Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Goose and Gander. 
6th September 2009 10:38
Title: Goose and Gander.
Artist: [info]didodikali
Media: pencil.
Characters: Marietta Edgecombe, Vincent Crabbe.
Rating: R?
Warnings: Unconventional beauty, not just for the birds.
Themes/kinks chosen: Breasts.

6th September 2009 01:51
Very nice! They seem quite playful. :)
7th September 2009 01:11
Thanks! =)
6th September 2009 02:15
Ah, this is gorgeous! Fun to see them having such fun - thank you!!!
7th September 2009 01:11
Thanks! =)
6th September 2009 02:31
Aahahaha, WIN! Great take on the prompt. ::sporfle:: And they look like they're enjoying each other so much! Hee! ♥
7th September 2009 01:12
Thanks! =)
6th September 2009 03:49
Oh, they are clearly having fun.
Very sweet! :)
7th September 2009 01:12
Thanks! =)
6th September 2009 15:00
"Breasts" works for both of them rather well. :D Your drawings are always so much fun! They both look really happy.
7th September 2009 01:18
Thanks! =)
6th September 2009 16:00
Love this Vince! Great use of the prompt.
7th September 2009 01:18
Thanks! =)
6th September 2009 22:17
That's lovely! Nice to see some unconventionally beautiful bodies. :-)
7th September 2009 01:20
Thanks! =)
10th September 2009 17:42
What secretsolitaire said. Here via rgrayjoy's rec. So cuddly! :-)
10th September 2009 23:15
What a sweet drawing, and very funny use of the prompt! :-)

PurpleFluffyCat x
15th September 2009 21:59
Sent over on the recommendation of [info]lulabelle72, and she was certainly right! What a great peek into realistic beauty in a realistic relationship. The obviously enjoy each other very much, and it comes across not only their faces but in their body language too. You portrayed something complex with relatively simple-looking line-work. Excellent job!
16th September 2009 06:39
Awwwee this is really cute!
20th September 2009 21:18
Heee, this is great! *happydance*
22nd September 2009 03:55
Oh, this was sweet! I love the linework, and Marietta looks like she's having so much fun!
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