Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Art: Pull It Tight 
13th October 2009 22:37
Title: Pull It Tight
Characters: Snape/Lupin
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Anal Secks
Themes/kinks chosen: tourniquets
Description: Lupin gives into one of Snape's many and sundry kinks during a session. Please forgive the wonky anatomy I am way out of practice and it shows!

Well, the tourniquet is a bit of a side dish to the main course here but it was a tough one to try to visualize. I hope you all like it in any case.:)

14th October 2009 02:53
Wonky anatomy?
I don't see that, all I see is hot mens having teh buttsecks. *g*
You rock!
14th October 2009 03:00
*blushes*Thank you! It's always hard for me to overlook the flaws though. :/
14th October 2009 03:47
ZOMG yum!! Beautiful as always!
14th October 2009 04:05
That's delicious. Looks like they're having fun. ;-)
14th October 2009 04:09
Wow, It doesn't look a bit wonky to me, just hot and delicious. Absolutely gorgeous!
14th October 2009 04:39
I agree with the others--I don't see anything wonky. Very nice! I love the clean, simple lines. And Remus looks very athletic! :)
14th October 2009 04:48
Oh, oh, oh</> this is so wonderfully delicious! I love this! I can go on and on about the muscles and Snape's expression and Lupin's grin and the sweat but I want to say that the following stood out:
1. Lupin's fingers around the rope and Snape's knuckles
2. Lupin's knees, yum.
3. their buttocks and straining thighs. I AM IN LOVE WITH THEM.

GAH. This is amazing, I love it! UNF.
14th October 2009 07:43
Huh, girl, hot is hot...
My focus is more on Snape (no surprise there :D), I love his bony elbow, his hand gripping the sheet, his bum and his face - oh, gorgeous! That smug grin on Remus' face is delicious.
14th October 2009 11:29
Guh! Love the position, Severus's hand clenching the sheets, Remus's feral grin. *flails* Gorgeous!
14th October 2009 14:04
WOW! I love their facial expressions, especially Remus's. Beautiful drawing!
14th October 2009 15:51
That is absolutely gorgeous. Especially the looks on their faces. Mmmm.
14th October 2009 15:54
Lovely work! The angle of view turned out really, really well! If it's the twist in Snape's torso that you're concerned about, I don't think that is a problem at all; the tourniquet looks like a leash and makes it look natural.
14th October 2009 19:13
Oh, oh wow. *stares* Not a kink I would have thought of...which is why this comm is so full of win! \o/ It's so intense, full of passion, and Remus's thighs...*faints*
14th October 2009 20:33
Yum. Just yum.
14th October 2009 23:14
Out of practice, my arse! This is DELICIOUS, m'dear ♥
15th October 2009 02:16 - *Drools*
15th October 2009 03:45
Mmm, yummy. And my goodness, is Lupin well-endowed or what. *licks lips*
15th October 2009 03:51
Boy, I sure didn't notice any anatomy problems. Severus' expression is GUH wonderful, and so are the straining muscles and hot butts. Soooo yummy! *swoons*
15th October 2009 14:29
I didn't notice wonky anatomy. All I see is pretty men having a real good time. *fans self*
15th October 2009 23:25
Hotttttt. &heartsl
16th October 2009 08:01
Oh! Simply gorgeous! I see nothing wonky here, and if this is an out of practice drawing then damn! I love the lines of their bodies, the looks on their faces, the tourniquet Lupin is using as a handhold... YUM!
19th October 2009 23:33
Thanks everyone! Sorry I'm so slow to respond to comments, the free time is little and far between and I fall behind really quickly. :P
1st November 2009 07:20
This? Is a serious slice of yummmmm. Thank you so much for drawing and sharing with us! *HUGS*

love, lore
10th December 2009 04:42
*yum* Gorgeous art, and very hot!
25th May 2010 14:47
OOF. I can't stop staring at their thighs! Or Snape's face. I love how much movement and emotion you capture!
25th May 2010 14:57
I love the anatomy! The hints of bits and bobs is tantalizing. YUM. And I really love your Snape face. That's how I tend to see him. So hot! So good!

You were rec'd on crack_broom today, btw.
8th September 2010 13:02
Thank you:)
9th September 2010 01:30
Oh Remus' expression is ruthless! He has SEverus just where he wants him doesnt he? Lovely!
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