Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Kinky Kristmas 2009 Info! 
8th September 2009 12:52
It's September, which means it's time to start planning and plotting for the 2009 Kinky Kristmas celebration!

This year's round will be similar to things we've done in the past, but with a few new twists.

The Skinny:

Our members will be making kinky wishes for fics and art that would make their holidays happy. Then, both members AND watchers will get to fulfill those wishes. We're excited to be giving our watchers an opportunity to participate in the comm and thank our members who provide so much entertainment throughout the year. And who knows -- we might even find a talented new member or two!

Additionally, Kinky Kristmas is going double-blind anonymous this year! The wishes will be posted anonymously and the claiming will also take place anonymously. All pieces will be submitted to the mods (dd.mods@gmail.com) for anonymous posting throughout December. Author/artist reveals will take place in early January.

How This is Going to Work:

This Thursday, September 10 we will put up a post and ask members to begin submitting their wishes. This will be done through screened comments to the post. We'll continue collecting wishes for one week.

Saturday, September 19 we will post a numbered list of all the wishes and claiming will begin. Claiming will also be done though screened comments to the post. Each participant may claim one wish to fulfill, and claiming will be on a first-come-first-served basis. Our members will have a 24 hour "head start" to make claims before watchers may begin.

Participants will have all of October and November to create their works. All pieces are due by Monday, November 30. Requirements for fic and art are the same as all other months on the comm. Fic must be a minimum of 1,000 words and art must be a finished piece. Both fic and art must merit at least an R rating. No crossovers permitted. Headers and other submission guidelines will come later.

Both members' and watchers' pieces will be posted anonymously throughout December. At this time the names of the wishers/giftees will be revealed, so everyone will get to find out for whom they've written/drawn. Author/artist reveals will be posted in early January.

Right, that should just about cover it. We look forward to seeing loads of fabulous, kinky fic and art this holiday season!
8th September 2009 21:32
Um, yeah, me again-always with the questions. :D

So, the wish? I mean is it a pairing and a kink? A whole scenario? Am I getting ahead of myself? :P
8th September 2009 22:25
We're still working on the exact form for the prompts, but basically, yes, it'll be pretty close to most exchange signup forms. Pairing or solo character, kink(s), prompt/scenario, dealbreakers/squicks, and further info.
8th September 2009 22:51
Yeah, what she said. LOL Very simple prompts -- character/pairing, desired kink(s), basic prompt/scenario. Take a look at what we did in 2006 and 2008 to get a general idea.
9th September 2009 17:34
Can we collaborate with other people?
9th September 2009 18:13
I'm having some thoughts on that, but let me talk with ragdoll this evening before I give you an answer here. :)
9th September 2009 20:54
The jury has reached a verdict. :P

Yes -- members may collaborate to fulfill wishes. (We want individual pieces from watchers, though.) When the claiming post goes up, you would just comment with something along the lines of, "Member X and I want to collab to fill wish #42."
9th September 2009 22:14
Hmm. So no collaborations between members and watchers, then? *has an idea which I will discuss with you in chat*
10th September 2009 00:57
Woohoo! Sounds like it going to be fun :-)

PurpleFluffyCat x
10th September 2009 01:07
I think it will be. I'm looking forward to it, anyway! Can't wait to see what sort of prompts people put in! XD
12th September 2009 00:58
So Watchers can start claiming Sept 20th, 24hrs after the original post?

Is there any limit to the number of participants or are you allowing claiming until all the wishes are grabbed?

This sounds fabulous, btw!
12th September 2009 01:32
Yep, that's correct. Currently we're planning to put the claiming post up at noon (U.S. Eastern time) on the 19th, then open it up for watchers at noon on the 20th. So far there are no plans to set a limit; claiming will continue until we run out of either paticipants or wishes!

Thanks! We think it's going to be a lot of fun. Glad you're excited! :)
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