Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Girls Just Wanna Have Fun, NC17 
27th August 2009 03:43
Title: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
Artist: [info]ghot
Media: tablet and PS
Characters: Hermione/Ginny/Tonks
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Girl bits, threesome.
Themes/kinks chosen: Ménage a tróis.
Artist's notes: Again I'm posting late, but since I still consider 'now' the night of the 26th... hope it's alright! *runs*

27th August 2009 07:52
Beautiful! Such lovely art!
27th August 2009 10:19


Okay.... let's start with colours. Such beautiful tones. Soft. Your skin tones leave me in awe every time! If I could draw and paint the way you can, I think I'd walk around with a smugly pleased expression on my face for the ENTIRE day!

Hermione's HAIR! I swear I can almost touch it - that's so fantastic, B. I like their body positions and the almost bonelessness of Luna's position; the way that her limbs are draped over the other two, as though she's completely given herself up to the sensations. Tonks' hand placement is also.... quite perfect! :)

27th August 2009 10:42
This is beautiful, and their hair is gorgeous! I adore how they're all wearing something different.
27th August 2009 11:43
Oh, that is lovely. The coloring is just gorgeous!
27th August 2009 11:54
Holy mother of god, that is gorgeous. I'll just sit here and stare at that for a while...
27th August 2009 13:04

I love everything - absolutely everything - about this.
27th August 2009 14:09
Gorgeous. Love the hair textures and skin tones, it's all very pretty!!
27th August 2009 16:40
This is beyond gorgeous -- as everyone has said, the colors and the hair and the composition and the textures. . .so well done. I've closing my office door so that I can see it without interruption; anyone who needs to talk to me can just wait in the hall!
27th August 2009 18:47
wow this is just so beautiful. I love how soft it looks but so intense at the same time. Really lovely work.
27th August 2009 20:54
Wow Hon!! It looks so real (and so HOT!)... Great job!
27th August 2009 21:14
Oh MY!
That is gorgeous. They are really beautiful together. *stares*
And that rosy flesh toe you use is fabulous. It reminds me of those old fashioned pictures of women from the forties. Truly lovely!
28th August 2009 00:33
That is just breathtakingly beautiful.
28th August 2009 00:40
Oh, that's just so gorgeously erotically guh! Wow.
28th August 2009 02:26
wow, they're so lovely! all the pretty limbs, *g* nice job.
28th August 2009 03:48
That is gorgeous, I love the subtle difference in their skintones and the sensuality of it all. Wonderful!
28th August 2009 04:43
Oh my! *stares* This is gorgeous! I love the pose, and the way you've drawn them all. So very hot!
28th August 2009 05:07
Oh my goodness. That is so beautiful and sexy!
28th August 2009 05:28

this is GORGEOUS!!! i love the softness to the palette, and the girls' hair, and all the GUH!!! they all look so beautiful.

28th August 2009 12:22
That is really beautiful! Wow! Soft and sexy FTW ♥
28th August 2009 13:12
* Jawdrop *

I feel quite confident in saying that absolutely anytime you ever care to post something like this, that everyone concerned will be thrilled.

Simply stunning!
28th August 2009 22:28
OMG that's gorgeous!!! I especially love their hair! ♥
29th August 2009 18:47
OMG how beautiful! Wow. :)
29th August 2009 21:50
WOW. This is amazing. I love Ginny's petiteness---she looks so young and not-quite-innocent ;x ♥

30th August 2009 16:33
My God, that's gorgeous.
1st September 2009 07:54
Stunning! I love the colors, and how you made their skin look so soft and touchable. Just gorgeous - I gasped in real life when I scrolled down and saw it. *admires*
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