Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Art: "Another Way to be Free" (Lupin/Snape) 
17th September 2009 01:49
Title: Another Way to be Free
Artist: [info]osmalic
Media: pencil
Characters: Lupin/Snape
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: some blood but uncolored
Themes/kinks chosen: ritual sex
Artist's notes: I am so sorry that this isn't up to my usual art. I planned on coloring it, but I couldn't find the time! D: Also, this art is pure indulgence for me. XD

Remus just wants to save Severus.
Severus would let him, but only when he thinks the coward has enough balls to do it.

16th September 2009 18:24
wow that's really hot!
16th September 2009 18:35

You indulge me too.

I wish I was artistic.
16th September 2009 20:34
Please indulge yourself more often. :)

Love this so much.
16th September 2009 23:49
17th September 2009 00:34
Oh, hon, there is nothing wrong with this art!!! Whoooot! I love their positions, Remus' intensity and Severus just...... giving in.

Indulge s'more!
17th September 2009 01:08

::melts into a little puddle of goo and dies::

Abjofwuipv, I'm in love with your small, skinny Snape! And his awesome face/nose, and his hair, and the totally wicked Dark Mark! And Remus' mouth and hair and the curve of his back! And just the overall intensity of the piece! ::flaily flaily flail::

This has just launched itself into my list of Favorite Snupin Artses Evar, colored or not. Holy shit.
17th September 2009 02:55
My god, that gorgeous and incredibly hot! I love the composition of this. Just the way their bodies are positioned is incredibly emotional. Wow. One of the most affective pieces I've seen.
17th September 2009 03:09
OMG, that is just so hot. Very well done!
17th September 2009 04:09
Intense. :)
17th September 2009 05:21
Oh, well done! I adore the curve of Remus's back and the look of intensity on Snape's face.
17th September 2009 13:03
Oh, fantastic!!! I love the concept, and the frantic need of it is just gorgeous. ♥ !
17th September 2009 14:20
This is gorgeous! I especially love your Severus - it's not often that he's skinny enough in fanart (imo). Love those skinny thighs (and the glimpse of cock.)
18th September 2009 06:30
GUH! That is so hot and awesome! I love Sev's skinny legs and his hair and nose and REmus' tonge and possessive grip... Wow. =D
18th September 2009 08:05
Adore Snape's face in this <3
18th September 2009 13:04
wow, excellent stuff here - the pose, the intensity - it's really alive! gorgeous.
18th September 2009 13:50
Os, this is AMAZING! So intense, I can almost hear them breathing. :)
18th September 2009 14:12
I liked this so much I recced at snapedom here.
18th September 2009 18:48
Gah! I never commented the other day. What is wrong with me?! This is fabulous! I love it to itty bitty pieces and simply adore your Snape. He's perfectly drawn here!
19th September 2009 17:07
Oh, that's very erotic and beautiful. Especially love that Snape looks as if he's holding back but that his body says different. And your Lupin is HOT. Splendid job!
20th September 2009 15:27
Gorgeous-I just love Severus's abandon, giving himself over completely. Fantastic hair, profile, Dark Mark. And Remus looks like he's ready to devour Severus. Yum! Great job.
20th September 2009 20:31
NUGGHGHHH... Guh... Yes. That's incredible! I can't decide which is more incredible, Remus' right hand or Severus' entire left arm. So hot!
25th September 2009 08:30
1st October 2009 07:08
*SMOOSH* Late, but loved it just the same! Thank you so much! Excellent, detailed work!

love, lore
7th October 2009 12:49
Gah! I see my comment must have rolled under the sofa again...;-)
Very intense and sensual, lovely pencil work!
14th October 2009 19:00
woah!!! How did I miss this? Very nice and lovely!
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