many people portray her as the bad guy in fics. This needs to change... you're doing good work! :D
30th October 2009 23:01
I don't know where the amazing girl from OotP went off to have sex with the Real Tonks, I think, but exactly... I hate seeing her bashed as much as I hate seeing her Mary-Sue'd. I'm really really glad you liked this. :)
31st October 2009 00:08
off to have sex with the Real Tonks, I think

31st October 2009 08:58

Seriously, Ginny/Tonks is one of my girly OTPs, and given that Tonks' total personality change between OotP and HBP, I can only assume they ran off with one another and left dopplegangers in their places. ;)
1st November 2009 02:27
1st November 2009 20:33
At some point, I am going to have to demand you draw me proof of this!
30th October 2009 21:47
Okay, this is effin' hot!

Great characterizations, beautifully twisted, and effin' hot.

30th October 2009 22:30
Thank you so much! I'm glad you liked it, as twisted as it was. Ginny's so evil sometimes. ;)
31st October 2009 01:15
Ooh, delicious!
31st October 2009 03:20
Thanks! So glad you liked it. :)
31st October 2009 06:04
Well. Ginny takes revenge seriously, doesn't she? *g*
Very clever and hot! Well done, hon!
31st October 2009 07:35
Of course she does. She's a feisty redhead! :)

Thanks, sweetie. So glad you liked it!
31st October 2009 17:23
My my my...I don't know what to say about this...REVENGE FTW!
Ginny is awesome, and I totally learned a new word today...hehe
31st October 2009 17:52
I'm so glad you liked it! Thank you so much! I love revenge fics, so this was fun to write.

What new word did you learn?! :)
1st November 2009 02:28
Twisted and SCORCHING hot! Your Ginny can revenge-sex me any day. ;)
1st November 2009 20:32
♥ Now I'd pay money to see THAT! ;)
1st November 2009 17:31
Wow, talk about a taste of her own medicine! Loving Ginny's vengeance and ruthless streak :-)
1st November 2009 20:31
So glad you liked it! I've always seen Ginny as a kickass, take no prisoners kind of girl. Don't mess with the Weasley!
5th November 2009 04:49
way to go, Gin! delightfully twisted.
5th November 2009 07:27
Thanks, hon! I'm so glad you liked it! :)
5th November 2009 22:28
Revenge!sex! Yay. I loved how Ginny was a little cunning in how she got Romilda back. *bounces*
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